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Fait Accompli

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Status Updates posted by Fait Accompli

  1. Hilariously bad acting is hilariously bad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkhQLGIxA-I

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      The whole Winter/Angelina Love/Velvet Sky storyline is filled with awfulness.

  2. BRB - Jesus is at the door, and he don't look too happy.

  3. Man, I'd love to be getting paid $1,193,248.20 for the next 25 years.

    1. sabx13


      I'd be happy with half of that

  4. We gonna rock down to electric avenue.

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      And then we'll take it higher!

    2. Mick


      Now in the street there is violence

      An' an' a lots of work to be done

  5. So many asses...so little time.

    1. Rich


      It must be hard being a homosexual....

    2. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      That, or trying to show the comedic value of Billy Gunn's theme song. Whichever works.

  6. I was at IHop this morning and there was a dude working there who looked like Trent Barreta.

    1. Lint


      No..it was TRent Barreta. Its his fallback when he gets future endevored

    2. =BK=


      I once had a guy come install my cable and he looked JUST LIKE RVD aside from the fact his hair was blonde, turns out he use to wrestle as well

  7. Looking around other forums, I've realized that the "John Morrison snubs Trish" story is grossly overreacted to and blown out of proportion.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Extra! Extra! Internet Wrestling Community has nothing better to do! Overreacts to something stupid!

    2. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      I do not agree with your statement viperlike.

    3. Rocky


      There are other forums?

  8. "THE ROCK JUST PUT BILLY GUNN'S FACE IN THAT LARGE WOMAN'S ASS!" - Ain't nothin' like the Attitude Era, folks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      I think Cena's tenure in WWE was just as long as Austin's, too.

    3. C-MIL


      Not his tenure in WWE. His run on top. It has been long.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Agreed. But he is the poster boy for the next gen they are reaching for, so not having him spotlight it is a fools mistake. I wonder if things would be different if it was still more a mature demographic as to who main events.

  9. I have seen things in my life...but this is just amazing:

  10. I just got done watching Terry Funk vs. Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore Championship, and my God...I don't think I've laughed that hard during a match...ever.

    1. Nerf



    2. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli


  11. Duff beer for me; Duff beer for you. I'll have a Duff; you have one, too.

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      I actually find that scene really creepy.

  12. Shucky ducky quack quack.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Anything is better than "LET THE PIGEONS LOOSE!"

    3. Rocky


      Now to figure out why I put a 'D' in there. hmmm...

    4. Rocky


      Fait said. "Shucky Ducky quack quack" in which I replied that it was better than "Let the Pidgeons Loos". Fait then agreed, but with correct spelling. I ended it with trying to figure out why I initially put the D into the "pigeon". and now you're here :D

  13. I listened to Kim Kardashian's song - A) Not by choice and B) yes, Kim Kardashian has now ventured into music. I don't think I've ever heard a song so overproduced yet lifeless in my life.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Yeah, that's the exact song I was talking about. She just sounded so...bored singing it.

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      She really needs to stick yo her day job... whatever the fuck that is.

    4. StevenRichardsRules


      Being an unlikeable bitch with an attractive posterior?

  14. I can't confirm nor deny this but Donald Rumsfeld is a member of the alien lizard race.

  15. Ya ever realize that even though you like a person, and have idealized a relationship with them, that because you don't see the world the same way, a relationship with them just won't work?

    1. Benji
    2. Mongrel


      I had the same problem when I was courting Helen Keller.

  16. For some reason, whenever I see Eddy Curry's name on the ESPN crawl, I laugh hysterically. His contract will leave you pennyless.

  17. Why are there reality shows about the wives and girlfriends of professional athletes? They're like the most self-centered and uninteresting group of people.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      And they're WOMEN!

      Women shouldn't be FAMOUS!

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      So we can feel better that whilst we may not have their money which they didn't earn, we are just nicer people?

    4. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Uh...sure? I don't really know how to respond to that; so here's a picture of The Undertaker in a suit: 2ekj9cz.jpg

  18. You don't know how badly freedom is wanted until you see a man strap bread to his head.

  19. Hey, cheer up, Cleveland; at least you have the Indians...no, the Browns? Oh...well, there's always The Miz.

    1. Damian WayLNKe

      Damian WayLNKe

      ...and 2001 Royal Rumble Participant Drew Carey!

    2. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      Don't forget the Cleveland State Vikings, who are currently sitting at 21-5.

  20. The microchip has been compromised.

  21. Watching Alex Riley's FCW stuff makes me wanna see him get a successful singles run ASAP.

  22. Rice is great if you're really hungry and wanna eat two thousand of something.

  23. I wanna party with Ric Flair:

  24. Watching Pardon The Interruption, I've learned a few things: Michael Wilbon will interject any and all Chicago sports teams into a conversation...and he will endlessly bury the Atlanta Hawks.

  25. You ever read a string of comments on a YouTube video and wonder why China or the North Koreans haven't taken over the world yet?

    1. livid


      They will once the current crop of 14 year olds are 40.

    2. Saladin777


      Should I start brushing up on my Mandarin then?

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