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Posts posted by Hellraiser

  1. 2 hours ago, Lint said:

    Did it?  I don't remember that


    IIRC it happened in the beginning of the movie when they catch Captain Marvel up on what happened on earth during Infinity War. They use the holographic display they have at Avengers HQ to show her that Nick Fury was among the 50% of earth's population that disappeared. During this scene a picture of Sharon Carter and her name show up on the display as well. It's very "blink and you miss it". 

    Apparently in an early draft of Endgame, she and Captain America were living together post-snap. But she was ultimately written out of the movie. 


  2. 13 hours ago, Daniel Bryan said:
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    So Steve and Natasha waltzed back in to the States after openly committing treason, but Sharon couldn't after secretly helping them out? And then for five years she never thought to ask them for help? And now she somehow thinks Falcon can get her a pardon? The guy who just broke a war criminal out of prison for basically no reason; although tough to hold that against him when it seems like Zemo could have walked out at any time, since all it took was a minor scuffle which I guess has never happened in this maximum security prison before, and he... phased through the glass in his cell?

    That's before you even get into why Sam was pretending to be somebody completely irrelevant to the plan - because all black guys look the same I guess - except the barman clearly suspected something, or why else would he be staring him down until he drank that shot, which I guess proved he was the real guy even though he has a different face, but good thing Sam did get in so he could blow their cover after the dealer forced him to answer his phone on speaker because... the real Smiling Tiger (who, again, she didn't know) would never receive a phone call?

    The show wasn't great before, but this episode turned a corner into aggressively stupid. :lol:

    Regarding Sharon Carter


    In Endgame it is revealed that she was a victim of the Blip. So in the 5 years between Infinity War and Endgame Cap couldn't have helped her. And before that they were both wanted fugitives. 

  3. 3 hours ago, DFF said:

    Brilliant. Looks like they are sharing the vocals three ways between Kiske, Deris and Hansen. 

    There was a listening session for the press. And according to the few reports about it that already came out, Kiske and Deris will do most of the heavy lifting in terms of singing. Hansen has a more prominent part on Skyfall (which is the sole Hansen song on the album) and some supporting parts in other songs. And it looks like there won't be any solo songs. Even if one singer is more prominently featured on a song than the other, the other will still be on the track. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, tristy said:
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    He was still in the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre when he broke out.



    I guess I was confused because what we saw of the center in the show looked nothing like what we saw of it in Civil War.

     And it makes it even weirder that security seems to be so lax in that place.  


  5. Okay, this is probably just me nitpicking, but


    Did they really just put Helmut Zemo in some low-security German prison where causing a fistfight between inmates is enough of a distraction to enable you to just walk out of there? Wasn't he in some high-security prison the last time we saw him at the end of Civil War? How did he end up at some random JVA in Berlin? 

    Also was that part that took place in Munich actually shot in Munich? Becuase that didn't really look like Munich to me. 


  6. So the executor of the estate of Geoff Nichols, who played Keyboard for Black Sabbath from 1979 all the way to 2004 and was credited as an official band member during the short-lived Glenn Hughes era as well as both Tony Martin eras, is going through some old tapes that Nichols left behind and found what appears to be a Black Sabbath demo of an unreleased song with Ronnie James Dio:


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  7. Alexi's former Sinergy bandmate (and as it turns out legally still his wife as they apparently never divorced after separating in 2004) Kimberly Goss revealed the cause of his death: "Alcohol-induced degeneration of the liver and pancreas connective tissue". He also had a "cocktail of painkillers, opioids and insomnia medication" in his system.


  8. This is just a bizarre way of handling a situation like that. They are so vague about the entire thing and everything happens so fast. It felt like they accidentally skipped an episode. And this whole thing came completely out of the blue as well. I thought this was going to be a fun, light-hearted anime about surfing and then they suddenly drop a bombshell like this. I really hope that this isn't the last we hear about that character. 


