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Everything posted by Szumi

  1. Game over for Argentina. What a great effort by Muller though to set that up. Wonderful work, although Klose looked close to being off.
  2. YES! Hey Maradona, do you know who Muller is now?
  3. I still maintain Ghana just got the lucky breaks yesterday.
  4. People have to remember with Jozy is that he is only 20 years old, and is a hold-up striker more than an out-and-out goal scorer. He's still raw, but does well enough to use his size to create chances for others. I fully expect him to come on strong by the next World Cup, and if Charlie Davies makes a good recovery from his injuries, then we have a strike pair for the future. Those two have fabulous chemistry, too. I fully believe Bradley should get the boot, as we need a manager who knows how to adapt his team and style to the opponents we play. Ghana have a 3-man center midfield. You need to have a guy in the center who can tackle, and then someone who is a fluid passer to try and maintain possession as well. We lacked that last part, which always happens because Bradley loves to play with 2 holding midfielders. Donovan has shown he can come back and help out in the back, so you really only need a midfielder who will hold for Dempsey, who, as much as I love him, does not track back well at all.
  5. But that inability to never have a lead stems from Bradley's inability to get tactics right. When you have to waste your subs putting in the guys who should've been starting in the first place, it kills your team. Instead of being able to have the freedom to put in Holden, Torres, Buddle, or Gomez in the second have, you get to pick one of them. You should have the option for 2 of them, maybe even 3. Maurice Edu shined in his other WC appearances, where as Ricardo Clark did absolutely nothing. Robbie Findley showed NOTHING in the pre-WC friendly matches, nor the 2 WC games. Why is he on the team, let alone on that pitch? It's awful by the manager, and you should expect much better at this stage.
  6. You must love acting US played okay I guess. The whole 'let the other team score 5 minutes in' thing was gonna bite our ass sooner or later, and today was the day. It just sucks it's the same damn team from '06 though. Ghana just got lucky tonight And Blaze, do you mean Ghana's side or ours? Because our side was really different from the 06 team. I think our only starters tonight from the 06 regular 11 were Cherundolo, Bocanegra, Donovan, and Dempsey. And really, all 3 of them played better than most of the team, sans Bocanegra.
  7. This is so frustrating to watch because if we actually had a competent manager who could get his tactics right before the match, not halfway through it, we wouldn't have had to spend so much time playing catch-up, and actually controlling the tempo of the match. You put in Edu and Feilhaber at the start of the match like you should do, and USA would've taken this match in 90 minutes.
  8. So glad to see the Nazi's grab a goal, as I was fearing we'd see two 0-0 draws and USA/Germany in the second round. Whew. Come on Nazi's!
  9. Isner holds off two break points, and is up 51-50. Incredible stuff, this is.
  10. Yes, Boateng is in the line-up for Germany. I can't wait to see the half brothers fuck each other up.
  11. I'm going to be heart broken if Isner loses this, but the longer this goes on, the more I see Mahut taking the win. Isner is progressively doing worse and worse against Mahut's serving game, while Mahut is starting to improve.
  12. I can't wait to see how Group D finishes out... so long as Germany does not finish second
  13. With how Portugal played against Ivory Coast though, Brazil shouldn't even need Kaka to defeat Cristiano Ronaldo (that is Portugal's team, after all)
  14. Wow. Australia are really doing well despite 10 men. I would not be surprised to see them grab a goal at this rate.
  15. AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI OI~! While I'm not really a huge fan of the Aussies, I have a bit of a soft spot for them, and want to see them win today, especially as it'll make the final matches in Group D all the more enjoyable and tense.
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