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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    If you get 100 knockouts, apparently, yeah. I mean I'm not entirely sure on this, but it's what the cheat sites are telling me.
  2. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Weird. You'd think they'd make some meaningless thing as an unlockable just for the sake of it, like how they did with the slobberknocker mode in Shut Your Mouth where you'd unlock a 'divas movie'... which would be a questionable unlockable nowadays but just if they gave us something, I'd be fine with it. To be honest, I'm going to play it anyway, but a reward would be nice. Maybe they give you VC points or whatever they're called?
  3. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah, it's odd, that. It personally doesn't bother me that much, but I can understand why it would affect others. If it really is that difficult to make the announcer say 'her' instead of 'his'... (I can't imagine it really is that difficult, though) why not change it so the announcer says 'making their way to the ring'...? Was it just a complete oversight? Something they forgot was an issue? It's just strange that this is still a problem and they didn't fix it with a patch or anything in 2K18 either.
  4. Picked up Spider-Man today. I'm not too far in, only maybe an hour in or so. I think the last proper mission I completed was the Fisk Hideout one. Enjoying it so far!
  5. Is that the one that supposed to be an actual episode of the program? Yeah, I didn't really like that episode either. Just felt like a whole load of nothing.
  6. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Exactly, but I don't see why WWE would've asked to not include those guys. Seems a little odd to me.
  7. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    I can't find a source right now, but 2K have confirmed loot boxes will work the same way as the last game, without microtransactions. 2K also told a couple YouTubers (DenkOps I believe was one of them) that 'if they could've', Ciampa, Cross and Kendrick would be in the game in a heartbeat. I suppose there were external factors preventing their inclusion, but I really can't think of what that would mean. Also, this:
  8. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Some pretty nice changes to Universe mode this year, as well as a cel shading match filter. Also, I don't think it was shown in this video, but we get triple threat tornado tag matches and other 2 vs 2 vs 2 matches again!!
  9. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    I KEEP CALLING HER NIKKI STORM AND I DON'T KNOW WHY AHHHH!! I never even knew who she was before she signed with WWE! It's just a name that rolls so much better of the tongue.
  10. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    And surprise, surprise! No Ciampa, no Nikki Cross, and no Brian Kendrick!
  11. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Oh yeah, of course. Ciampa doesn't/didn't have an entrance theme so it's not as if I can complain about it not being in!
  12. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Oh of course, Booker T's model has been dreadful for a lot of years. Just bizarre that they aren't in at all. I'd rather them and looking a bit crap rather than them not in at all. I get the whole thing that we can just download CAWs but then we don't get the entrance stuff which puts me off a little.
  13. I'm not gonna get it, as nice as the idea is. I've got the SNES classic already and that's filled up with PS1 games already, and I'm not particularly attracted to any of the games they've announced already and I imagine they're probably some of the biggest names. Yeah, which is why the SNES classic and modding with a USB stick is really a better system, as you can use the Wii classic controller which has analog sticks.
  14. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah, I'm just clinging to that hope too, really... as it just seems so ridiculous to me that they aren't in, but there's no reason why they wouldn't advertise them in because all they gain from not doing so is a little bit of bad press and a ton of uproar from fans for a nice surprise in a couple weeks when the game is out. Not sure if that'd be worth it at all.
  15. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    That makes sense to me somewhat for Ciampa because he's changed a lot since he came back from injury, but as far as I'm aware, neither Kendrick or Cross have really changed character wise or even in the moves for them to justify being taken out. Surely they could've just used last year's models if they were really that desperate? Unless they have completely redone how it all works this year, but then that doesn't make too much sense because there are a bunch of legends that they wouldn't have been able to scan in the last year that were in previous years...
  16. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    They have had characters that they didn't announce at the roster reveal and then announced them later on Twitter. There's also no Hall of Fame DLC which is an absolute pain because I wanted to play as the Dudley Boyz At least we get EC3, Ricochet, Candice LeRae and Dakota Kai, though, I suppose... but I just don't get it. Usually the roster for WWE games is the most consistent part, and they never really remove people who are still on the roster... which is why I'm so skeptical about the absentees...
  17. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    There's no way that Ciampa isn't in the game at all. That's ridiculous. He must just be a hidden character. They wouldn't keep him out of the game entirely when he was in last year, same with Nikki Cross and Kendrick.
  18. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah, I just turn off the soundtrack and either leave it with no music or put on entrance themes and maybe a couple from the soundtrack stay on if i like them enough... that's probably not happening this year, though.
  20. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    tbf, whenever I get the game I only end up playing it for like a month anyway. I just like my video games to have goofy shit in it, and I think stuff like towers mode will actually keep me playing this game more than anything in 2K18 did. It's low on substance but shit like that keeps me playing. If we get some wacky story mode with zombie Triple H then that sounds awesome and I'd probably spend time on that, too. Didn't bother with My Career in 2K18 at all as it just seemed dull to me, but cartoony nonsense is my jam. ... right
  21. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Y'all gotta go back to PS2 games to realise how inaccurate saying that this looks like PS2 graphics is. The house at the start looks like PS2 but god damn I think the rest of the trailer makes it look pretty damn good. Also, we get god damn King Booker again, Mae Young Classic arena, (by the looks of it) women's rumbles, mid-2000s HBK, and entrances with MITB briefcase as well as possibly customisable briefcases as well. Dammit, I'm drawn in. I didn't want to be after they left out Ciampa, Cross and Kendrick for no reason (as well as no RVD ), but I am, god dammit.
  22. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah, the idea that Ciampa might not be in the main game because he asked not to be in it for heel heat seems a little far-fetched but also a theory that I'd also kinda buy, but with Nikki Cross also not being the game, that doesn't make much sense. They're probably going to do some bullshit DLC pack with Ciampa, Nikki and the faces of Foley and be like "ooooh!!! it's the cooky character-themed DLC pack!!! aren't these some great additions!!" or some shit.
  23. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    I think they probably put too much focus into Showcase mode again. I remember when they got rid of the mode they made a few chances and attributed that to the fact that they removed Showcase which meant that they can do other things. Not a fan particularly of Showcase anyway, but it seems like it massively hinders any other sort of progress, and if that's true, then I'd much rather they do something else with their time than it.
  24. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    It's not even a different attire, he's literally wearing a Bar attire, and it's in the WM 33 arena. Apparently it's not actually in the showcase mode and they just did that match in exhibition for the trailer. That wouldn't surprise me if it was the truth, considering it was only 12 seconds long and they probably couldn't/didn't want to put AJ in the game.
  25. Owen

    WWE 2K19

    Do they base the hair off when they scan the models? I'm not at all sure how it works but the only way this makes really any sense to me is if she didn't have her extensions in when they scanned her. Still not an excuse and it's real silly that she's got hair that short in the game when she's only ever appeared with hair that length on house shows (which isn't even considered canon)...
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