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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. It's a fine song but after listening 3 other songs of Mastodon I'm already getting sick of them.
  2. I just got this game (I know, bit late) but I LOVE it. I've got the graphics on high, anistotrophic filthering on 16x, so the game looks great. Everything works, I love the AI and the surroundings are amazing too.
  3. Enter the Matrix was a really fun game to play, I prefer it over the new Path of Neo. All the magazines said it was poor, but I enjoyed the game a lot. South Park Rally. I doubt anybody ever played this game. Oh man, I just fucking loved everything about it. It had loads of South Park characters in it and some fun modes and maps. I played this game a lot when I was young.
  4. It's been said before but I'll say it again: Newcastle's kit looks horrible. Just like junkd I'm digging the Man Utd kits, in my opinion it's very different from what they used to have, which is good.
  5. How did Zidane get the Golden Boot? In the Group Stage, he was average, some would say he even sucked. His only really good match was against Brazil, but he did nothing against Portugal besides the penalty, same goes for yesterday against Italy and he fucking headbutted a guy. IMO it should have been Cannavaro or Pirlo.
  6. Ballack also dived a couple of times.
  7. Were you watching the same game as I was? Either Materazzi was drunk or really poorly co-ordinated if he wasn't diving. I think he spent more time dry humping the grass than standing.
  8. I have respect for Italy. They didn't dive or cheat yesterday, the only thing they did was play a great game. Defensively they are the best team in the world today, nobody can get past those rocks. Everybody always slags Italy off for being to defensive, well they were way more offensive than Germany and truely deserved a win here. I wouldn't mind seeing Italy win the WC now, because they just play great football.
  9. I hope you die a horrificly painful, yet swift death. Yes, I said it.
  10. I hope Italy win. Yes, I said it.
  11. Edwao, awesome. Board name: Pushosa... Edwao, just reeks of awesomeness.
  12. Scolari, he's undefeated in the World Cup (I think) and he seems to really know what he's doing. He has earned his stripes, but McClaren has done nothing yet.
  13. England has been PORTUGALIZED.
  14. Helder Postiga did the Panenka penalty against England two years ago....
  15. You guys now get why Heitinga continued to run with the ball when a Portugal player was down?
  16. lol Neville "back the fuck off man"
  17. Cheating? He fouled the player clearly..
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