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Everything posted by JairusCain

  1. You ever been to a website that had a "random picture" feature on it somewhere? And every time you go the page, or even refresh, the picture changes? Well, I have 3 separate banners I'd like to feature in my sig, and would like to have it randomly cycle through the three. Is that at all possible to do in an EWR sig? If so, does anyone know a code?
  2. I came in here to mention them too. I understand some (from looking up lyrics and stuff) but nowhere near all and they're still one of the most kickass bands ever. I like some Rammstein, even though I don't understand it. Funnily enough, I think the English language version of "Du Hast" sucks, and I've purposely avoided looking for anything else they've done in English - if they've even done anything else in English, that is. My favorite song by them is probably either "Sonne" or "Engel". It's the Shawshank factor, not understanding the words only makes them and the music more powerful. No, its the fact it just sounds more badass in German, not the fact its not understandable. I recently listened to the English version of Engel, and its okay. By the way, does anyone who is big on Rammstein know if there are two different videos for Engel? Because I could have sworn I saw a video for it with a blond or white haired woman singing instead of the caged kid back when the song first came out. I believe when MTV aired a full Rammstein concert, they had a blond woman singing the part live. Is that maybe what you're thinking of?
  3. funny thing, i used to have the Superunknown album when i was like 12. lol. I didn't realize until a little bit ago that the song is on that album.
  4. i've managed to catch this song maybe 2 or 3 times in the last week or two. they also play Black Hole Sun, Blow Up The Outside World, and a couple of others on occasion.
  5. holy shit... i fucking love you. why cant this forum have rep? thank you so much. i cant believe it actually WAS soundgarden! lol
  6. So they've played this song on the radio a couple of times, but have always neglected to mention who it is or what it's called. It's a rock song. It starts out with some highpitch guitar stuff for a few seconds and then goes into the riff for the verses, which is essentially the same riff in the chorus, but the chorus is heavier. The only line I can seem to remember from it is "pull the trigger, drop the knife" or something along those lines. I've done a search for those lyrics but have found absolutely nothing. I swear the voice sounded like Soundgarden/Audioslave/Chris Cornell, but... I don't think it's him. I know the description is rather vague and probably won't help... but hell... it's worth a shot
  7. only one i can think of at the moment would be the demo version of Linkin Park's "Points of Authority" ("Vertical Limit"). I don't know why but I preferred the original chorus. I'm also fond of a couple of part in the demo of "A Place For My Head" ("Esaul") in comparison to the final version.
  8. No need to get all snippy. I was commenting on it because 90% of the population believes that the line is "Luke, I am your father." It's just like "Beam me up Scotty." A line that was NEVER uttered in that show's entire existence, but everyone says it all the time. Just something I wanted to make note of.
  9. hm. i just finished up at the gold saucer and am headed to the temple and i believe cloud is at 39 with the rest following closely... kinda feel the need to level the hell out of everyone lol
  10. So, I don't know if this qualifies as a double post considering I last posted a couple days ago... But anyways... what would everyone's average levels be in FFVII around the time you go to the Gold Saucer the second time? (The time in which Cait Sith is caught giving the Keystone to the Turks)
  11. too bad its 360 exclusive and i got rid of my 360 EDIT: I forgot how stressful FFVII can be... went in, beat the Lost Number to get the key to Vincent... got Vincent... making my way back OUT of the mansion and everyone dies... game over... have to start the whole mansion over again.
  12. the one thing that bothers me about all of the screenshots i've seen.... is the damn posture on every one of the guys.. the hunched over thing they've got going on... every wrestler seems to stand the exact same way... kinda bothers me.
  13. Just an update on the whole playing VII, VIII, and IX on PS3 discussion. I just tried VIII on my 40GB PS3 and it works just fine, as does VII. I have not yet tried IX. EDIT: IX is working just fine as well.
  14. a PS3 FFVII remake would be beautiful. altho, for nostalgia purposes, i quite adore the old blocky look to VII lol. Like I said before, I'm excited for XIII, but can someone explain to me why there are going to be like 3 different versions of it or whatever?
  15. I wonder why VIII doesn't work, but VII and IX do. That doesn't make any sense. I'll give it a go later on and see if it works for me. Maybe it'll be a bit of a case my case scenario. As for Dirge... I have no PS2 so I wouldn't be able to play it. Although, I have been considering getting a PS2 for FFX, KH, and KH2. So, who knows.
  16. Thanks very much. (Y) Freya's cool... but, to my shame, I did mean Fran.
  17. yeah dude... if u cant find a video camera that has a battery life of 74 minutes... you need to find a new camera... or at least a new battery.
  18. Yup. And as for the term "Cloverfield," I assume that was the name given to the whole area ala Ground Zero for the WTC. I coulda swore at the beginning of the film it said "camera recovered from Cloverfield - the area formerly known as Central Park."
  19. that's what it is... the video that the entire movie is "filmed on" was a tape that rob and beth had made the previous month... and is accidentally being taped over.. so when we see flashbacks, we're seeing a gap in the filming of the present, and seeing the original video on the tape from the month before.
  20. really? the very last thing I remember... Spoiler: Click here to viewis rob sayin "beth! i love you!" "i love you too" BOOM! end. why would the satellite crashing being the last seen if its what started teh whole thing to begin with?
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