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Everything posted by BlackFlagg

  1. BlackFlagg

    Clerks 2

    Just saw it, loved it. Laughed my ass off throughout and got a little choked up at the end, was a great movie...even Anne Frank could see that.
  2. Something I always wondered....Has a slayer ever been turned into a vamp? If so do they have the combined strength of a slayer and a vamp? I think that could be interesting to see...
  3. The Master wouldn't be able to come back due to Buffy taking a sledgehammer to his skeleton. They've already done the whole "Master come back" thing and it was stopped before it happened. The point was that Glory would die if Ben was ever killed. This was explained in the show with Xander sayign soemthing like "We can kill Ben, right? We can kill an ordinary guy. I mean, I know he's an innocent, but he's not Dawn innocent."
  4. True Romance Clerks Chasing Amy Dogma Stand by Me Nightmare On Elm Street Nightmare On Elm Street 3 The Goonies Godfather 1 & 2 Goodfellas Star Wars trilogy The Crow Reservoir Dogs Spaceballs Monty Python and the Holy Grail Airplane Indiana Jones Jaws Big Trouble in Little China The Big Lebowski The Breakfast Club American Beauty Blazing Saddles American History X Caddyshack Evil Dead trilogy Fight Club Pump Up the Volume Halloween Shawshank Redemption Heathers Trainspotting Night of the Living Dead Dawn of the Dead Day of the Dead Shaun of the Dead Re-Animator Texas Chainsaw Massacre Alien Aliens Back to the Future trilogy A Clockwork Orange Apocalypse Now Black Hawk Down Platoon Schindler's List Full Metal Jacket Tombstone Unforgiven I'll stop there
  5. BlackFlagg

    Looney Tunes

    Love the Looney Tunes, have all 3 volumes of Golden Collection, can't wait for a fourth
  6. Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War - 9/10
  7. This week's box office numbers...
  8. I need to get the live feeds, how much are they?
  9. That didn't take long, Will and Boogie v/s Kaysar and James, this could be interesting...
  10. Show officially begins tonight, can't wait to see who gets in the house
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