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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    The Sims

    Just don't learn it from watching people on EWB play.
  2. I watched the derby with three Liverpool fans, a Tranmere fan and two Evertonians. The Tranmere fan was just happy that they had the Tranmere match on the small TV under the big screen.
  3. Hardened is Curt Hawkins. Ah well, second Hardened card for me to likely wake up to.
  4. I still have yet to purchase my ticket. It all depends on my financial situation.
  5. I will be SS tier when I get the login Brock. Not going to be able to pro him for a while for deck balance reasons though.
  6. Fucks sake, as if Coleman has been injured this close to the derby.
  7. See, that offer would maybe possibly be acceptable. Not like the offer that some braindead United fan posted in the thread re: this on the Everton subreddit saying Rooney + 15 million for Lukaku. The way I see the Rooney situation is he was a boyhood blue, helped us get out of the slump we were in in the late 90's/early 2000's and was more or less sold out of necessity rather than him not signing a contract because he wants to leave (see: Lukaku, Romelu). He'll make a good coach to Barkley and the younger players, and will probably make a good squad option. An aging Rooney as a sub striker is still better than Arouna Kone.
  8. From what I know, no one has done a UK mod for EWR. It'd be feasible, however it would require adding a buttload of new workers and modifying existing ones, as most of the lesser known guys on the UK scene don't exist in the data or are at ridiculously understated levels of overness if you were looking exclusively at the UK scene. There are UK promotions in the TEW updates however.
  9. Just got a SV Balor and SV Goldust from KotR. Two more pros after this event.
  10. After spending so long in Leg tier, I moved up to Wrestlemania from Survivor in no time at all. >_>
  11. New Slam Dunk announcement, only band I listen to out of them is With Confidence despite having seen Decade unintentionally at least three or four times.
  12. Only 15 points away from Rock, meaning I'd get 2 WM cards in one day. Score.
  13. In a world where Cruyff Turn Stones goes for 45million-ish, I'd argue a 90million release clause for Lukaku is also not unreasonable.
  14. Will have my first SV Pro after my Cena gets enough games thanks to that KotR win.
  15. I've got 4 days to get another 600 contracts or so to get Paige. Also, about to enter the Semi-Finals of my first SV KotR so I have a chance at getting a SV Pro maybe.
  16. What do you do? Follow my husband around?


    Lady, he's putting my kids through college!

  17. There's a fella on Youtube that does real good mashups, mostly Eminem and Linkin Park, but he added a couple of people into this one. V. good.
  18. Cool. I shall possibly see you both there.
  19. I saw Mallory Knox at Slam Dunk in 2013, they were decent. Not listened to anything they've put out since they released Ghost in the Mirror though. On gig-related news, I will possibly be going to my first non-friends-band gig since 2013 in May. @Jericode, @Cymbols are you going to Slam Dunk in Birmingham?
  20. Right I'm on 3938 contracts. Do I cash out for the SV Austin so I can make a SV Pro or keep up for the WM Paige?
  21. GTA IV as it was more or less the main game I played between 2009 and 2013, and the disc kept breaking.
  22. Gotta remember the A.P.A of Supercard: Always Persecute Ace. It amazes me how much the login bonuses have improved since I last played regularly, considering Summerslam tier had only just been added when I last played.
  23. Whatever card the Vipers get in Team RD will officially be my best card for a while.
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