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Everything posted by JairusCain

  1. Those guys were LOCKED? Wtf was the point in that? lol
  2. Hey at least you can get that far on Hard... I've beaten only the first two songs on Hard on Solo Tour. I TRIED to quickplay the one song with the two nearly 2 minute solos (the last song on Solo Tour on Medium) on Hard... no luck. Didn't even make it to the first solo.
  3. Yet.... isn't the story mode on Impact EXACTLY the same every time you play it? That's a bit repetitive, no?
  4. Theres thousands of web comics out there that are drawn as well, if not better than that. So it's not a stretch of any sort. Something about the art work actually looks more like a web comic to me anyway. EDIT: On a different subject... I dunno how much of an order graphic novels follow, but can anyone tell me (or at least try to) the chronological order of Dark Victory Hush 1 & 2 The Cult Dark Knight Returns I'm planning to order them all and would like to (if possible) read them in order. Thanks.
  5. I can't imagine that being from a Marvel book. I think it's from a web comic.
  6. Yeah with over 500 songs total between all the DLC for both games and both games initial soundtracks... I think we'll all be set for quite a while. Only 84 on RB2 though? I thought there was more because isn't the soundtrack 2 discs?
  7. I'll be getting it... but not on Sunday. I'll probably wait a month or two. I JUST got Rock Band on Sunday. Hell, I won't even attempt Hard difficulty on there yet because I know I won't be able to do it lol. I'm still trying to unlock everything I can on Medium difficulty.
  8. Yeah, this is why I earlier suggested that Penguin just be a backdrop of a character. While, for the sake of the storyline in my head at the moment, we'll say Two Face isn't dead... Two Face reemerges as the main villain. Harvey Dent already eradicated organized crime from Gotham, but bitter toward Batman and Gotham in general, Two Face opts to breathe life back into it. Knowing full well that Batman is now a fugitive, Dent enlists the aid of Penguin to start up his crime ring, all the while making every possible effort to frame Batman. At the same time, Batman is going to Penguin for information about who is behind it all. Of course, that would leave the inevitable sighting of Batman and Penguin together, thus reassuring the city that Batman was behind everything from the start. Two Face sees that Penguin is betraying him and goes after him as well... blah blah blah. Clusterfuck of a typical super hero storyline.
  9. lol What happened was I hit the send button twice on accent, shortly after replying on another thread. I went to a new tab and started reading something, and came back to this to see the "must wait such and such amount of seconds before posting" screen, so I hit back and clicked on post. Obviously, the screen then loaded to show that I had posted the same thing twice. So yeah, double post a half hour apart.
  10. damn internet. double post. sorry.
  11. Fable II, Fallout 3, SDvsR09, Force Unleashed, Rock Band 2, etc etc... possibly Guitar Hero Word Tour simply for the music studio feature.
  12. He's not even deformed. He's just short and fat with a pointy nose and a limp that resembles a waddle. The deformed hands were a Tim Burton creation for Batman Returns that was later adopted into select comics and cartoons.
  13. Okay so I watched a documentary a while back that I was linked to on here, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. It started out with about a 40 minute long segment focussing on religion and the similarities between Christianity and the Pagan religions, and how there have been countless stories long before the story of Jesus that followed the exact same pattern. After that segment, it moved on to the government. It discussed 9/11, The North American Union, tracking chips being placed in people, etc. etc. The website streamed the entire video for free, or you could order the DVD for like $5. Anyone know what the site is? EDIT: Nevermind, I just found it by pure luck. It's Zeitgeist.
  14. I think I've decided to just buy the guitar and rent the game until 2 comes out... I think there are places around here that are selling the RB2 guitar already
  15. First of all the voice overs and commentary were done BEFORE Shelton started calling it the Paydirt, That's why it's not called the Paydirt in game, Shelton is US Champ in the vid and he started using the move now known as the "Paydirt" just before he won the US title, That's when the cutoff date was. True, true. Valid point. I didn't think about that. Sorry.
