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Everything posted by Twist

  1. Yup, because Barcelona are the epitome of a one man team.
  2. Don't even go there. In the not-especially-likely event that we take 9 points from Birmingham, West Ham and Spurs, and United slip up again, then we'll talk. Eh, I'm a Newcastle fan myself, so I don't feel too bad tempting fate on this ... However, if Chelsea do proceed to win said games and end up putting a challenge in I'm totally bringing this post up to prove my mad prophecy skills.
  3. To be fair, Chelsea are only two points behind Arsenal ...
  4. Can someone explain to me how to block someone? Because good God, ONO's posts are making my eyes bleed. On a transfer note, however, I kind of hope Bale goes to Inter. We see all these complaints about how young British footballs don't get first team football in Britain because of all the foreign players, yada, yada yada yet none of them go abroad searching for the opportunities. The rest of the world has players across the globe, I think it would be great for British (at an international level) football if we did as well. A player like Bale going to Inter might help get such a ball rolling.
  5. Rumours flying around all over the internet and local papers in the north that Vincent Kennedy McMahon is in talks to buy Newcastle ... this is the greatest rumour I have ever heard and I'm going to be devastated when it doesn't happen. =(
  6. Brighton and Bournemouth is a local derby? Either my geography is terrible or the definition of local got changed without anyone informing me.
  7. Does that make it acceptable? No. It's a culture that should never have been allowed to thrive. Sorry to use the rugby example but a player wouldn't dare speak to a rugby referee in that manner. Why? Because you are TAUGHT not to from an early age in rugby. Thing is, the same players that will call a referee 'sir' during a rugby game will behave exactly as Raefal and Rooney did during the Spurs game when they are playing football, despite knowing better. Why? Because in football that is seen as an acceptable way to behave. This isn't just an issue for the players though. They should know better, yes. At the same time however they need to have the belief that a referee is to be respected at all levels. From grass roots through to their current coaches, managers, captains and so forth. I doubt this is an issue that will ever be solved, however.
  8. Any mention whether Rooney is being charged for the same thing? His behaviour was an utter disgrace after the red. Granted, it was a wrong decision but have some bloody class, at least. On a similar note, kudos to Ferdinand for smacking Rafael around the ear when he motioned for Palacios to be booked.
  9. *angry muttering* That's pretty much all I've got right now. Bleedin' disgraceful. Hughton did not deserve this, poor bastard.
  10. For the lower leagues, a player with good physical stats is always a good bet. And aggression. Go kick some people.
  11. Maybe the team you're dealing with will end up over budget? The AI will accept transfer regardless of this and then BOOM! they get cancelled and screw your plans up.
  12. was on Children in Need tonight. Boom.

  13. My biggest win was 5-1 against Birmingham the weekend after they were relegated as Newcastle. My last eight game saw me go from 13th to 8th. I drew with Blackburn on the last day and lost out on Europe by goal difference to Villa. One goal and it would have been a fairy tale. Mid-season saw a rebellion after I removed Nolan as captain and gave it to S.Taylor. Nolan wasn't playing for me as he had been wank all season. Harper, Carroll, Barton and Nolan all kicked up a fuss. All of them now ply their trade elsewhere as all of them had been pants for me anyway. A January signing of Macheda and 9 goals in 13 games spearheaded our revival as did an on-form Jonas. Maybe my favourite season on FM, ever. Was such a wonderful story to it. I'm still paying 50,000 a week for Barton to play for Blackpool in the Championship. Thankfully, he only has a year left on his 'contract', so I see it as saving myself 20k a week.
  14. They should, but for any patch to take effect, you'll need to start a new game. Not so. SI announced that the patches ARE saved game compatible.
  15. Would love to see West Brom to follow suit just to see two of the promoted teams in the top 5 after eleven games. B-e-a-utiful!
  16. Great result, great performance. I'm a happy Newcastle fan today.
  17. Running with that money making incest angle, I see?
  18. Molly over Una, everytime for me. I met Molly a few months back at work and we chatted for about twenty/thirty minutes. She is bleedin' spectacular. I should have asked her out. We all have regrets.
  19. The fact this is the second time De Jong has broken someone's leg this year AND he tried to cave in Alonso's chest in the World Cup might not bode with for him either.
  20. Your first post you compared Davies' call up to the squad to the other three men. Your second post was essentially saying Davies' case is nothing like these because the guy is 33 years old and doesn't have the rest of his career ahead of him. Yes, Taylor and Wheater have both been in the full squad, you said capped. Terminology is quite important. Plus, you can hardly base the argument for Taylor and Wheater based on WHEN they were called up without looking at the circumstances which they have both faced since then. Both of their clubs were relegated to the Championship, where they chose to stay. I can't really speak much on Wheater because I don't know too much of him but I know Taylor suffered an injury plagued season last year, especially towards the latter ends of the season. Circumstances have worked against him for England. That's all, same I think, with Wheater. If they had both stayed in the Premiership? Maybe a very different story. I just think you picked two very poor examples to back up your argument. Something you seem to do a lot of based on what I have read of your opinions on football. It's frustrating. And how could Capello call Taylor up to the squad three years ago? He hasn't been manager for that long.
  21. Except Taylor and Wheather have never been capped. And Cahill is only twenty four, I hardly think you can say at this stage he will only ever get the one cap. Think before you type. Jeez.
  22. Tesfaye and Titus Bramble, apparently. Was Bramble caught up in something like this before, when it was a group of footballers?
  23. has new evidence that the Holocaust didn't really happen. Churchill laced the concentration camps with explosives!

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      But then what were the concentration camps being used for in the first place?

    2. OctoberRaven


      Orange juice. That's where there's the word "Concentrate" on the cartons.

  24. Three 6-0 wins this year in the first three weeks. Hmmmm. There is something to this six business!
  25. I don't dislike the 'fans' of any team. I just hate dickheads, a lot of dickheads happen to support football teams. As a club, I like Spurs. Always have.
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