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Fait Accompli

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Status Updates posted by Fait Accompli

  1. It's that time of the year again. No, not Christmas - IT'S FESTIVUS!

  2. If I were LeBron James, I'd leave Cleveland, too.

  3. I feel like I wanna rage...right now.

  4. So uh...Futurama is on. Only way to describe this episode is with three words: Death. By. Snu-Snu.

  5. Just got done watching The Simpsons episode titled "Last exit to Springfield". Or, as most of you would know it as the "DENTAL PLAN/Lisa needs braces" episode. Love it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mick


      Lisa needs braces.

    3. Drew Wheeler

      Drew Wheeler

      Season four in general is epic.

    4. Josh


      "It was him. Let's get him fellas."

  6. I've learned that if I wanna watch the MLB All-Star Game that it's pointless to tune in at 8 when the actual game starts at 8:45.

    1. sahyder1


      Agreed. 8:50 first pitch is ridiculous

  7. Apparently, LeBron James is gonna decide where he's gonna play for the next few years. I must've been under a rock.

    1. Sousa


      On the way to the press conference, a sick woman touched the hem of his jersey and was healed.

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