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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. On 06/07/2020 at 15:52, Ollie said:
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    Far be it from me to say you shouldn't dislike this game, it's totally subjective, but to love the first half and then hate the second for what seems like no more than 'I wish I was still Ellie' feels like you may have missed the boat a little.



    I don't know what else to tell ya other than that the entire time I played as Abby I just wanted her part to be over. 

    Also Manny was a sleazy womanizer and Owen was a bastard who cheated on his pregnant girlfriend. 

    Also the final chapter in Santa Barbara dragged on for way too long. By the point I finally got to the Rattler HQ I just wanted the game to be over. They could have cut the majority of that chapter and it wouldn't have made the game worse. 


  2. 32 minutes ago, Ollie said:

    Care to elaborate?

    I'm typing the elaboration right now. I accidentally clicked on "Submit Reply" before I finished typing. That is why my reply was so short.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Ollie said:

    I way preferred the second half.

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    The heart break that came from knowing what was about to happen at the end of each day was amazingly well told. The fact ND managed to not only get me to sympathize with Abby, but also agree with her was insane. Not to mention how much I hated Manny and Owen at the very start to growing so close to them in the second half, to the point that I found myself shocked at their deaths in the second half even though I'd seen them in the first.

    Both Ellie and Abby's stories were mirrored so well, both played the protagonist and antagonist so well. I genuinely think the performance from Laura Bailey is amongst the greatest performances in video games ever.



    The 2nd half didn't work for me at all. Didn't help that they switched perspectives and turned back the clock on a cliffhanger. All I could think about while playing was whether Ellie would survive the confrontation at the cinema or not. I never cared about Abby or any of the other characters from her group of ex-Fireflies. They were all pretty bland and unlikable if you ask me.

    And the entire subplot about her helping Lev and Yara felt completely unnecessary and a pretty blatant attempt to make us sympathize with Abby by mirroring the situation Joel was in during the first game when he was travelling with Ellie. I though we were going to see the impact of Ellie's groups actions on her. But it does take her until day 3 to even realize that Ellie and her group were after her because she is so busy helping the two Scar outcasts. I don't think she ever found out that the rest of her group beside Owen, Manny and Mel had been killed.

    The flashback in which we learn that she was the daughter the surgeon Joel killed would have been enough for me to get the point across they were trying to make by having us play as Abby didn't need to replay the 3 days to get that. And I hate that the game is trying to make me feel guilty about stuff I had no control over when I played as Ellie. 


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  4. 1 minute ago, Ollie said:
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    Oh agreed, it's not air-tight, but the whole boots/bracelet stuff was definitely on purpose. It's tiny details, but tiny details aren't to be hand waved.

    Also, in regards to the stuff left in the farmhouse, there's none of Ellie's clothes or personal effects. There's embroidered cushions with Ellie's initial that aren't left behind. Dina wasn't writing Ellie off after she left for Santa Barbara, she took everything with her. Everything except the room with Joel's stuff.

    It's purposefully left open for debate, there's no right or wrong answer and we'll never get a definitive answer of what happened. I like that. I choose to believe Ellie had a bittersweet ending, she's lost everything but there's still hope. Dina might not be able to forgive her, but I'm sure she'd like to try. ;)



    There are clothes on that pile of stuff as well as a bunch of stuff that is packed into boxes. The rest of Ellie's stuff is probably in those. 


  5. 26 minutes ago, Ollie said:


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    Abby and Lev made it the fireflies on Catalina Island as confirmed by the home screen after you complete the game.

    Also there's a pretty decent theory about how Ellie has already reunited with Dina and JJ in Jackson, and is only just visiting the farm to kinda say good-bye to Joel's guitar and, by extension, Joel himself. For one, Ellie's backpack is empty and she's wearing different boots in the final epilogue, suggesting she's actually stopped off somewhere and changed. She's also wearing the bracelet Dina gifted her, which she hadn't worn since the first theatre scene. Also the only things left in the farmhouse are related directly to Joel, none to Ellie, Dina or JJ. It's sort of Ellie's memorial shrine to Joel moreso than Dina not taking it with her. If it was the latter, it could be presumed that a bunch of Ellie's stuff would've been there too.



