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Everything posted by MJB

  1. It took a deflection and from that distance, he didn't have time to react. That wasn't a mistake. Today was.
  2. Another? You're not calling Sturridge's goal a mistake are you? It deflected off Jones.
  3. De Gea made a mistake. Good win though, impressed with Herrera again.
  4. Hart needed to move his feet quicker.
  5. Stonking first lap in Q3 by Lewis. Vettel got close, but his lap was set 8 minutes later when the track was at it's driest. Strange to see Rosberg get in Hamilton's way on his second run.
  6. And he's not even scored yet. Fucking shit. Hahahaa now he has!
  7. Hart really has been head and shoulders above the rest
  8. Doesn't change an awful lot, City still need two to have a chance.
  9. Fairly dull race to be honest with regards to the racing. Lewis always seemed to be able to open the gap when he wanted and really controlled the race. Great stuff from Nasr and Hulkenberg. Big shame for Kimi and Max, who were looking strong before their issues. Final word on McLaren Honda, no idea how they finished the race but I'm kinda glad they didn't get a point because on pure pace because it would have been a complete travesty.
  10. Hamilton on pole, by a mile. Rosberg six tenths further back! He may have had a car issue though. Massa third, 1.3s off pole. Carlos Sainz made Q3, impressive stuff.
  11. Obviously I mean because the season is about to start
  12. From what I can gather, he's been trying to sort this since about Brazil last year. He's running out of time to do this diplomatically. He paid for the drive, the courts agree that he should get it and now Sauber aren't playing ball. I've got nothing but sympathy for VDG.
  13. I don't understand anyone being against VDG in this situation. He paid for the drive and hasn't got it, what would you do?
  14. Manor apparently have a software issue and may not run at all this weekend. VDG turned up at the circuit, took a while to get a paddock pass, waltzed into the Sauber garage, put on Ericsson's overalls and had a seat fitting. However, the FIA then refused to renew his super-license and now won't drive this weekend So yeah, all going well!
  15. If Courtois was on his line, he'd have tipped that over. He came a long way during that corner and didn't get all the way back quickly enough.
  16. Exactly. That's what half the Chelsea team did. Chelsea lead, PSG still need their goal for extra time, of course. He threw his head back and tried to get the referee to believe that Costa had head-butted him. He has just equalised with a bullet header. Cunt.
  17. Costa vs. Luiz is something I'd really like to see. I'd also really like to see them beat the living shit out of one another. Cunts. Baddar, surely Luiz was booked for trying to get Costa sent off?
  18. I'm not convinced Giedo will settle for anything other than a raceseat. Isn't he pretty much loaded anyway, hence him paying for the drive in the first place?
  19. Van Der Garde won his court case! Sauber. This won't be pretty.
  20. Roberto Merhi has been confirmed as Manor's other driver.
  21. Another incredible save. And we're out.
  22. Sam, you're deluded. You've got every other Man Utd fan, including myself, saying it's a red card.
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