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Everything posted by A-Dub

  1. Didn't we have a whole thread of this awhile back of everyones favorite comedys? However, I recently saw Shaun of the Dead, it was halarious. EDIT- Yes, we did /forum/index.php?showtopic=25827&hl=comedy">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....25827&hl=comedy
  2. Wow, you guys lost that game? You seemed really confedant on MSN, tough luck. Personally, I get pissed when we lose but I usually just go to someones house and chill with teammates win or lose, it's a game, have fun.
  3. Pacino is the greatest, if there's anyone who could do it, Pacino could. I'm excited to see it.
  4. Yeah, I was going crazy, but I calmed down after my Nick Barnett celebration. That was the closest I've come to blowing a huge lead in madden ever, and all within 2 mins.
  5. I just had the worst 2 min drill of my life... My revamped Packers secondary lets up one TD, which is ok because I'm up by 21....well, 14 now. They kick an onside kick with like 1:24 to go, and get it back....damn. Then they score again, 37 seconds to go. Kick an onside kick.....get it back. DAMN! Drive drive drive they go, and I'm clinging on to my 38-31 lead which used to be 38-17 less than a minute to go. They're down to the 25, no FG because they're down by 7. Cullpepper drops back, rockets it to the middle..... INTERCEPTED BY NICK-FREAKING-BARNETT!!! Favre takes a knee to end it. Nick will be a Packer for life in this franchise.
  6. You can't do the option in Madden, which kind of sucks. But in my franchise, I took the Packers, and did some wheelin'-dealin' and the D looks pretty strong. I traded Green (because I think he's the king of overrateds) and I'm using Najeh, I always do well with Najeh. And I've also signed Brock Lesnar and I'm trying to get him to a point where I can start him!
  7. A-Dub

    Madden 2006

    Me too, and with David Akers no less, it kinda pisses you off because that shouldn't happen with a kicker that good.
  8. A-Dub

    Madden 2006

    My LB was a 75, I coulda used a few of those points.
  9. A-Dub

    Madden 2006

    Yeah, I'm looking for a balance as well. I got drafted by the Eagles though, which is freaking awesome.
  10. A-Dub

    Madden 2006

    Yeah, I heard that Precision Passing doesn't make passing more in depth, just harder. More reason for me to keep running.
  11. A-Dub

    Madden 2006

    Some stores open at midnight, but most will get it Tuesday in the US as well.
  12. I usually try to get it close, but I make myself a little bit exaggerated, and I don't always followthe move's a guy my size would do. I like to see myself doing a SSP.
  13. I haven't heard it before....I assume I should consider myself blessed.
  14. If everything they say comes through, this game is going to be awesome, I also noticed in cage matched, there's a meter to judge how fast you climb. Now that, is cool.
  15. Someone needs to go march on their headquarters, we could carry signs that say "I was influenced by the Peaceoholics." And make bad chants like "I don't know, but I've been told, M rated games means 17 years old!" Or maybe we could find something that rhymes, or works with syllables...
  16. Oh, is it? I haven't seen 04's set, now I have.
  17. There are new screens up at IGN, they look awesome, I think they may have given away the Survior Series set though...I don't know if it's just me but I always like to see what they come up with for the enterance sets. EDIT- Forgot the link. http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/717/717798/imgs_1.html
  18. STEVE BUSCHEMI Jim Carrey Ed Norton GENE WILDER John Cleese Mike Meyers and Willem Defoe, the guy is crazy good on the screen.
  19. Airplane Blazing Saddles Anchorman Young Frankenstein Dumb & Dumber Spaceballs Monty Python and the Holy Grail Made The Friday Series South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut Dogma Hear No Evil, See No Evil Stir Crazy Silver Streak Those are my favorites, it's pretty obvious that I love anything with Gene Wilder though.
  20. This looks pretty sweet, but I'm going to check out a review before I buy, I'll prolly get the 1st one after the 2nd one comes out though, just so it's at a lower price.
  21. Dog is my absolute favorite show ever, besides Conan. The whole of Da Kine is just awesome. EDIT- The episode of Dog that was on this week, with Elli was really good, one of my favorites. And I hope they keep the 2 hour marathons on Tuesdays.
  22. A-Dub

    Book Thread

    Travels by Michael Crichton is a great book, entertaining and insightful. You should check it out. Right now I'm reading "Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back" by James Carville, he's really a funny guy, espically to a liberal. After that I'm going to read the Ric Flair autobiography, so that'll be fun.
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