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Everything posted by Blehschmidt

  1. Just a rumor of who the returning players are. No boot order or anything like that.
  2. WeAreOne's spoiler concern's the upcoming season of Survivor (23). So those of you catching up probably don't want to read it.
  3. I swear I remember reading somewhere around the time that All Stars debuted that Kelly Wigglesworth turned them down, because of everything with Susan and being labeled a Rat, and she just had no interest in doing any of it again.
  4. I didn't think 13 was that bad, but I have previously stated that Parvati is my favorite player of all time. I will agree that 14 is pretty bad though.
  5. I know in the first season the Final 4 pay outs went: 1st: 1 Million 2nd: 100,000 3rd: 50,000 4th: 25,000 I will stay out of the Jenna Morasca conversation, because I actually like her. I just wish you guys would hurry up and get to Parvati seasons so I could start talking about her!!
  6. As much as I would love to see it, since she is my favorite player of all time, I don't see Parvati coming back to play again.
  7. I could see Mike the Marine getting a second chance as well.
  8. I think I read somewhere that Probst wants David to have another chance, and I am with you on Stephanie.
  9. As much as I disliked Rob the first two times he played, I have to say he deserved it this time. Glad he won! Phillip or Ralph need to come back for another season!!
  10. I wish it would hurry up and get here already! I am very interested in seeing how all of this plays out tonight!! I'm pulling for either a Rob or Grant win, but I think Natalie is going to take home the million.
  11. I am gonna have to go and dig out my All Stars DVD after Redemption Island ends this weekend. That Rudy quote you posted has totally put me in the mood to watch that season again!
  12. Does anyone happen to have some updated KyKy pics of the following Chikara roster members? Icarus El Hijo Del Ice Cream Ice Cream Jr. Jonny Gargano Leonard F. Chikarason Pinkie Sanchez Sinn Bodhi Tim Donst
  13. Gotcha, I remember that, just didn't remember it being called the ghost tribe.
  14. Ghost Tribe? Sounds interesting, what is this about?
  15. I've seen every season as it aired, and rewatched Borneo and All Stars on DVD. So while I can't remember specifics, I can say that Marquesas was my least favorite season due to my hatred of Vecepia. While either Borneo or Pearl Islands is my favorite season. While we are discussing these things, who are everybodies favorite and least favorite players? My all time favorite is Parvati, with Rudy, Jenna Morasca, Richard Hatch, and Rupert rounding out the top 5. Least favorite is Vecepia, followed closely by Cirie and Aras
  16. Anybody in the U.S. wanna buy over 130 UFC DVD's?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blehschmidt


      While you've always been a favorite poster of mine TGC, that price is a little low for what I had in mind!

    3. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      I can't afford fiv million bison dollars :(

    4. TGC


      Fine. $9.98 and you pay S&H and throw in a signed picture of Linnea Quigley. That is my final offer!

      (Nobody but me knows who she is on here I bet)

  17. If anyone could do the following, I would be much appreciated. William Regal with the NWA World Title William Regal with the WWF Winged Eagle Title and Brodie Lee with the NWA World on one shoulder and the WWF Winged Eagle on the other.
  18. Can anyone do me the following 4 pictures, all on KyKy William Regal with the Winged Eagle WWF Title William Regal with the NWA World Heavyweight Title John Morrison with the NWA World Heavyweight Title Chris Hero with the NWA World Heavyweight Title Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
  19. Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin of the North Star Express on KyKy? Thanks in advance for any help. Man I wish search would come back!!
  20. Anybody got Shane Matthews and Jagged of 2.0 on KyKy? and what happened to the search function?
  21. You are not alone. I didn't think the movie was funny either. Actually I dislike most of Will Ferrel's movies.
  22. that federation was what WCW turned into after the buyout.. What? If your talking about WCCW, you would be meaning the GWF (Global) which was also dead by 1996.
  23. The UWF (Universal Wrestling Federation) was long dead by 1996. The Bill Watts version having died in 1988 and the Herb Abrams version having died in 1994. So you might want to remove them.
  24. Could someone please cut and KyKy this pic of Ray Gordy. Thanks
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