  9. Is anyone here watching "Wave!! Surfing Yappe!!"? If so, could someone explain to me what hell just happened in Episode 5?


    They actually went ahead and had Sho commit suicide? And that scene of his surfboard during the storm in the last episode is the only confirmation we get of that? No announcement of his death, no funeral and not showing anyone actually grieving? Not even in flashback? And they don't even explain to us why Sho killed himself? No explanation about the text message he received last episode?

    Just a time-skip to months after his death and everybody except Masaki acts like he never existed? I got the impression that the guy running the surf-shop seemed to be annoyed that Masaki was still grieving. Then Masaki also tries to commit suicide in the ocean in the middle of the night, he gets saved by Nalu who tells him that he is also grieving but continued surfing because that is what Sho would have wanted him to do. And then all the other surfers they know show up for no explained reason, they have a bit of a midnight tribute surf session for Sho, everybody is healed through the magic of surfing and that is Sho's death dealt with in half an episode. 

    No, seriously, that is it. That is all we get regarding Sho. There is another time-skip to when Masaki graduates middle school. He moves to Shōnan region to attend high school. The episode ends with him surfing at a beach there. 

    I don't even have a problem with Sho dying. It is the half-hearted way they handled his death that upsets me. He is a major character and they can't even dedicate an entire episode to his death? And the pacing of this episode is all over the place as well. I really hope that we will at least get to learn about Sho's motive for killing himself in future episodes.


  10. So during scenes featuring Miranda in ME2 the camera was often focused on her ass. Even during serious conversations when she talks about her traumatic childhood. In an interview with the project director of the Legendary Edition, he said that they changed the camera angle on those scenes. That is all they changed. The camera angels. And you already have gamers acting like this is somehow the fall of western civilization and that the remastered collection has been ruined because of this. 

  11. Evile are back! If you don't remember them, they were part of the retro Thrash Metal wave that swept the scene in the late 2000s and early 2010s. In 2013 the guitarist Ol Drake left the band after they released their 4th album to focus on his family and start a solo career. The band continued to play some live shows every now and then, but didn't release any new material. Ol Drake returned to the band in 2018 and they played a couple of gigs with him, but there hasn't been any band activity since then. Last year Ol's brother Matt, the 2nd guitarist and lead vocalist of the band, left to spent more time with his family and because of health issues. Ol Drake will be taking over singing duties for him. Their 5th album will be named Hell Unleashed and will be out on April 30th via Napalm Records.


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  12. 1 hour ago, Bobfoc said:

    It's also interesting to read that they're altering Mass Effect 3's "Galactic Readiness" system to compensate for the lack of online multiplayer. That's welcome news in my book.

    That is great. I hated that EA forced you to play multiplayer to get the perfect ending back in the day. 

  13. 1 hour ago, DFF said:

    Steve Harris is the only original member of Iron Maiden, but the band is still undoubtedly Iron Maiden, etc. 

    Yes, technically Steve Harris is the only founding member of Iron Maiden that is still part of the band. But the line-up that recorded all the classic albums is still mostly intact. If you ask me there is a big difference between that and a band like Foreigner in which is made up of Mick Jones and a bunch of hired guns.

  14. 8 hours ago, GhostMachine said:

    I hate it when an artist releases an album under a band's name and they're the only "real" member of the band, unless its a side project where there is no "real" lineup. Its like Foreigner, who are touring, despite the guitarist being the only member of the band back when they released their most well known songs. 

    Unfortunately, the name is what sells tickets. Concert promoters don't care who is in the band as long as they can put an established name on the marquee. Accept and Foreigner will get booked, the Wolf Hoffmann Group or Mick Jones's Foreigner Experience probably not as much. That is why there are so many lawsuits regarding band names and so many cases of 2 versions of bands existing at the same time. See Venom, Entomned, Queensryche, Survivor or L.A. Guns for example. 

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