  16. I got rid of GH2 ages ago though. The bundle here for the game, guitar, drums, and mic is $170... but if I just get the game and the guitar it's $110 or so, $120 if Walmart doesn't play nice and uphold their website prices in the store. I have every intention on getting Rock Band 2 as well IF I get Rock Band 1 first and play it. The fact that with the RB1 soundtrack, all the DLC, plus the RB2 soundtrack and it's DLC there will be over 500 songs available is what's really pushing me to buy it. I mean, like I said Medium is about as hard as I can go on those games, so they get old real fast, but 500+ songs would keep be busy for fucking ages. This decision would be SOOO much easier if Rock Band offered a package like what Guitar Hero often offers. The game and the guitar for like $90... but no, Rock Band is $60 for the game itself, and then the guitar is another $50 to $60, with no bundle other than everything... which I don't want. Ugh. If only I didn't need new tires on my car and new shoes and new clothes for work... fucking eh...
  17. *sigh* Leave it to Michael Cole to even botch the name of a move in a video game. Can't just call it the Paydirt... OH NO!!! He has to call it the "jumping complete shot".. lol LAME But of course, little things like this definitely wouldn't keep me from getting the game, as I get it every year regardless.
  18. soooo loyal EWBers, I figured I'd ask your advice on this. I loved Guitar Hero 2 when it came out.. Loved it. But... I can hardly ever complete any songs on Hard or Expert... I've loved the idea of Rock Band since the first one came out and have wanted it since then... and with 200+ songs and 500+ once Rock Band 2 comes out, That'd keep me busy on Medium for quite some time. Problem is, I don't know if I can justify spending $120 on a game, especially one im not very good at, but have fun playing (unless every song on the game is fucking AEROSMITH....)... should I pick up Rock band or no?
  19. So I just finished Watchmen and I just wanted to comment. I absolutely loved the ending. I have heard rumors that the ending was changed for the movie, and if that is the case (and the movie is actually released... I haven't heard any updates on the Fox/WB issues) I will be thoroughly pissed. Granted, if they decided to end it with Spoiler: Click here to view the scene in which Adrian asks Jon if he did the right thing and Jon just leaves, leaving him without an answer and full of uncertainty of his actions I wouldn't be upset. I thought the book should have ended there anyway. But the twist at the end was a welcome surprise. I just hope they didn't totally kill the ending for the film.
  20. Well... those confirm that Storm is in... but what about Roode?
  21. Eh. It's not hard to play it off in interviews that he's not coming back just so that when he does, it'll be a surprise. It's been done before. But hey, who knows. We'll all just have to wait and see.
  22. No Super Eric!? Pssshhhh, and they expect me to pay $100 for this game. Lame I'm really hoping that's sarcasm because $40 really is a huge difference when it comes to money... Sorry Im in Australia, so its $100 here, which is lame, because if its only $60 over there that means your only paying like $72 AUD....and we are getting ripped down here. Too bad Xbox is region specific. and yeah, im totally serious...No Super Eric, no buy....I mean, a lack of features on the first game I can understand. But a lack of the greatest worker in the greatest gimmick in the company. Yeah thats boycott worthy Ah gotcha. Didn't realize you were in AU. Yeah, PS3 and 360 games are $59.99 plus tax here in the US. You guys are definitely getting ripped off dude. That's insane.
  23. No Super Eric!? Pssshhhh, and they expect me to pay $100 for this game. Lame I'm really hoping that's sarcasm because $40 really is a huge difference when it comes to money... Full Metal Mayhem, Monster's Ball, and Ultimate X... none of those involved a steel cage whatsoever. Soooo what are you talking about? FMM is just a hardcore match with "chairs, chains, ladders, etc" and such... ya know... metal things. I believe it took place ONCE at a Lockdown PPV... other than that, it's always been without a cage.
  24. Totally random, but I will be getting Year One and The Long Halloween on Thursday... I'm excited to say the least. I still need to finish Watchmen though, but I'm almost done. Once I finish those two, I will probably be ordering Dark Victory and The Dark Knight Returns.... although I may hold off on Dark Knight Returns and go with Hush Vol 1 & 2. Opinions?
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