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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. I did some light googling and there are fancy high-end models that go for about the same price as this and higher. So prices like this don't appear to be uncommon for acoustic guitars. The question how this replica compares to those models. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Linda Killmaster said:

    I'm assuming that you meant to write "super serious".

    It wasn't exactly a super uplifting game. It takes place in a world that has been ravished by a zombie outbreak. Society broke down. A lot of fucked-up stuff does happen. But the game does have it's moments of lightheartedness. It wasn't all misery porn. 

    Reading this article makes it seem like they looked at the darkest moments of TloU and decided to make the entire sequel like that. Which is concerning. TloU was more than just the violence. 

  3. Apparently the reunion tour went so well that they have decided to keep going with the reunion line-up and record a new album together. That announcement wasn't much of a surprise for anyone. Most fans already speculated that they were going to stay together after how successful the tour was. The album was supposed to come out in the fall of this year. I get why they had to cancel the tour. But why push back the album? It's the reunion album with Hansen and Kiske. Fans have been waiting for this for decades. It's going to sell well regardless of if the tour happens immediately after the album's release or a few months later. 

  4. Helloween have pushed back their United Alive Part II European tour that was supposed to start in September back to April 2021 due to Covid-19. The release of their new album, the first one featuring singer Michael Kiske and guitarist Kai Hansen since their depatures from the band in 1993 and 1989 respectively, has been pushed back to early 2021 as well. The album is currently being mixed.  


    The game is finally coming out on June 19th. Just finished replaying the remastered version of the original game to prepare myself for this and I'm beyoned hyped. 

    Be careful when looking up the game though. Several hours worth of cutscenes have been leaked which basically spoil the majority of the game. 

  6. There is a youtuber called KingK who makes in-depth retrospective videos on every generation of Pokemon games. So far he has done the first and second generations. He only talks about the original games and says that he will cover all the remakes in a seperate video. Really worth checking out.


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  7. I got that game when it came out. Played it until the point at which you are given free rein to do what you want and the game begins properly. I was overwhelmed with all the choices the game gave me coupled with the time mechanics of the game. There is only a certain amount of stuff you can do per day and certain things only happen on specific dates and I had basically no idea how to manage my time properly. I was afraid that If I just played it the way I saw fit I would miss out on a ton of stuff. I put the game down pretty quickly. Probably should give it another try at some point.


  8. Don't know where else to post this, so I'll just post it here:
    Bob Kulick, the guy who co-wrote produced and played guitar on the song 'Sweet Victory' from the SpongeBob Squarepants episode 'Band Greeks', has passed away at the age of 70. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, damsher hatfield said:

    Season 3

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    Also, am I right in guessing that the end of season 2 plays directly into what Hale was doing? That is, they all uploaded their consciousness somewhere, and perhaps Hale got it back



    I don't think that she has the key to the place where the consciousnesses are stored. Bernard has that and went to that place. At least that is what I took from that scene at the motel. Haleores is still a copy of Dolores. Her plan is the same as Dolores' plan before she had a change of heart: wipe out humanity and let the hosts take over.  


  10. One of the big underlying problems with the show was that D&D decided not only that the show would end in season 8, but also that were were going to get shorter seasons because they wanted to be done with the show to make a Star Wars trilogy. Instead of letting the characters and the world they inhabit arrive at the destination they had in mind organically, they had to bent the character's actions around the destination. That is why for example a whole bunch of characters that previously were defined by their cunning and intellect suddenly had to take a bunch of stupid pills and make bad decisions because it was convenient for the plot. Also the destination they were provided by GRRM via his outlines simply doesn't make sense for the characters in the show since they have developed a live of their own and are essentially different characters from their book counterparts. If you had more competent people in charge of the show who didn't want to get it done as quick as possible that probably wouldn't have been as big as a problem since they would've found a way to have everyone arrive at the destination that would make sense for these characters. But unfortunately we got D&D.  

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