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Everything posted by Blehschmidt

  1. Could someone do a Non-Suicide, Non-Seratonin, Frankie Kazarian on KyKy for me? Thanks in advance.
  2. How does one find out who won Fight, KO, and Submission of the Night?
  3. I watched the first episode last night, and I have to say I thought it was pretty good. They are doing a fairly decent job of setting up multiple people to be under suspicion of being the killer. I am a bit annoyed with who they chose to kill off last night, because I thought that character could have been a good one. As for a deadpool, I need time to figure out who the hell everyone is!!!
  4. Spoiler: Click here to viewI also believe that Christian is one of the island spirits. My reasoning: When he appeared with Locke at the donkey wheel, and Locke's leg was busted, Locke asked for help up and Christian immediately said No. While it could have just been him being a dick, or more of the testing of John Locke, I kinda think it was a "I can't help you, because I am not real" kinda thing.
  5. Zero..... Spoiler: Click here to viewI would need to take a second look, but Claire was last seen with him, so that might make sense.
  6. Spoiler: Click here to viewI am pretty sure that Ellie and Hawking are one in the same. Whoever pointed out Annie being Charlotte's mother might well be right...but could that possibly make Ben her father? As for Ben killing Penny....he did say he had a promise to keep, and if you rewatch the episode, when he calls Jack it looks as if he is at a Marina with all kinds of boats behind him, and Desmond/Penny have been traveling by boat. Personally, I am hoping he tried to kill Penny, and Desmond kicked the shit out of him, explaining why he is all beat up. Cause if they end Desmond/Penny that way....I am going to be angry as hell!!!
  7. We had a power outage and I missed something crucial, can someone please tell me what happened between..... Spoiler: Click here to viewRousseau's baby kicking was the last thing I saw before the outage....her shooting at Jin as he ran away from her on the beach was the next thing I saw.....what the fuck happened in between!!!!!
  8. Belfort/Lindland Spoiler: Click here to viewHOLY SHIT!!!! Did Belfort from 1997 show up?
  9. If Arlovski wins, I look forward to seeing all of the "Fedor has AIDS" posts that pop up on Sherdog, right before they all commit mass suicide. Anyway, Lindland/Belfort should be good.
  10. Am I the only person rooting for Andrei Arlovski?
  11. Paul Buentello vs. Kiril Sidikinov Spoiler: Click here to viewI thought Buentello looked very crisp tonight. My first time seeing Kiril fight, but my god what a chin. Babalu/Soko Spoiler: Click here to viewHooray for Babalu!!!! Now, let's go Arlovski!!!!!!
  12. Alright, I know some of these I will probably be the only vote for...but here goes..... 1) Christina Ricci Claim to Fame: Sleepy Hollow, Speed Racer, Black Snake Moan 2) Elisabeth Harnois Claim to Fame: short lived Fox show Point Pleasent 3) Natalie Portman Claim to Fame: Star Wars, V for Vendetta 4) Lucy Liu Claim to Fame: Kill Bill, Charlies Angels 5) Summer Glau Claim to Fame: Firefly, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 6) Katherine Isabelle Claim to Fame: Ginger Snaps, Freddy v.s. Jason 7) Evangeline Lily Claim to Fame: Lost 8) Yvonne Strahovski Claim to Fame: NBC show Chuck 9) Jennifer Love Hewitt Claim to Fame: Ghost Whisperer, I Know What You Did Last Summer 10) Emma Watson Claim to Fame: The Harry Potter movies (she is 18 now, so this is a legal pick!!)
  13. Smokey and The Bandit may be my favorite film of all time. This is definitely a sad passing. RIP Jerry Reed
  14. Family Guy. I find most of the episdoes funny, and even the bad ones have a laugh or two. I like South Park...but....well......Lemmiwinks. That's all I should need to say.
  15. Firstly, that episode was fantastic, and Lost really does know how to end a season. As for Jin....if you watch where the explosion begins in the boat, and where Jin was in relation to the explosion, it doesn't matter if Jin jumped or not. The force of that explosion would have blown him forward off the boat and into the water. Whether he was alive when he hit the water, or incinerated, I can not answer....but the force of that definitely took him off the boat. I think he is alive, and somehow got transported with the island. Which brings me to Farraday and the raft full of unnamed jobbers. I saw where someone said they are left floating in the middle of the ocean.....BUT.... They were headed to the same place the helicopter was...which means that after the island disappeared, and before the helicopter crashed, they should have been visible to the people in the chopper. So, here is my line of thinking...... The helicopter didn't get transported because it was in the air. I think because Jin, Farraday and crew, and even the sinking remnants of the boat were in the water, possibly over very, very deep extended land mass under the water, they all got transported along with the island where ever it went. If you think about it, they never showed the freighter wreck again after the island moved. As for TGC's theory that Charlotte is Ben's little girlfriend.....I think your right. It was the very first thing that came into my mind as soon as she claimed to possibly be from the island. Someone pointed out the age difference, but in that flashback, Annie looked to be a few years younger than Ben.....at least to me. As for Desmond and Penny.......if Ben kills them, he will go from being my 3rd favorite character to being my least favorite....Desmond Fucking Rules!!!
  16. I'm glad to hear they got the third hour, as there were some fine fights being relegated to Undercard status. I am still holding on too hope that the Spencer Fisher makes TV.
  17. Luckily I already had a Max Drive when this game came out, but I can say that had I not, I would have bought one immediately. With-in two hours of owning the game I had over 350 created wrestlers, with minimal work on my part. I am now up to 478 including downloaded ones, and the 40 or so I have made myself. So for those wondering...the Max Drive is well, well worth the purchase. For you UK'ers, I just googled "Max Drive UK" and found places selling it right away.
  18. So after an impressive sounding victory..... Do you think Arlovski gets the money he wants and signs a new UFC contract? or Should I be purchasing Showtime so that I can catch my favorite fighter on Elite XC!!
  19. Mr. Chile Spoiler: Click here to viewIf Brock loses to Mark Coleman, it will most likely affect his career. Coleman is way past his prime, and I'm sure the UFC expects Brock to run threw him. However, Coleman is a talented wrestler, possibly better than Brock...so it should be interesting. If Brock loses, look for him to be the guy that gets fed to young up and comers until his contract is finished.
  20. How long have you watched MMA: I remember renting the VHS of UFC 3 back in 1994 or 95, and I have tried to keep informed ever since (watching was near impossible during the UFC's dark period) How often do you watch it: Quite alot. I can't afford the PPV's most of the time, but I find ways to see the fights, and I always buy the DVD's of UFC events. I try and catch the live WEC shows, and I check out other stuff as well. What interested you in the sport intially (an aspect of it, a fight, a fighter, etc): I was interested in the competition, and the fact that it was real, unlike the wrestling I had been watching for so many years. What MMA promotions you watch/have watched: UFC, WEC, Elite XC, a little Pride, King of the Cage First fight and/or event viewed (that you can remember): UFC 3...whatever the first fight on the VHS was. Last fight and/or event viewed:Just finished rewatching UFC 75 on DVD Favorite fighter (that you support or just enjoy watching): Andrei Arlovski is my favorite, along with Anderson Silva, Don Frye, Spencer Fisher, Randy Coutoure, Forrest Griffin, Quinton Jackson, and lately Jon Fitch Least favorite fighter: Josh Fucking Koscheck Favorite fight: Don Frye v.s. Yoshihiro Takiyama Favorite event: Good Question...not sure off the top of my head Favorite knockout: Tank Abbot v.s. Steve Nelmark....just the sight of that poor bastard folded in half pressed against the cage.....or....Spencer Fisher knocking out Matt Wiman with a flying knee after Wiman did that "shake my head and smile like that punch didn't hurt" thing. Also Diego Sanchex murdering Joe Riggs with a running knee Favorite submission: Probably Frank Mir snapping Tim Sylvia's arm....not a Sylvia fan. #1 Pound for Pound Fighter based on wins (in your opinion): Anderson Silva....although I was probably supposed to say Fedor....but his record doesn't impress me that much. #1 Pound for Pound fighter based on skill: Anderson Silva Most overrated fighter: Georges St. Pierre Most underrated fighter: Spencer Fisher
  21. You may be a little behind the times as most of those songs leaked last year. But, yeah for the most part I enjoy them...especially TWAT. Then again, I am an old school G'n'R fan, and I have been waiting for a new album since 1992 (the Spaghetti Incident doesn't count)....so I will take anything at this point.
  22. Blehschmidt

