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Status Replies posted by LUKIE

  1. I need star ratings for the matches so far tonight on RAW. Quom? Sousa? Anyone?

  2. I was going to sign up for EWB's next top model. But I'm too handsome*.

  3. What I learned from this forum today: Never ever mention Chris Benoit...ever...oh shit.

  4. rain in Korea makes me sad.

  5. Seattle Superhero arrested by Kirkland?

  6. ground control to Major Tom.

  7. ground control to Major Tom.

  8. ground control to Major Tom.

  9. But who did Trent Baretta beat? :(

  10. Triple H is a very, very, bad person.

  11. Hulk Hogan and Sting are wrestling on a PPV in 2011. No seriously, this isn't a joke.

  12. Triple H holds people down.

  13. Fried egg sandwich. Is it weird I prefer the yolks to not be running?

  14. Why did I get hung up on a Zombie game? I know Zombie stuff terrifies me and makes me paranoid for days.

  15. Gazz, is it true you like to suck off men?

  16. is a serious parody.

  17. I am indeed Villano V...



  20. Tonight on http://www.myrottingbrain.com Sousa and I discuss board games for nearly an hour. Yup.

  21. Punk/Hunter was almost as good as Kobashi/Benoit. Almost.

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