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Everything posted by GhostMachine

  1. That sounds completely sick. I'm betting the scene gets edited out before distribution, though. Incidentally, if anyone wants to see Nicole Kidman get naked, go rent Billy Bathgate or Dead Calm.
  2. I found out a couple of things: 1. "Deep Forest" is the English title. The Japanese title is Fukai Mori. No idea if that means "Deep Forest" in Japanese, as I don't speak (or read) the language. 2. Apparently, the .hack series that Cartoon Network is showing now, with Kite and Blackrose, is called .hack/Dusk, but its apparently either the same thing as Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, or connected to it. And at those prices, I don't think I'll be buying any of those cds. I know imports cost more, but.....jeez! :blink: (I am thinking of picking up a T.M. Revolution cd that has `Heart Of Sword' on it, at the moment) And if anyone reads this and knows, what exactly is Pocky? I know its a Japanese snack food that looks like sticks. Is it some kind of flavored pretzel rod, or something?
  3. The first three movies I'm going to recommend are black and white. So if you're opposed to watching old black and white movies.... 1. You're missing out on some great stuff. 2. Fuck you. 3. Skip ahead to either Recommendation #4 or the next post (if there is one). 4. In the black and white era, movies has to rely on good stories, instead of focusing on special effects or action. (Sure, there were a lot of movies that were crap back then, but not as many as there are now) Recommendation #1: Arsenic and Old Lace. A great black and white comedy starring Cary Grant, Peter Lorre, and a few others. I've seen it at least ten times, and I still laugh my head off whenever I see it. Recommendation #2: Dark Passage. One of Humphrey Bogart's best movies. Its a murder mystery, with Bogart as an innocent man accused of murder who undergoes plastic surgery to change his apparance so he can avoid the cops while solving the murder. Lauren Bacall and Agnes Moorehead (Endora on Bewitched) are also in it. Recommendation #3: The Maltese Falcon. The quintessential detective movie, featuring Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade. Sure its based on a book (by Dashiell Hammett, iirc), but its a GREAT movie. Has Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, and Mary Astor in it. Recommendation #4: The Quiet Man. (Its in color) A John Wayne movie that isn't a western or a war movie! It does have some fighting (hand to hand) in it, but it actually has a plot to it. Takes place in Ireland. Based on a book or play, but I don't know who the author is. I have to second this. William Holden, Peter Graves, and the other actors in it all give great performances. The Great Escape and Stalag 17 are both must-see movies, but Stalag 17 is more re-watchable. Incidentally, the tv series Hogan's Heroes was based on Stalag 17, but Stalag 17 is a drama with some comedic bits, not a comedy with some dramatic bits. (The head guard is named Shultz. And one of the Nazis sounds EXACTLY like General whatshisname (Bourkhalter, I think (probably spelled wrong). Colonel Klink's boss), but its not the same actor)
  4. Okay, I've got a few questions: 1. At a board I used to visit, someone (who doesn't post there anymore, so I can't ask them) mentioned something called Morning Musume. Is that a J-Pop group, a tv show, or what? 2. Is there an InuYasha soundtrack cd that has the various themes on it? I'm mainly interested in "Deep Forest" (I think that's the name. Its the first theme, by DO As Infinity) and "Dearest". ("My Will" is okay, but I don't like the theme they're using for the episodes that Cartoon Network is showing right now. Didn't catch the title or artist) 3. Who does the opening theme to Gundam Seed? (If the show has had several different themes, I just need to know who did the first one, I think) 4. Who does the opening theme to .hack/Sign? And the theme to the .hack series with Kite and Blackrose? (Assuming its not called .hack/Sign season 2 - I caught the first episode, but not the name of the show). 5. Is there any place in the U.S. you can recommend for ordering J-Pop? (I'm mainly interested in T.M. Revolution, Two-Mix, and Ayumi Hamasaki.) PayPal would be preferrable, but paying by credit card is no big deal.
  5. From that list? Calvin & Hobbes. But I'd have to go with `Other', which wasn't an option: Hagar The Horrible or Wizard of Id.
  6. My suggestions: Gravyeyard Shift. There are two different movies by this name: One that is based (I think) on a Stephen King book, and one about a vampire who works as a taxi driver. (There's also a sequel to the one about the vampire) The one I'm referring to is the non-vampire taxi driver one. (The first one with the vampire cabbie is good, but the second one, pardon the pun, sucks) Near Dark. A fairly well done vampire movie, with Adrian Pasdar and Lance Henriksen in it. The Blob. The original 50's version with Steve McQueen OR the remake with Kevin Dillon. If you like old-school horror, from the black and white era, get the Mad Magician and the original versions of 13 Ghosts and The House On Haunted Hill. Haven't seen the remake of THOHH, but the remake of 13 Ghosts has very little to do with the original. Mad Magician is one of my favorite Vincent Price films.
