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Everything posted by BuddyAwesome

  1. I vote StormShadow, but my opinion is the exact same as DB's was above me.
  2. I take back my prior statement because I really liked Daath when I saw them at Ozzfest a few years back.
  3. KISS, Judas Priest, Heaven & Hell, AFI, Ike Turner, Tina Turner, Alice Cooper.. Not sure the grand totals, but those bands/artists above I own all of their work.
  4. I quite liked "Dream Warriors!" Though, that may be largely due to my love for Dokken...
  5. Besides Children of Bodom, Mastodon, and Behemoth, I haven't heard any real good new metal bands in a while.
  6. After watching that trailer, I really, really want this movie to become a reality.
  7. Could I possibly get this... Spoiler: Click here to view Cut to 150x150. I don't care about the background. Thanks!
  8. Judas Priest is going on tour to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of their British Steel Album, and they're playing the album in int's entirety plus other Priest classics! The opening act is Whitesnake! I'll be seeing them twice this summer once at Concord, CA and the other for the Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, CA. Anybody else going to go to this?
  9. Pete, thank you very kindly for this! 10 (Of course!), Destroyer, and Love Gun. Any band with any kind of stage show has to attribute it to either KISS, or Alice Cooper (who KISS based their gimmicks off of). Their shows, second to none. Musically, I don't think and will never think that they're the best ever, but they are very seriously under-rated. While they are most known for stuff like "Rock And Roll All Night," their music from the 90's is really, really good. If the Revenge album from 92 or Unplugged album from 96 were options for best albums, one of those would have gotten my vote. Even Peter Criss' drumming in the 70's was very, very good. It's sad the guy can't play so good these days, but when I saw them on tour with Aerosmith in 2003 I believe it was, Peter was really lacking. Eric Singer (new drummer) has got to be making bank right now because he records and tours with both Alice Cooper and KISS! KISS may very well be in the music business for the money, and they admit it. But, they also love playing for their fans. Too many bands say they're not in it for the money, but you know they wouldn't turn it down. I once saw Gene on Howard Stern and he said if any band truly was not in the business for the money, they could feel free to send their checks to him. Then about two years later he came again, was asked about that, and said he hasn't gotten one cent from anybody. Point proven. They may not be the greatest band of all time, but they are certainly my favorite, hands down!
  10. I very strongly agree with Gabriel and could not have worded it better myself. I consider myself a very, very loyal KISS fan, and I do have a KISS Army ID card because, well, it was THERE and hard to pass up when we were drunk! But anyway, no, they're not the most talented band in the world, they never claimed to be. What they do claim is that when they are on stage, there is no other show. On stage, nobody's better. They set the stage for what rock and roll, and music shows in general have come to be. And in the end, they're a whole lot of fun.
  11. Too many people quote something and only write "This" these days... S&M is good, but my personal favorite live albums would be KISS Alive, KISS Unplugged, and Heaven & Hell Live at Radio City Music Hall!
  12. This was posted on their official website on the 13th and I just noticed it... SHOCKED it took me so long to see! I for one could not be happier.
  13. 8. Fever To Tell. Pin. I like the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. A LOT. Amazing in concert too. My girlfriend at the time took me to see them in San Francisco a few years back as a birthday present and I've been hooked. I do believe their latest EP, Is Is was really good. Haven't heard the newest yet, but will certainly buy it when it hits.
  14. My girlfriend bought it because she wanted to lose a couple pounds and it's worked for her. It's fun, too! Hell, I could stand to lose some weight so I've done it with her and it's fun. Definitely worth the money, Sousa.
  15. I used to love The Misfits when I was in high school and getting into punk rock, then I kind of just didn't care about them for quite a while. Music is good and all, but I think after Danzig they only had a couple of good songs. Danzig would be my favorite of the solo projects, but that was until I saw him last year in San Francisco and he was very, very, very, utterly horrible.
  16. I want you to use the search function.
  17. Just stop. I was trying to be nice and reference you to a website that's loaded with pictures of wrestlers. No need to be a negative Nancy.
  18. What I just wanna know is when you say you can't find one anywhere... Did you even look at Onlineworldofwrestling.com or did you know they existed?
  19. Just finished season two of both Flight of the Conchords and Curb Your Enthusiasm... BOTH ARE FUCKING AWESOME SHOWS! If you like a little dry humor, definitely check them out!
  20. From what I've gathered, though, everyone said they were hard at first but then they got used to them.
  21. I'm just saying don't knock it 'til you try it.
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