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Everything posted by JasonM

  1. Humble has a Ukrainian charity bundle up with some really great titles. https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle Some of the contents: - Satisfactory - Back 4 Blood - Metro Exodus - Spyro Trilogy - Sunset Overdrive - Quantum Break - Fable: Anniversary - The Long Dark - Slay the Spire - And Shitloads more, including comics and graphical novels, tabletop rulebooks, and other assorted software. Secondly, which I also posted in the racing game thread. There's a Racing Sim Bundle with good content. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/ultimate-racing-sim-bundle - Automobilista 1 & 2 - Assetto Corsa: Ultimate Edition (AC1 + all DLC) - Assetto Corsa: Competizione (ACC base) - rFactor 2 - Drift 21 - Nascar Heat 5: Ultimate Edition - Coupons for 20% on two Thrustmaster wheels. (For if you want to start an expensive hobby a little less pricey) - Coupon for 3 months of iRacing for first time subscriptions. (no extra fees)
  2. Speaking of racing games. Humblebundle has a pretty good bundle going on for the next 11 days. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/ultimate-racing-sim-bundle - Automobilista 1 & 2 - Assetto Corsa: Ultimate Edition (AC1 + all DLC) - Assetto Corsa: Competizione (ACC base) - rFactor 2 - Drift 21 - Nascar Heat 5: Ultimate Edition - Coupons for 20% on two Thrustmaster wheels. (For if you want to start an expensive hobby a little less pricey) - Coupon for 3 months of iRacing for first time subscriptions. (no extra fees)
  3. Haven't played it since I don't own a ps5, but from the people I know it's basically what you will expect from a Gran Turismo game. It's a high quality piece of craftsmanship built on a love for automobiles. But it also comes with some of GTs quirks that it has always had. Like races being all a case of last-to-first racing against ai that won't really give you a race and will meekly do their laps in a constant yet unimpressive way. Also for some reason the car list doesn't extend beyond 2017, which is a head scratcher.
  4. Two years since leaving Poland after reaching the World Cup finals. I ended up getting a job at Metz as my hopes of getting a top tier job didn't come to fruition. Season 30/31 was one of getting used to a different league, and fixing Metz from an aging squad to one with some forward potential. After a tricky year, we ended up getting 5th place and that meant the team reaching european football for only the first time this century with a Conference League. My success with Poland also caught the ears of other nations, and despite not enjoying international management whatsoever (it's so boring and poorly implemented!), I got the one offer that I couldn't resist, and that was to manage my own nation the Netherlands towards and into the 2032 European Championships. It started well, going unbeaten and winning the nation a Nations League (for what it's worth, it's only the second title in my career after winning the FA Trophy way back with Concord, so i'll take that success!) An easy group also ensured us passage into the European Championships with an undefeated streak! Season 31/32 was the second season with Metz, and it would be a very up and down season with some really good performances but also some utter blinders as the younger squad played better but also had lots of silly results where we didn't get a single goal and just grinded out draws. In the end we found ourselves improving by only one spot with a 4th place. We also bottled it in the last game, where we could've gotten a third place and CL spot. Just more indication of inconsistency. The Conference League, some wouldn't really rank it... But I think we did decent? Trophy number 3 in my career! Things are finally looking up for my career as the 31/32 season also had me beat a few teams away who wanted to bring me to the near-tippy top. Oh, and the European Championships? Well we got drawn against Denmark, Iceland, and Ukraine... Lost our first game against Ukraine quite poorly, looked shaky in wins against Denmark and Iceland but still got through the group... It felt very reminiscent of my experiences with Poland as we were forced to grind out wins. 2-0 against Croatia, only after extra time. 4-2 against Germany, only after extra time. Semi Finals against Belgium, my team decided to finally show up against our arch rivals as we annihilated them 6-1! Finals against Portugal, another semi-arch rival. My second international final in as many tournaments! And after 90 minutes... Get in there! My first ever international tournament possibly ever in FM? That is a good way to finish my international management career, because I sure as hell am not interested in doing any more of this... But I just got my third trophy in two years, and I can't be more chuffed with the end result! I thought about sticking with Metz and maybe even committing to a long term project, but finally the door opened to one of the top tier teams that I had personal interest in joining, so with all this success in my backpocket I would've been remiss to not capitalize on all the glory and finally make the step up to the top. AC Milan, here I come with the endgame of pushing them back over Real Madrid's CL record and annihilate the last vestiges of Juventus' Italian dominance!
  5. The return of Nick O'Hulkenberg
  6. JasonM