  7. Yes, but Prince changed his name to an unnamed symbol. Now, if he changed his name to Clyde or Henry, he would've been money. :thumbs-up:
  8. I'm a major baseball buff, and Eight Men Out is one of my favorite movies - Not just favorite BASEBALL movies, but favorite MOVIES. Period. My thoughts about the scandal: 1. Buck Weaver got just about what he deserved, in my opinion. Knowing what's going on and not doing anything about it makes him almost as guilty as the players who were throwing the game. He should have received a punishment that was long enough to keep him out of baseball as a player (ie, being banned long enough so that he'd be too old to play), and even after that, no one in their right mind would have hired him as a coach, scout, or anything involving contact with players. 2. Shoeless Joe Jackson was hosed. Other than the confession he signed (which he would not have signed if he wasn't illiterate), there's no proof that he was in on the fix. If Pete Rose gets in the HoF before Shoeless Joe, I'll be mega-pissed, because there's definite proof of Rose's guilt. 3. One thing I didn't like about the movie is that it doesn't throw enough guilt on the owners, and on Charles Commiskey in particular. Commiskey was a stingy bastard who screwed his players at every opportunity. The movie mentions one incident, where Eddie Cicotte was supposed to get a bonus if he won 20 games, and Commiskey had him benched after 19, so he didn't have to pay him the bonus. Frankly, the way baseball was run in that era, with players essentially being slaves to their teams (no free agency, and players had to take what pay the owners offered), and with Commiskey being a total bastard, its easy to see why the players threw the Series. I just wish the Series had been against another team, instead of the Reds. Because that gave my favorite team a tainted championship. (Who knows...The Reds might have won it anyway, but its very unlikely.)
  9. Damn. I was hoping it was a countdown to when their 15 minutes of fame would be over!
  10. I vote for AJ. They both look pretty good, though.
  11. Creed broke up?! Hallemuthafuckinlujah!!!! One of the most overrated groups ever. I only liked one song I ever heard by them, and I can't even remember the name of it. (I think it was the last song they did a video for, though - had angels with swords, or something like that, in it) MTV reporters are funny. ← Biggest Christian rock band of the past decade, maybe. But..... Stryper>Creed
  12. If Slipknot does the theme, its gonna suck. They should get Def Leppard to do it. At least it would sound recognizable, then.
  13. Besides the shows already mentioned, I'd also recommend: Big O - Just in case your mind is in the gutter, its not porn. The Big O is a giant robot that the main character pilots. Some of the voice actors from Cowboy Bebop do voices in Big O, but only the voice of Roger Smith is recognizable (same guy who does Spike's voice in Bebop. Its the exact same voice, in fact). First season is mostly stand alone episodes (the first two are a two parter), but the second season is one long story, with a `WTF?!' ending. (I have the entire first season on DVD) Unlike most shows with giant robots, the robot ISN'T the main focus of the show in most episodes, which is a good thing. Sorcerer Hunters Tenchi Muyo - the OVAs, that is. Avoid Tenchi In Tokyo at all costs! (Boring as hell, for the most part) The Tenchi Universe stuff is good, but its an alternate reality, not part of the regular continuity. Robot Carnival - An old movie which is actually a series of shorts by different creators. Armitage the Third - Get subbed, if you can. They had name actors do the voices for the dub, and it detracts more than anything. (I think Keifer Sutherland was one of the voice actors, iirc. I do know for a fact that Elizabeth Berkley, of Saved By The Bell and Showgirls fame, did the main character's voice.) Roujin Z - A weird ass movie that's best seen instead of described. The plot is funky, but its a good flick. Might post some more recommendations later. You should check this site out. They have a TON of stuff (I used to get print catalogs from them every year), some of which is bargain priced: http://www.rightstuf.com/ And in my opinion, Akira is over-rated. Good, but over-rated. (By the way, if you were a fan of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (or Power Rangers Zeo) when you were younger, Johnny Yong Bosch, who played Adam (the second Black Ranger in MMPR, Green Ranger in Zeo) does the voice of Vash the Stampede in Trigun.)