    The empty backpack could also simply mean that the used up all her supplies on the way back. She could have picked up a new pair of boots on the way back after her old pair broke. She could be wearing the bracelet simply because of how much she misses Dina and regrets leaving her and JJ behind to go after Abby again. And to me it looks like the stuff that was left behind is all of her personal stuff. Only the guitar is really related to Joel. I don't buy that theory. 


  6. 9 hours ago, Your Mom said:

    Finished the game

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    I get the ending I guess but I really fucking hated it. Why can't games have happy endings? If Ellie settled down with her family and Abby found the big group of Fireflies it would have been perfect to me. Instead everyone has to be fucking miserable and I can't stand it



    Judging by the new main menu background you get after you finish the story, Abby and Lev made it to Catalina Island. So she may have found the fireflies. That is at least an implied happy ending for her and Lev. 


  7. 58 minutes ago, Arjen Robben said:


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    But I mean, why would Joel tell her she died in Boston? As far as she knows the last time he saw her was the last time Ellie saw her so there's no reason for her to ask him what happened to her because there's no reason to think he'd know any more than she would, she could speculate like "I wonder what happened to Marlene..." but there's no reason for her to ask Joel what happened to her, or for Joel to randomly tell her she died in Boston. 



    Point taken. Makes no sense for her to ask or for him to tell. Didn't think that one through.

    Which still leaves the lack of evidence at the hospital. There must have been something left behind there to prove Marlene was also present the day Joel and Ellie arrived. 

    But I guess in the end the writes didn't deem this loose end important enough to get tied up. Just seems weird to me that Ellie will never know what really happened to her surrogate mother. 

    Edit: I just looked up Ellie on the TLoU fan wiki. It is stated in an issue of the tie-in comic 'TLoU: American Dream" that Ellie didn't meet Marlene until she was thirteen. In other words they didn't meet until a year before the first game takes place. I always assumed that Ellie's mum died when Ellie was very young and Marlene raised her. Guess I was wrong. Apparently they weren't that close after all. 


  8. 48 minutes ago, Arjen Robben said:
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    I just don't know what there is that's there to prompt her to ask about Marlene though? What would she think he'd lied about in regards to Marlene? The last time she saw Marlene was in Boston, so I'm not sure what there is to make her suddenly start questioning him about her. I don't think there's anything in her mind that he could have possibly lied about in regards to her, they were both there the last time they saw Marlene as far as she's aware. And Marlene had just been shot.

    @Hellraiser btw.


    I just find it hard to believe that she never asked Joel anything about Marlene the entire time they spent together. And if she asked him he probably told her that she died in Boston. So when she learns that he lied to her about what happened at the hospital, wouldn't she also suspect that he might have lied about her surrogate mother as well? If I was Ellie in that situation I'd question everything Joel ever told me. 

    And I also find it really hard to believe that there wouldn't be any proof left of Marlene's presence at the hospital. The fireflies left all of Abby's dads belongings behind. Why wouldn't they leave at least some of Marlene's stuff behind as well? 

    I don't know. To me it was always a no-brainer that Marlene's fate would come up in the sequel eventually. Maybe I've attached too much importance to Ellie's and Marlene's relationship. 


  9. 15 minutes ago, Arjen Robben said:


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    I'm not sure there's anything to indicate that Ellie even knows Marlene was there? As I recall she's unconscious after nearly drowning when the Fireflies find her and Joel at the end of the first game, and then she's immediately prepped for surgery, she says in this game that "she had so many questions for them" which implies she was never awake at any point, so she could just think think Marlene is either still in Boston, or is dead because the last time she saw her before Marlene gave her to Joel and Tess she'd been shot.



