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Everything posted by Pooker

  1. Reports are coming out saying that Leonard doesnt want to play in Toronto. If he fails to report, I believe the deal might not go through.
  2. Yea, stupid move by the Raptors. Great move by the Spurs. Probably the best they could have gotten for Leonard.
  3. My favorite YouTube channel is Quill18. He mainly does Let's Plays for strategy and simulation games, such as Civilization, Simcity, Rimworld, etc. He's not the greatest at most games but is always entertaining. I've bought probably four or five games after watching him play them. Second favorite would be Lazy Games Reviews. Mostly watch it for his retro computer tech videos. He puts a ton of time and research into his videos.
  4. I got into Rimworld after watching a few Let's Plays. Don't have as many hours as @Jasonmufc (think I'm around 150), but I love the game. So many different ways to play it, plus tons of mods means that you shouldn't have the same game twice, ever.
  5. I don't think Parker is a bust. I was hoping the Jazz would take a shot at him, but not at that price. He's not much of a defender, but can score pretty good. Reading more about the Parker deal, it's great for the Bulls. Second year is a team option, so if he isn't that good this year or gets hurt again, bam, they dont pick up his option and can throw that money at somebody else next summer.
  6. DeMarco Murray has announced his retirement at the age of 30.
  7. They'll be lucky to go 7-9 with the team that they got.
  8. True. Don't get me wrong, I think Pops is one of the greatest coaches ever. Up there with Red and Sloan, in my eyes. Last year was a great example of what he can do. Hopefully the next few years will be just as good and he can end his career on a high note. Next to the Jazz, the Spurs have been my favorite team in the NBA.
  9. If Manu and Kawhi both end up leaving along with Parker, we're gonna find out how great of a coach Pops really is.
  10. Tony Parker has signed with the Hornets. Two years, $10 million.
  11. Saw that coming a mile away. Melo isn't long for this league unless he's willing to come off the bench.
  12. Same pretty much. I'll watch the Jazz games, keep track of how the rest of the league is doing, wait for Lebron to implode cause he isn't winning, see if Cousins even fits with the Warriors, and call it good if the Jazz get eliminated from the playoffs. But, I always have that hope that a team that nobody expects will seek in and win it all.
  13. Once, like 20 years ago, for a day. Drove through part of it getting to Arlington a few years ago. Good place to visit, would never live there. Warriors are just insane now. Will be fun seeing if anybody can beat them.
  14. DC? Gets to play with his college roommate John Wall, not much challenge in the East, dont have to play second fiddle to Lebron or Lavar.
  15. Neither Lance or Rondo or really anybody yet on the Lakers is that none of them are shooters. Even Boogie isn't the typical big man that Lebron has played with before. Hell, even putting Leonard there would be different for Lebron. Lebron is such a great creator that you need people around him who can finish...Leonard is better at making his own shot, Boogie doesnt have a jumper...lebron, so far, has no help score.
  16. The Lakers just signed Rajon Rondo.
  17. Perfect deal for Favors and the Jazz. Two years, second year a team options $36 million. I couldn't be happier.
  18. Cavs are open to trading Kevin Love. If the Jazz aren't on the phone trying to do a sign and trade with Derrick Favors and Alec Burks, I'm gonna be disappointed.
  19. I was talking with a friend about this earlier. I think the Spurs should just force his hand this year. They won't get equal value for him. Is he really gonna sit out another year of his prime? My friend thinks the Spurs should just trade him for whatever they can get at this point, but in this case, I dont think anything the Spurs could get, they would want.
  20. Is the Lakers core really that much better then Clevelands was? Sure, they're younger with more potential, but can Lebron bring out that potential? If they sign Boogie, isn't that basically the same as Love? If they can somehow get both Leonard and Boogie, that's a top team in the NBA. But Lebron with the current crop of Lakers? Top 5 in the west, at best.
  21. Wow. Never thought that was gonna happen. Next few days are gonna be interesting.
  22. It's sad too, because New York should be a top spot for players to want to play. It's too bad the NBA can't/won't step in and do something about Dolan. It's frustrating because, yea, Paul George would fit in well in Utah and who wouldn't want Lebron on their team? Or Chris Paul or any other big name player? But they're not going to sign with Utah, just like nobody wants to play for New York now. Probably for different reasons, but we gotta enjoy the good players we can get.
  23. Seems like every player is going to the Warriors or the Lakers. Can I just say that most Jazz fans drive me nuts? We never stood a chance at signing any big name free agent without completely gutting our team but our fans just want to complain because we we've had a quiet off season so far. Drives me insane.
  24. Yea, I thought George was a goner. They'll be top 5 again in the West, but won't do anything in the playoffs again. Edit: just saw a tweet that with resigning George and Jermani Grant, the Thunder now have the highest paid team ever, with a tax bill of $130 million, which will be the largest tax bill in NBA history. Insane.
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