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Troy Maskell

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Everything posted by Troy Maskell

  1. I like you, Troy, to the extent I have to like someone associated with the Penguins, but I feel obligated to inform you that I'd hide somewhere for about a couple of months. Cro Cop hears and sees all, you know, and he'll probably boot your head off if he finds you. Seriously, though, what's with the Mirko hating?
  2. Ugh, BitchCop in the UFC. words can not adaquetly express my disgust. Why can't he go back to Pride and take Ortiz with him? Nice to see the UFC's version of Barry Horowitz is up for another beatdown as well
  3. Dear Lovey Smith, If tonight's 60 minutes of football doesn't conclusively prove to you that Rex Grossman is not the answer for the Bears at Quarterback then please tender your resignation. Because if you can't see beyond a reasonable doubt that Grossman is hopeless and without heart then you're not only blind, you're stupid. P.S: If you do give up on Grossman, consider trading him to Miami cause even hopeless and without heart he's still one up on Daunte Culpepper
  4. Let's see. He either puts one up that only the guys in the International Space Station can catch or he finds yet another Colt wide open EDIT: Or just fail to find anyone. That'll work too
  5. Troy, would you mind saying "Toronto will win the Stanley Cup" for me?
  6. Grossman is always 7-2 to throw a pick under no pressure. Now having to step up to win a Superbowl, the odds of a Grossman stellar screwup are about 1-200
  7. Halftime Shows are a hopeless waste of time and money but then I'm usually getting more beer so it doesn't really worry me. Except for the Stones I'm with you there IAceI EDIT: Go for the 4th down covnversion. Vinterjagt's going to miss anyway
  8. Can someone tell me when Vanderjagt rejoined the colts disgusied as Adam Vinateri?
  9. No that's another Rex Grossman impersonation by the star himself
  10. I'm not so sure.....All we (The Colts) need is Peyton to do another Rex Grossman impersonation and we're back down again
  11. The Watcher That stupid show where a rap guy.....Sir Mix A Lot I think plays a Vegas security guard and watches stories about random peoples lifes I think it went for like 7 weeks and I'm sure I'm the only one who watched all 7
  12. Bucs take Davin Joesph. Ahead of Justice and Nick Mangold, which leaves me with one question. How long did the blowjob Davin gave Jon Gruden in the Tampa interview last? Bengals takes Johnathon Joesph. Jimmy Williams's mouth has written out of the first round
  13. I should've shut up. Now I have to listen to Greg Kinnear for the 15 minutes Dallas are taking. Dallas take Bobby Carpenter. Well it was him or Manny Lawson San Diego takes Cromarte. Right where he was most needed.
  14. Kamerion Wimbley to the Browns. He was my pick for them Bunkley is going to the Rams, the Eagles will take Justice EDIT: Well they took Bunkley. I really thought Reid would take the O-Line man
  15. Denver trades to get Cutler. Maybe they were scared Baltimore were going for him
  16. Ernie Sims to the Lions. How quickly is Arizona going to call the NFL and say we're taking Matt Leinart. The NFL Radio boys are saying by the way that the Sims selection may move Leinart further down. HA! And my answer is in. Leinart
  17. Donte Whitner at 8....Guess Buffalo was looking to trade off and couldn't
  18. The sound you just heard was ten thousand Cardinals fans splooging at once
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