    WWE 2K23

    People generally don't bother, but fwiw the hacking scene is significant on PC. Which can be both good (lots of stuff they add/change in the game to enhance gameplay/fun) or bad (cheaters everywhere).
  7. JasonM

    WWE 2K23

    Is it actually a true 2k22? Because I know with the NBA franchise they've kept to the old-gen for the past years and it's infuriating.
  8. JasonM

    WWE 2K23

    I am admittedly tempted despite the remaining jankiness. I heard good things of MyRise, and the player lock Universe is also up my alley. All i'm waiting for is to hear the verdict on the PC's versions performance, and if it's a true port instead of WWE2k20 with a different number.
  9. I'm definitely not holding my breath for it until I see some actual in game footage and mechanics. But Frontier does have a good track record and I really hope it will translate to an F1 title. MotMan was a fun yet flawed game and I am sad they never continued the franchise on PC, so if this can fill that hole then i'll be really content if there's some depth in there.
  10. JasonM

    WWE 2K23

    Denker is pretty good on his takes on WWE games. No footage, just 10 minutes of his opinions.
  11. JasonM

    WWE 2K23

    This in combination with hopefully a good career mode might get me to look at the game. Although I have heard nothing yet of whether the PC version will be on par with the console versions.
  12. 2028/2029 - As I set out to I kept Fulham in the Premier League. Having done my job of getting them up and keeping them up, I left the club. Somewhere during the season Poland offered me the national management job out of the blue, which I accepted because I guess why not. (Fulham would get relegated in the 2029/2030 season, in peak Fulham fashion). 2029/2030 - In a qualifying group against a load of doss and Norway I ended up getting first place on G.D. by splitting wins with Norway. We'd get put in the truly spectacular (hyperbole) World Cup group of a South Korea that's nowhere near their once lofty peaks and a Costa Rica who... Well... are there. We run through the group stages and in the next round we face... Norway, again. After a tough game, we end up winning 2-1 mainly because Haaland wasn't there to smash our backdoors in. Next round, Team USA, the only team I failed to beat in two years of exhibitions. After a tough game, we end up winning 3-1 after going down 0-1 early on. Next round, the Netherlands (because to become the best, you have to destroy what you love), we go down 1, we come back 1, then in extra time we managed to slot one past Bijlow and somehow get into the Semi Finals where we face... Portugal. See the Netherlands game? Now repeat it but with about 500% more shithousery from Portugal, we win 2-1 despite being a man up, and somehow Poland is going to Wembley for the World Cup final... It didn't come home
  13. In terms of database changes, 100%. There's also a remote chance of a hotfix for gameplay/bugs here and there, but I wouldn't hold my breath for that.
  14. FIA gonna ride this fence all the way home and don't do anything until they find out the Russian money isn't forthcoming anymore. They'll just keep toeing the "No politics in sports" bullshit they've been doing for every blood and oil-money driven event of the past two decades. At best they'll cancel the Russian GP, but only do it because of 'stability issues' rather than outright making a condemning statement. Telling Haas to change their livery (which they 1000% should, but they won't cause they're rat bastards) would be too much of a statement from the FIA, and risk their precious little money flow.
  15. People will hate the pink panther, but I like it. That livery in combination with the new generation of cars looks sleek as hell. But I love both liveries and won't mind to see either of them. I'm probably in the minority though.
  16. Ending my 27/28 season, I manage to pull Fulham back into the Premier League after a disasterous early season that had us sitting in 16th for a few months before the team got their shit together in December with an unbeaten month to put us back near the top 10, eventually pressed on and with a healthy dose of luck on the last day we clinched the 2nd spot on goal difference. (After Brentford got 90+5'd by Forest to drop 2 points) There's a part of me who doesn't even want to try to bother with the Premier League, the schedule will be less hectic than the lower leagues, but the ridiculous level of play amongst the top teams is not something I will enjoy going up against with this team, even if we should be good on finances (much better than Concord or Shrewsbury ever were). So i'm keeping my ear to the ground, applying to a few jobs outside of the UK, but not declaring interest. Maybe I'll snag a Ligue 1 or Serie A job out of it, if not, then a hard season of survival is in store for me and Fulham. As someone who never does journeyman saves and is more committed to super long term projects with plucky teams, I have been having an absolute blast to just focus on climbing the ladder and taking on challenges. But maybe after 7 years I'm ready to find an interesting club to build my true legacy on.