    John Rambo

    I got back from seeing Rambo a little while ago and the only thing I can say is.....FUCKING SPECTACULAR!!!! They pulled no punches what so ever. Every bit of violence was intact, women, children, animals...no one was spared. Bullet wounds, knife wounds, severed limbs, people blown apart, rape, torture..... I am not condoning any of the above, but normally these things don't end up getting shown in movies, where they instead make war look like a fun little adventure for you and your buddies. This movie showed that war is hell, and I have a feeling that there are going to be some pissed off soccer moms and overly religious people boycotting the movie in the next day or two. I on the other hand thought it was absolutely spectactular, and I am willing to say it is the best pure action movie since the original Die Hard. I will be seeing it again sometime this week.
  23. We have used the Max Drive for this game, as well as Smackdown, and Madden. We have done tons of different files for Fire Pro, and have never had a single issue with it corrupting a memory card. As stated before, you just need the MAX and two memory cards.
  24. I was just reading back through a couple pages of this thread and felt the need to make another post. If anyone is wondering whether or not picking up a MAX Drive is worth it....the answer is YES!!!! One hundred times over...YES!!! Being able to get the edit packs, pick and choose who you want out of damn near any wrestler you can think of for the past twnety years, and know that you don't have to spend hours making them...is absolutely worth every penny! I already have over 700 wrestlers in the game thanks to the Max Drive and I know damn well that if I had needed to make all of them...it would have never gotten finished. Not to mention the incredibly time consuming Logos being readily available on some of those save files. Now that I know we have this big ass topic in here, I will have to share some of my gameplay stories as well!!!
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