    I assumed that she must have found out about Marlene being at the hospital when she was investigating the place. But even if she didn't, don't you think that finding out Joel lied to her about what happened in the hospital would prompt her to ask more questions about other things he might have lied about? Like Marlene? I just find it hard to believe that Marlene was that unimportant to Ellie. And I always assumed that her learning about the circumstances of Marlene's death would be a big plot point in the sequel.


  10. Spoilers regarding the 2nd act of the game


    Isn't it a bit weird that outside of one flashback with Abby and her dad Marlene isn't brought up at all in this game? She was Ellie's surrogate mother after her biological mother passed away. I know that they didn't have the best relationship, but I think it is weird that Ellie doesn't bring her up at all or asks about her when Joel finally confesses to her what really happened at the hospital. 


  11. 40 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    I have no idea what that means but I am not on the 2nd half of the game yet so don't tell me :( 

    The comparison has nothing to do with the content of the story. That is why I didn't bother to put it in spoiler tags. It was simply in regards to the pacing of the game in the 2nd half. But I'll put it in spoiler tags just to be save.

    Spoilers regarding the ending:


    That was one hell of a ride. As stated above, I have to agree with the critic that said the pacing was off. The story really drags toward the end. I think they could have cut the majority of Abby's 3 days (and by that I mean the Lev & Yara subplot) as well as the fight with the rattlers and the game would not have been any worse for it. The parts of the game in which you play Ellie were perfect though. 


  12. 2 hours ago, Arjen Robben said:
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    Because the game has established the bond between Yara and Lev is stronger than Yara just going “yeah, I’ll just wait here, no bother”. And she’s even less likely to agree to staying behind when their mother is involved on top of it. There’s only so much she could write down for Abby before it would just be confusing and muddled. Knowing how to “get to the island” is actually the part Yara is least needed for, it’s once they’re on the island. 



    If I was Abby I'd still take the chance of getting lost over the chance of taking someone who just had major surgery done on an island of people who all want her dead. It was a stupid idea. 

    Potential spoilers regarding the pacing of the 2nd half of the game


    Whoever wrote that the game has pacing issues was right. This feels like Django Unchained all over again. 

  13. Major spoilers for the 2nd half of he game:


    So we're getting to experience the 3 days from Abby's point of view. I thought we were going to see how everything that Ellie has been up too has impacted Abby. But I'm on day 2 and and Abby still doesn't know that Ellie is coming for her. Instead I'm getting the surgical supplies needed to amputate the arm of a young renegade Scar that Abby ran into and saved during day 1. It is a bit frustrating. 

    Edit: Finally on day 3. Why the hell am I taking someone who had their arm amputated less then 24 hours ago into enemy territory? Why can't she just wrote down for Abby how to get to the damn cult island? This is stupid. 


  14. Minor spoiler regarding the 2nd half of the game reviewers were not allowed to talk about:


    And I have to craft shivs again! AWESOME! :rolleyes: Why the hell can't Abby carry a goddamn knife?

  15. Major spoiler regarding the 2nd half of the game reviewers were not allowed to talk about:


    I already get the point they're trying to make. Do I really HAVE to play through the 3 days again as Abby?  


  16. Minor spoilers regarding an optional cutscene during day 1 in Seattle. 


    Ellie is playing Take On Me on an acoustic guitar to Dina in an abandoned record store 😍

    I'm exploring Seattle right now and I'm kinda afraid of continuing with the main story because I know things will only get worse from here. 

    There is also an advertising for Pearl Jam's Lightning Bold there among all the ads for fictional bands. 

  17. You can also adjust the size of subtitles and ad a slightly translucent black background to them to make them easier to read. I have been having problems with that in many more recent games. I dunno if that is my eyesight getting worse or if they actually keep making subtitles smaller. 

    Also from the look of it you don't have to craft those shitty shivs that break after one user (two if you upgrade them) anymore. That was so tedious. You have a knife now.

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