  14. Anything by Avril Lavigne is automatically shit. I still want to slap the holy crap out of her for fucking up "Fuel" on the MTV Icons Metallica special. Haven't heard SoaD's Chop Suey or Avril's (thank God!), but I'm assuming its not a cover of the old 70's song by the same name? My personal crap list: St. Anger by Metallica Anything by Avril Lavigne or Slipknot (other than `Wait And Bleed' (I think that's the name of the song, but I'm not sure) Anything by Britney Spears other than Stronger and Toxic Warm It Up (aka `That Milkshake song') by Kelis Underneath Your Clothes by Shakira (I have the cd, and that's the one track I never listen to on it) Rubber Band Man by whoever the hell that no-talent rapper is who does it. Boot Scootin' Boogie by Brooks & Dunn. I like most of B & D's songs, but that one SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I used to play pen and paper RPGs, but I haven't had a regular gaming group in years, and the gaming convention I looked forward to every year (Tenncon) suddenly stopped without any warning (ie, no notice they weren't going to hold Tenncon anymore) a few years back. Pen & Paper RPGs I've played: AD&D 2nd Edition D&D 3rd Edition (they dropped the Advanced part of the name, since the basic Dungeons & Dragons game doesn't exist anymore - 3.5 is out, and I don't care) Champions - Don't remember the edition, but it was the hardcover one. Call of Cthulhu - Only played a couple of times Legend of the 5 Rings - Ditto - I have all the Clan books (but not the extra ones, like the book for Ronin) Shadowrun - I have three different characters that I alternated using when I played. Star Wars - I have the 2nd Edition, but only played it TWICE. I have the current d20 version (and a few sourcebooks) and converted the character to it, but I've yet to play it. I've also been in 2 different wrestling e-feds, and one of them may be starting up again (but starting over, as well) in a month or two. Oh, and I play Everquest, when I'm in the mood. Haven't logged in to play in a few weeks, but I run a lvl 52 High Elf Magician named Zyrtryx Conjureblade and a lvl 15 Human Monk named Dherrunkynn on the Rathe server.
  16. Get War of the Monsters, if you don't already have it. It'll take a good amount of time to unlock everything, and it has a long replayability factor.
  17. Linkin Park - In The End, Crawling Blink 182 - I Miss You Limp Bizkit - Rollin', Break Stuff Robbie Williams - Millenium Pearl Jam - Do The Evolution, Evenflow Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People, Its The End Of The World As We Know It Britney Spears - Stronger, Toxic And I agree that most of Metallica's stuff post-Black Album has been crap (St. Anger is possibly the worst song they've ever done), but they're still a good band.
  18. I know they have it here, because I read the description a few weeks ago: http://www.hkflix.com/home.asp (Just make sure you check and make sure you order the right Region, unless you have a Region-free DVD player) Note: DON'T read the plot description for BR 2, because it gives away the ending to BR 1.
  19. If anyone cares, Danny Graves became the Reds' all-time saves leader the other night. He got save #149, which puts him ahead of John Franco (148 saves with the Reds from `84 to `89).
  20. Thanks for the links, Doc. (I already knew about Smackology. Downloaded some CAWs from there earlier today, in fact) I've been mainly using Just Bring It World, Hacking Hideout, and Neoseeker for getting CAWs. (Neoseeker has the same FAQs posted as Gamefaqs, and the people on the message board aren't jerks)
  21. I'm trying to find the following CAWs. I posted over at Neoseeker, but never got a decent reply. AJ Styles (`The X-Styles' t-shirt outfit) Akira Hokuto Alexis Laree Curry Man Francine Hayabusa as `H' (I've seen plenty of CAWs for Hayabusa and Darkside of Hayabusa, but none for H) Kensuke Sasake Lollipop (NWA-TNA dancer) Major Gunns Masato Tanaka Psicosis (his unmasked, short-haired look)
  22. Oh, there's a TON of stuff out there. Player-made meshes, skins, mods, voicepacks, etc. By mods, I mean stuff that changes the game entirely. Like new scenarios that use characters that didn't come with the game, for instance.
  23. For PS: Legend of Dragoon For PS2: Haven't played any. Xenosaga is supposed to be pretty good, but from what I've heard it's more like an interactive movie than an RPG (has more cutscenes than game play). Stay away from Unlimited Saga.
  24. I was going to get City of Heroes, but I found out that I need a better video card and more memory. I *may* be getting a new computer in a few months, so I'm going to hold off for now. If you do try Freedom Force, give me a yell. I can tell you where to find all sorts of good downloads for it (player-made mods, meshes, skins, etc). And before any moderator or anyone else starts yelling `WAREZ!', don't. The game was MEANT to be modable by the fans. You should be able to find it fairly cheap, depending on where you are. And there's a sequel supposed to be coming out later this year or sometime next year. (My avatar is a head shot of a FF skin I made, btw)
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