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Status Replies posted by LUKIE


  2. Have you guys ever signed Lex Luger back to the WWE?

  3. New post over at http://twofallstwosubmissionsoraknockout.blogspot.com/, as I take a look at the career of "Exotic" Adrian Street

  4. Needs a girl like Mila Kunis.

  5. Needs a girl like Mila Kunis.

  6. Needs a girl like Mila Kunis.

  7. Needs a girl like Mila Kunis.

  8. Needs a girl like Mila Kunis.

  9. Just chokeslammed his own nan... :/

  10. Just chokeslammed his own nan... :/

  11. I'm tired of the Shockmaster being the go-to joke for WCW. We need a new one. I nominate Jack Boot, the only wrestler named after Nazi footwear.

  12. just to let everybody know, me and Horace222 are the same people

  13. Has purchased Project Zomboid! Yay free updates for life....hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass

  14. Will plank after scoring this weekend, for sure!

  15. who cares about the footy anyway, Face/Off is on BBC1!

  16. Get to meet Ric Flair tomorrow,Wooo!

  17. Now, wherever you are, stop what you are doing and snap into a Slim Jim. Even if you don't have access to Slim Jims.

  18. Just got the Transformers 1980's soundtrack to go with his Journey live for work tomorrow. We are the coolest beer shop in the world!

  19. Just got the Transformers 1980's soundtrack to go with his Journey live for work tomorrow. We are the coolest beer shop in the world!

  20. One of my Year 8 students told me she had a dream about me......and that it was 'good'. One of the more cringeworthy moments in my life so far.

  21. The Beatles are more awesome than you.

  22. To make Bigoli, you must have sardines. To make love, you must have beautiful women.

  23. I've been undercover with drug gangs in Chicago, I've been in a coma and grew a massive beard, I've chased down drug lords in Jamaica and I even stopped a nuclear attack on US soil even though I was just the chef on a big boat.

  24. So yeah, update on that whole sick thing. This is ridiculous. Last night I had a fever of 104, I wake up and it's down to 102.7. I'm coughing up blood and vomitting. Going to keep taking medicine, see if it helps, but at this rate I'll probably have to see someone. I don't know what you did to me, Kaney, but you are a son of a bitch.

  25. Take that Be. I'm jumping on YOUR Discworld wagon this time!

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