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Big Red Fury

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Everything posted by Big Red Fury

  1. I have a friend who raced go-karts against Patrick, and he said that she's nothing special. He also told me that he believes that there is something illegal with her cart because he said there is no way that she can be running so much faster than everyone else is.
  2. In response to an earlier question, I thought Knight played reasonably well. Nearly killed I think it was Clint Dempsey on one tackle, albeit was clean. I thought we played pretty shittily. Our defense, especially Pope was kind of spotty but I was quite surprised with how well Josh Wolff played on the left, he seemed to be a real sparkplug out there for us and I hope he gets a few more looks in the squad.
  3. I am fucking pissed. Couple years ago when Wolves made it up Fox Soccer Channel showed the playoff final, but inexplicably the stopped so now I have to come online to find out what is happening. ARGH
  4. Are you talking about Van Horn, because we traded him.
  5. I don't care what happens, I just want the Bucks to get Andriuskevicius.
  6. Yea they showed the replay of Wright/Trinidad before the Brewster blowout and Wright fucking killed Trinidad. You can't fight Wright from straight in front and he put on a picture perfect demonstration of what happens if you try to.
  7. Anyone see Brewster/Golata tonight? Brewster fucking killed Golata and now I'm looking forward to a hopeful Brewster/Klitchko fight which I think could be absolute gold.
  8. Who doesn't play CS:S? Do people actually still play regular, HL1 supported CS? ←
  9. Do you guys play Source by any chance? I've got a friend who is going down to Dallas to play a CPL event in Dallas for a $30,000 top prize and he might be interested with scrimming with you guys.
  10. Likely meant all the drama that surrounded him taking off and leaving with little mention to his family and friends.
  11. I'm disappointed as today was the second worst possible outcome with the Baggies staying up. I'd have much rather seen Norwich or Palace but I'm definitely happy that Southampton went down.
  12. I watch it every week and so does Thug. Great, great show.
  13. Are there any bands or artists that you enjoy that you are embarrassed to admit to? I only ask because I have just realized that I really enjoy Kelly Clarkson's music and I'm embarrassed to even know myself right now. Hot, that's one thing, but now I think she's talented? God damn what's wrong with me?
  14. Athletes should get their money while they can because you never know when the next tackle will blow out your knee or when you might break your neck and suddenly you can never play again. Most of these people aren't incredibly talented at other jobs, so once they are out of their sport they basically have to live off of what they made for the rest of their lives. Some people become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and they can't change it after their money making days are over, so kudos to these guys for getting paid big money while they still can for rendering their services out to their teams and the fans.
  15. Wow that's all I can say right now. Wow. FM 2006 is going to be a. maze. ing.
  16. Like others have said, overall American Dad was better tonight, but I enjoyed both shows as well as both Simpsons episodes. I liked when the forgot Meg at home and Peter was like "Eh she has everything she needs to survive in her room" and then they flash to her eating cheese curls then getting a drink out of a large hampster bottle before running in her wheel.
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