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Everything posted by Blehschmidt

  1. I got Season 1 for my birthday, and had taped all of season 2....and have finally caught up!! This show has overtaken 24 as my favorite!!! Tonight's episode was sweet, especially since Jin is one of my two favorite characters. 3 weeks until the next episode, and there killing someone that night.... Bastards, making us wait three weeks. So who does everyone think it will be?
  2. Nothing graphically exciting here...but I enjoy it. www.urbandead.com PM me if you have any questions.
  3. I chose House of the Dead. It was either that or the Batman movie, and I really hated that one.
  4. I've not yet seen Peters fight, but after watching Wladmir get knocked out a couple times, I think his chin is weak. My money is on Peter. and DAMN!!! That was one hell of an opening bout....doubt the heavyweights can top that!!!
  5. This site might be helpful to everyone... http://www.solcofn.com/ Also check out www.DC101.com on Saturday nights from 10PM to Midnight EST. They do two hours of mash ups, and they have streaming capability. EDIT: NIN/50 Cent can be found here...not downloadable but here it is.... http://www.floundersmashups.com/mashups.htm
  6. The whole Master of Puppets album....period.
  7. I am going to agree with everyone else, then add some. Pick up Skid Row's album with "Youth Gone Wild" and "18 and Life" Poison has numerous greatest hits albums floating around, get one of those too. Ratt, Great White, Warrant, LA Guns, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Tesla, White Lion, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, and of course Guns 'n' Roses (Some people don't consider them Hair, but it's where they get there start.
  8. Blehschmidt

    Harry Potter

    I'll be getting it. The place I pre-ordered from is opening at midnight on Friday to start selling it at 12:01!!!
  9. The Next Karate Kid: Not as bad as I thought it would be. It has Miyagi, so all is well. 5/10 Point Break: This is one of my two favorite movies ever. I've seen it a million times. 10/10 as always.
  10. Though they have already been mentioned.... The "Wonder Years" finale when Winnie is crying, and the part where he mentions losing his dad. The "Quantum Leap" finale when we find out Sam doesn't get to go home. and to add something new.... The finale of Dinosaurs. When the ice age begins to descend and they all realize there gonna die...that one fucked me up.
  11. My monthly lot is: Batman (Gave up on it years ago, until the Hush storyline sucked me back in) GI Joe (Loved the original Marvel run as a kid, and Devils Due has done a good job with it.) The Walking Dead (Greatest comic EVER!!! I would advise everyone to at least give it a try, awesome writing, awesome art...can't miss) Starting in August, Devils Due is bringing the Dragonlance Chronicles to comic book form, and I will definitly be picking that up. (It's where my board name came from)
  12. The Girl Next Door: I had never seen this before today, and although somewhat predictable, still a good watch. Not to mention the hotness that is Elisha Cuthbert. Thumbs Up. The Crow: Seen it a million times, still love it to this day. Thumbs Up
  13. Just got back from seeing this one, and I was pretty happy with it. The gore was there, but nothing to revolting. Nothing really made me jump. But all in all, it was put together well, was quite enjoyable, and made me rethink my dislike of John Leguizamo. In Closing: Definitly worth your time.
  14. I vote Yes. Fine, they may not be physical specimens, but it does take a training regiment to be able to sit in those temperatures, fighting dehydration and exhaustion....all the while maintaining a sharp mental edge to avoid piling yourself into the wall at 200 miles an hour. If Golf is a sport....Nascar is a sport.
  15. Before I give any opinions on the movie, I just feel the need to say this. After years of waiting, and years of anticipation...the Star Wars Saga as we know it is over. Sure, there will still be books, comics, cartoons, and possibly the TV show...but Revenge of the Sith may well be the last new Star Wars movie to ever hit the big screen. Being a long time fan (and I can already hear some of you calling me a geek!) that was something I was realizing going into the theater today. I thought maybe that would dampen my appreciation of the movie. I Was Wrong. Revenge of the Sith from beginning to end was everything that it needed to be. Loose ends were tied up, unanswered questions were answered, and the prequels, no matter your opinion of them are now tied into the original trilogy we all know and love. Of course, it did have it's downfalls. Natalie Portman's performance was phoned in, and the romantic dialogue still didn't come off as well as it should. But otherwise, I can not point a single flaw with this movie. The Emperor and Obi Wan truly stole the show, with Yoda and Anakin coming in close behind. Everything a fan, and non-fan could have hoped for was there. The opening space battle was breathtaking, The Emperor's manipulation of everyone and everything around him was absolutely brilliant. Anakin's slow descent into the Dark Side was done damn near perfectly, and the emotion of the Jedi Slaughter, and the final battles was done at a fever pitch. The ending, an homage to the opening of A New Hope was perfect. As a fan, for as long as I can remember....I can ask for nothing more. Revenge of the Sith now ranks firmly second behind only Empire as the greatest of the Star Wars films. Now, if only the DVD would come out tomorrow
  16. Damn It....this just makes me want to see it so much more. Hell, I've already read the book, and it made me want to see it..this just makes it worse. Luckily I already have my opening day, first showing ticket.
  17. Blehschmidt


    I hope I don't get in trouble for bringing this back off of Page 4 but.... Tonight's Episode was GREAT!!! It's a good thing Palmer is coming back, as the Vice President is a big pussy. Chloe and the machine gun was Totally unexpected. and am I the only person who thinks that Edgar is working with Marwan???
  18. Weezer and Cake I wish the show was closer...that would be sweet as hell.
  19. I know my local Wal-Mart has the King of the Hill season for that price...so most of you should be able to find that. Dark Angel for 15...I am all over that. Nice Find JHS
  20. These may be a little tough to find, but I am looking for two WWE Developmental Talents. Danny Inferno and Ken Doane Also, if your bored and have the time, I need pics of the RoH students...Anthony Franco and Evan Starsmore Thanks in Advance for any help...
  21. Soundgarden had already released albums (though not well known) before Nirvana ever recorded Bleach. I don't know anything about them getting Nirvana onto Sub-Pop. Teen Spirit hit and got huge, which prompted MTV and various radio stations to start playing other Grunge music. It was during this that "Outshined" from Soundgarden's Bad Motor Finger album started getting air time. Even at that point I wouldn't say that Soundgarden got big, it was more during the release of the album Super Unknown with songs like "Spoon Man" and "Black Hole Sun" getting massive airplay.
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