  17. tbh, i'm all for allowing Russian athletes to move elsewhere to compete under other flags. We shouldn't be banning people for the systematic doping policies of their home country. If the athletes wish to move to another country, and they pass the stringent doping controls those countries actually respect, then please do let them compete at the Olympics for those countries. This 15 year old girl is a victim of a country and system that wilfully dopes children so they can win at sports. This is 1000% on the country and the Russian sports programmes for physically abusing an underaged girl for their own gain. So yeah, ban Russia and their Olympic Committee for 8+ years (if not indefinitely) to truly punish them, hopefully chasing the talent they have away from the country to places that will actually treat athletes and the sports they do with the respect that Russia doesn't have.
  18. My experience in FM22 has been equally hellacious. Sunderland and Newcastle (both at home, ffs!) in the Carabao and FA Cup respectively as the first opponents this season. Last season I also had super crappy draws. With Concord I also never had a good away draw in the FA Cup. UIltra frustrating because that's the only way to make decent money with those clubs because the stadiums were complete ass. I was selling out Shrewsbury piddling 10k all-seater in League 1, now in the Championship it feels like belt-sanding my balls because we're losing out on so much money, and lord forbid the game has the board adjust prices to better profit off demand. It guaranteed that we're making a hard loss with Shrewbury this year. Not that I care because I announced my resignation at the end of the season, but this way I can't even leave them in a decent financial position
  19. It's both bizarre and kinda meme-worthy. But honestly good on Jenner to attach her presence to the W-Series as a team owner. The interest she'll bring to the sport purely from her name alone will be good to give it the much needed attention it deserves and requires to continue growing as a legit racing series.
  20. After struggling for 2.5 years, we've finally put it all together and won the Vana South in the 24/25 season AND the FA Trophy as well thanks to some inspired games and lucky draws. Tired of the club's money issues, I immediately started to look into cashing in my chips for a bigger job and I made a leap into L1 to manage Shrewsbury, who were doing decent on money but were otherwise a relegation side struggling to get by... Except I got them promoted through a 2nd place in my first year. Now i'm in the Championship, we're in a sub 10k stadium, And the board gave me a piddling 6 million (Yearly, not weekly!) to work with on wages. Which makes us by far the stingiest club in the Championship (#23 Blackpool nearly double my budget), and we're basically on a shoestring that makes L1 mid-table sides look financially powerful. Made a few sharp signings, mostly younger players from around the UK I wouldn't be able to attract in League 1, and bolstered the club. But our best are still some of the worst compared to the rest of the league. Got a few draws, two wins against Hull and Fulham, and then the rug was pulled from under us and we've been destroyed by Cardiff/PBoro/Ipswich and our morale's hit the toilet. The remaining 38 games are going to be rife with suffering. As with Concord, I'm very much open to move to greener pastures now... (Unlike previous saves in FM that have been based on club, I'm being a fully ambitious knob this time around and trying to reach a top job asap)
  21. In the base database he's not set as injured, still at Inter Milan, but unable to play until 30/6/2022 On my game Inter sold him to Benfica after the second year. I assume that for the upcoming update from SI he'll be set as being able to play for Brentford.
  22. After starting a save at Newport and getting fired after january ended, I ended up signing on with Concord in the VNS.. Kept them from relegation, and then spent the past two seasons finishing 3rd both times and both times losing the playoff finals by a singular goal. Frustrating stuff, thought about leaving, but ended up coming back for a third (and probably final) attempt at achieving promotion into the National. Team building has not been easy in most of the seasons and mostly a case of keeping whoever performed and hoping they didn't demand too much money, whilst adding a few lads here and there... Six games into the season I finally hit the jackpot I was hoping for two seasons ago, by signing 33yo Danny Mills who had been released by Dulwich. in 22/23 he scored 43 in 43 at this level, and last season he scored 12 in 42 as a reserve for a Dulwich that would end up getting relegated back down. Immediately started him, hoping for the best. And he scored 1 goal against Weston in a tidy win... Then only 3 days later at Dover he scored all five goals in a 5-0 destruction of them, four of them via the head and one from a penalty. I shouldn't get excited too quickly, but man, if only this club had more money so I could've had him two seasons ago!
  23. Fair enough, now I can better remember the issues you highlighted.
  24. I mean, up to Lamar going out the offense was honestly fine. Especially since we had no running backs and the oline was held up with gaffer tape. Even the non Lamar weeks Huntley and Johnson(?) performed well above my expectations. The team just fell apart physically this year, I'd be hard-pressed to sack Roman over this season's results. But I probably don't know enough about football to have a good opinion
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