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Everything posted by Szumi

  1. Wenger's been bitching so much about all the bad tackles, and then Jack Wilshere makes a reckless tackle on Zigic and gets red carded. Plus earlier, Eboue had a two-footed scissors tackle earlier in the second half too that could have easily been a red card.
  2. Exactly what I was getting at Pesci, in regards to the money thing. Henry and his contingent do not have the money right now to buy the club/clear the debts AND build at Stanley Park. I wouldn't be surprised to see him repeat history with Fenway and just remodel/redevelop Anfield. However, no matter what route he chooses, I'll definitely put faith in him to do some proper business for the club. As someone who supports both Pool and West Ham, I am tired of seeing both clubs I love in the relegation zone
  3. While Henry and the NESV may not have the kinds of money I'm sure many Liverpool fans want, as a Yank, I can definitely state that in sports, Henry is a damn good businessman. He has done a lot of great stuff with the Red Sox, including appointing good personnel to help run the club. He knows how to turn a profit, while still making his club competitive and one of the best in their respective sport. Henry's business has fallen on harder times because of the credit crunch and all, so he has definitely lost some money in the past few years, but he still does have enough funds and business acumen to build Liverpool back up. However, it will definitely be a slower process if Kenny Huang would've got the club in the summer, or Random Rich Sheik B came in and bought the club. All in all, this is good business for Liverpool, as Hicks and Gillett are finally on their fucking way out.
  4. Wow. That was such a beautiful finish from Drogba.
  5. And in the most surprising news ever, Kieron Dyer has been forced out of the match at Upton Park due to an injury. Still, currently up 1-0 over 'Arry, and playing well, from the sounds of it. Hopefully we can keep the play up and grab all 3 points, cause we really need it.
  6. I've seen people mention downloading stat updates for the summer and such, and was wondering where I can find these at. If someone can link me up or tell me where to go, would be tres appreciated.
  7. Wow. Did Everton really just hit 2 in injury time to draw even with Man U!?
  8. Actually pal, Arsenal never seem to play to the level of opponents above them. How badly did Chelski and Man U clobber your boys?
  9. I look at it this way: Steven Gerrard is best in the hole, and so is Joe Cole. Gerrard is a better player than Cole, simple as. Cole's a great player, but Gerrard and Torres have great chemistry, and Cole on the wing is better than Gerrard in the center of the midfield.
  10. Maybe if you match the French team up against a smaller side like South Africa they'd be good... oh, wait.
  11. I don't know who all has played with Pompey in FM, but it's certainly been a lot of fun. I took over the club in Feb/March 2010; my Newcastle game wasn't fun, so I took over when Avram Grant got fired. I wanted to see if I could, a) get the club out of relegation with 8-10 games left, and 6-10 points away from safety, and b) how the club would fair in the summer with the club's poor finances. Thanks to some good stuff from Belhadj, Boateng, Utaka, Dindane, Piquionne, and Yebda, I was able to secure safety in the second to last game of the season, thanks in part to a huge slump from Wigan as well. The summer led to losing quite a few players: the loaners like Dindane and Piquionne (I was able to bring Yebda back permanently), as well as Nadir Belhadj. Trying to transfers with player exchanges and paying it in parts has been a refreshing challenge, as I was able to get Jozy Altidore for just 1 million (plus Beladj), Dodo, a 19-year Brazilian left back for 4 million pounds, Steve Cherundolo on a free, and Freddy Adu on a bargain. However, it sucks because guys like Nigel De Jong and Soloman Kalou are transfer listed and I can buy for 4 million pounds or so, but the owners won't let me offer more than 30k p/w for wages, so I can't bring in a lot of established players on cheap fees. Still, I've been able to get great deals for guys like Marc Wilson (sold for 5.25 million) and Younes Kaboul (9 million) to fund winter moves for Jamie O'Hara (2.3mil) and Johan Djourou (3.3mil) and balance the books. I just finished the month of January 2011, and have the club in 14th place in the table. It's not satisfactory for me, really, but we are at least 8 points away from safety, and have gotten to the finals of the Carling Cup. Sadly, we play Chelsea, so it's not like we'll be winning or anything.
  12. The Milner saga is finally over. 18 million pounds plus Ireland for Villa, which is definitely a steal for Villa, as long as they get the best out of Ireland. Ireland's just as good as Milner, I feel, as well as pretty much everyone else here does. And Kevin Prince-Boateng has been sold for 5 million pounds to Genoa, who are loaning him to AC Milan for the season, with Milan looking to make the move permanent. Just seems like a silly process there.
  13. Mario Balotelli is set to move to Man City, according to his agent. Sky and Soccernet confirm it. Not a surprise that the move is finally wrapping up. Now they just need to complete the Milner saga already.
  14. Rumor has it Stok is the running favorite with the bookmakers to take over at Villa In all seriousness, I see good coming from this. As a West Ham fan, it hopefully means Villa are distracted this weekend when they play each other. In the long term, though, I think there are better managers out there than MON that Villa could get. Like many have already said, he brought in too average players on higher wages than needed (which isn't all his fault, mind you) and seemingly had grudges against some of his players. Plus, which probably stems from my prior comment, his squad rotation policy was awful. He didn't rotate the squad enough, hence why Villa always bombed at the end of the season: everyone was dead already. Get a manager who can rotate the squad, and do a bit better in the transfer window, and Villa's golden.
  15. Hmm, an Arsenal fan doesn't like the draw Tottenham got? Yeah, I don't understand how at all how he finds the Young Boys draw a swing and a miss from his view (because it's an easy one), and I'd imagine more people chuckle at the paedo joke. I personally found it funny when I read it.
  16. The Reid deal is finalized at West Ham, and Ben-Haim is in on loan. Reid might need some time to adapt to the Premier League, but he and Ben-Haim both can play centre back or right back, which is what we need big time at the club. Those were the weak spots, so it's nice to see those needs finally addressed. Overall, I think it's been a good summer for us. Hitlzberger should prove to be a steal I think, and Barrera, while raw, could provide a lot. Piquionne is another good signing as it gives Carlton Cole someone up front who will actually help him out (seeing as Benni McCarthy is going to do fuck all, again). I think it'll still be a poor season at times, but we should definitely be staying up again this season.
  17. Wow. I cannot believe Cole is going to Pool. He REALLY must not like Tottenham . Still, this is a huge lift for Liverpool, and not even in terms of on the pitch, but morale too. Yes, it is a free transfer, but at the same time, it's at least proof that quality players still want to play at Anfield.
  18. I doubt that. Bellamy's kind of a hated man there after leaving the club for Citeh in the winter of 09. I can't see many wanting the cunt back.
  19. Yeah... Evra's no where near a greedy cunt like BAE.
  20. This is certainly going to be good for the NBA though, and definitely has some mouth-watering prospects in terms of match-ups. Miami against Boston's Big Three, Orlando, and the Lakers, plus the return to Cleveland eventually. It'll make for an incredibly interesting season.
  21. And surprise, surprise, the Heat.
  22. Wow. I'm almost surprised that went in. 3 posts altogether, and in.
  23. HOLY FUCK! Spain should've had a second penalty too.
  24. DAMN! I would've loved to see Spain go out HOLY FUCKING PENALTIES!
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