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Troy Maskell

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Everything posted by Troy Maskell

  1. "Hmmm. We COULD run some clock, but I'm PEYTON GODDA*N MANNING!"
  2. MORENO! Finally something for my fantasy team
  3. I just spent a half of football wondering who this new reciever on the 49ers was. I just now realised it was Michael Crabtree
  4. I'm shocked there were still that many fans left.
  5. In Denver, that's like 40 yards Peyton Manning has thrown the ball 38 times already
  6. Did the Redskins even show up today? Giving up 31 in less than a half to Alex Smith? You really have to try to suck that hard EDIT: Oh and there's the Matt Flynn we all know
  7. Decker AGAIN? Eric you're killing me man (Had Torrey Smith starting instead of him)
  8. From playing the demo....I like it...but I'm still not convinced I "need" it straight away when I have '13
  9. Takes a lot of talent to make Carson Palmer look like Peyton Manning, Way to Go Atlanta
  10. A Cowboys derpulation NOT involving Tony Romo, that's unpossible!
  11. Well giving up a 93 yard TD rush to a QB you know runs is a way to a start Pittsburgh
  12. 3:33, up 3. PREPARE FOR ROMOCEPTION!
  13. Michael Vick has been pulled for Matt Barkley So basically Chip Kelly has turned this season into
  14. If Tampa Bay and Jacksonville both finish at 0-16 California could go under from Jim Rome's orgasm
  15. Adam Schefter St. Louis called Brett Favre, asking if the 44-year-old QB if he would be willing to play. Favre declined. More to story on ESPN all day. LET THE SAGA COMMENCE AGAIN!
  16. watched some videos of the beta being played, still nothing that convinces me to rush out when I have '13. Probably will wait for the official demo before I make a final choice though
  17. Brady: "Everyone calm your tits. I got this"
  18. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/11/report-petersons-son-beaten-in-critical-condition/ What the hell? Seriously? I'm no Vikings fan but this guy needs to be locked in a room with the entire team if it's true
  19. I've watched all the updates and that this year....might be one I wait on this time round.
  20. You ask why? Because I can! Because I am the Gatekeeper! And this is my game! and your Nightmare!

  21. The Australian Cricket Team Folks. So pathetic we can't even stay in when it's clearly not out
  22. If the MCC really want to guarantee the money for the fifth day, then I expect the declaration will be sometime about....5 o'clock tomorrow. And as an Aussie I really wish that were a joke
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