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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Happy birthday, person stopping me from just changing my name to Troy. :shifty: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Owen


      But I wanted to be called Troy2010 :( 

    3. Noah


      TechnoTroy2010 work for you @Owen?

    4. Owen



  2. You all make me feel inadequate. Won my second KotR in a row, still no Leg Pro Diva. Now to grind my two Stardusts for matches.
  3. Well yes, that is how that works Paul pal.
  4. I mean I think we had a general advantage in that game in that we were essentially playing our B-team. I joke, of course. Still, solid three points. Would really appreciate West Brom and Man United starting to drop points though.
  5. Ten shards to go on Stardust, which will make another Leg Pro. Then hopefully win my KotR and pick up a Leg Pro diva to knock me into SV tier for good.
  6. Just a little annoyed. Won my KotR, hoping for a LPro Diva, get two divas, neither of which I have.
  7. I feel like while my male cards are a little below most people's, my diva and support make up for it. Hopefully.
  8. Requested, my username is Noritokari
  9. There's a leg++ here that's looking for a team if you're interested.
  10. Can we take a minute to appreciate just how bullshit the login bonuses are, please? At Leg++ I should not be running into people with Summerslam Big E and WM Triple H. >_>
  11. Nah, I think I'm gonna skip on the team stuff for now, I'm only Leg++ so I'm going to try and grind out some solo stuff and not leech off of a team just yet.
  12. I just re-downloaded this for the first time since I think when the Royal Rumble mode was added, what I miss? >_>
  13. I have had no problem, TNA have a roster in my game. It could be a problem on your end, or it could be an outdated file.
  14. What a bag of shite. I'm glad that was a 3pm game as if I'd watched it I might have had an aneurysm.
  15. Could do with Leicester winning so that we can continue to close the gap on United.
  16. I've got a total of one injured superstar, the rest are all drained to shit.
  17. Requested to join. Also, the wait for health is killing me.
  18. Oumar Niasse scored against them. Oumar "I trip with the ball at my feet at least half the time" Niasse.
  19. Honestly couldn't be happier with the way the days football has gone.
  20. See, I overlistened to that song and went off it, Keeper is my favourite song by them now.
  21. I legitimately had to Ctrl-F on his wiki page to check if Moyes had had any interaction with him before.
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