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Status Replies posted by HC

  1. Have A Nice Day, Countdown to Lockdown and Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling came in today. Going to be a long night o' reading

  2. Has EWB Book Club ever been a thing?

  3. Elect iDOL your TEWR mod for the good of EWB! You're welcome.

  4. Without wrestling in the Olympics, what will Kurt Angle pretend to be training for in 2016?

  5. Without wrestling in the Olympics, what will Kurt Angle pretend to be training for in 2016?

  6. just discovered ioffer and all the wrestling goodness that exists within. oh yeahhhhh :)

  7. Eric Bischoff is producing Hardcore Pawn now?

  8. You guys should all check out my Batman: TAS review on http://www.myrottingbrain.com. True fact.

  9. You guys should all check out my Batman: TAS review on http://www.myrottingbrain.com. True fact.

  10. I surely can't be the only one who thought they got banned when they saw "Account Suspended" today. I sent emails and everything. Gosh I feel dumb.


  12. How do I change my username?

  13. I really hate that GEICO Eddie Money ad.

  14. Finally, I have returned to the Extreme Warfare Battleground!

  15. Writing promos for Ultimate Warrior is hard. The guy's words are just one giant ball of batshit insane.

  16. Is it too late to sacrifice HeadCheese to appease the EWB Gods?

  17. Is it too late to sacrifice HeadCheese to appease the EWB Gods?

  18. Has Sousa used the obvious 'Dr.Sous' username yet?

  19. Has Sousa used the obvious 'Dr.Sous' username yet?

  20. Has Sousa used the obvious 'Dr.Sous' username yet?

  21. can someone dial 9-1-HOLY SHIT

  22. Headcheese's Christmas give to EWB? The very first episode of Box Office Wrestling in the Dome!

  23. Headcheese's Christmas give to EWB? The very first episode of Box Office Wrestling in the Dome!

  24. Headcheese's Christmas give to EWB? The very first episode of Box Office Wrestling in the Dome!

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