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Everything posted by Twist

  1. Barton has gone on Twitter and implied himself, Enrique and Jonas are the next ones out the door. Jolly good.
  2. Then I don't get it. Every single Brazilian player that got in the Premiership never changed his style of play, they just bulked up a little. Defensive Midfielders are supposed to be good tacklers, good passers and phisically good. I see that Tioté only fits in one of those three parameters. Tiote is widely accredited with being one the top signings made by ANY team in the Premiership last year. You, sir, are wrong. He isn't perfect but he isn't this diabolical mess of player you're trying to make him out to be. PS. Bridge is at the tail end of his career. I'm sure he's probably been tried at right back at least once during that time.
  3. No, you're a moron. Wayne Bridge isn't a right back. Thus, he isn't the best choice to play right back. Tiote needs to work on not giving away possession as easily as he does at times but other than that there is absolutely no need to replace him. In fact, we need to do everything we can to hold on to him.
  4. Man, Kubica's arm looks gruesome. That is one hell of a scar.
  5. Fuck off Quoting for emphasis.
  6. Jenson is reviving my love for F1. Wow. (Y)
  7. Vettel is killing F1 for me. (N)
  8. I hope you sign him. You'll be wishing for Nani. Young is inconsistent and his flashes of brilliance are rare. However... his diving and complaining is better than most of the league. Nasri is easily twice the player of Young too, while we're at it. Yeah, but Young scored for England which by default means he = the greatest plater in the world, evah! Until he fails to score for England in the next game and no one gives a shit again.
  9. Franz Nicolay. If you haven't listened to him, you should.
  10. Yeah beig a dickhead really hinders manager some times Oh wait.... Yeah, except Hughes doesn't even begin to stand up to Mourinho as a manager. Mourinho can get away with being a dick because he's so splendid at it . Hughes is just a dick. (N)
  11. I'd rather see someone useful on the bench. He's great at riding the success of a talented team like United, he won't have that luxury with England. And as he kindly informed the world on Twatter, he'd rather warm the bench for a good team than play every game for a poor team. (58 starts in 148 games is not every game.) Then again, he does wank off over playing for England ...
  12. I'd be very happy just playing Young off Bent but if Capello needs another striker there's a certain someone at United who would be delighted at a recall I'm sure. Yup, his three goals this season are definite England form.
  13. Hughes is capable, sure. But he's a right ol' dickhead to boot.
  14. I meant more in the article isn't a result of these rumours than it not being relevant. I know it's relevant, that's why I posted it.
  15. To be fair, that article is from four years ago. I don't think it has anything to do with these rumours. >_<
  16. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/article365647.ece Sure, it's The Sun but everything I've ever heard about Berbs is he is a Newcastle fan and always wanted to play for Newcastle and wear the number nine. Fingers crossed.
  17. We have, It's just not mainstream yet. Anything above the local paper is a wasteland at this point. I play and the Brit Bowl was on Sky Sports this year. (Y)
  18. How is Paris and London the same map as every first person shooter ever?
  19. Actually, I think on 360 it's down to publishers if their game is region coded or not. Some games are fine, some aren't. I agree though, it is pretty odd. NCAA, for example, by all means don't give that a release in Europe because that market is going to be insanely niche but what's wrong with someone importing it? That makes more sense. Fuck EA.
  20. Nope. This will be before they realise my complete lack of managerial skills. Normally when I've just started a game with a player looking to move right away. Anyway, I ended up getting promoted with Wednesday after winning three of my last fifteen games. Dropped to sixth, JUST scraped the playoffs. Then spanked Brighton in the semis and hobbled past Huddersfield in the final. Glorious. Now I've ruined my team. My board give me eleven million to spend, so I start playing with the 48 month installment feature, spend 36 million on players from relegated West Brom and Wigan, a bunch of loan signings and suddenly I have two of my starting eleven from last year left. This is probably a good thing (excluding a 5-0 loss to West Brom, my season is going very well). However, promotion is a must if I don't want to get financially screwed for being a spend thrift. Oh dear. Oh, Bebe and McDermott on the wings is an absolute revelation.
  21. Region locks. Fuck Microsoft for that shit.
  22. No one ever believes me. I normally get 'I don't believe you will keep your word'. Well you and your unprofessional bullshit are stuck here. Ya sods.
  23. Quite a few got into the UEFA cup the year we 'won' it. But I think we were given the officially 'trophy' for getting the furthest out of any of the clubs that year.
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