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Status Replies posted by LUKIE

  1. GREEN COUNTY, V.A.--Police say a 5-year-old boy is in custody for stabbing three people in Virginia. Neighbors say the incident started over a juice box.

  2. COPPA COP NORRO says... we might have to lock up MPH, I think there's a chance he's underaged. He's named after a children's toy, after-all.

  3. El Hijo Del Nohomo

  4. The new boss, NOTHING like the old boss...

  5. Anyone know a way we can see the Brock fight online? PM or whatever. Would really appreciate it. And no spoilers. Still dont know what happened.

  6. Anyone know a way we can see the Brock fight online? PM or whatever. Would really appreciate it. And no spoilers. Still dont know what happened.

  7. Anyone know a way we can see the Brock fight online? PM or whatever. Would really appreciate it. And no spoilers. Still dont know what happened.

  8. just watched Super 8. Meh. I'll give it an 84

  9. I just found out about Nancy... BENOIT? Man, that's all kinds of fucked.

  10. Everybody poops, and if they don't they're an android that should be destroyed.

  11. We know who the real field nigga is at this table.

  12. hi m8 u cummin on gow3 soon cause theres sumthin wrong wif the hordes ? x

  13. hi m8 u cummin on gow3 soon cause theres sumthin wrong wif the hordes ? x

  14. Game of Thrones was great until they killed off the dog :'(

  15. Game of Thrones was great until they killed off the dog :'(

  16. People who are scared of paedophiles need to grow up.

  17. I decided to attach a small jetpack to my toaster and hand mixer. It is, in fact, rocket appliances.

  18. The latest person making a personal appeal for money on wikipedia has an awesome moustache

  19. just heard a hilarious rumor from somebody saying they heard Shia Labeouf will be playing Naruto in a live action film.

  20. does anyone else miss Canary's constant bitching about nothing important?

  21. woo woo woo you know it!!

  22. hi guyz is tew on iphone or is their anuther game on iphone i can play that is the same

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