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Everything posted by LL!

  1. I adored Family Guy. I saw the leaked episode because I was under previous acknowledgement that I may not be able to catch it, but it was the complete opossite. After a little get together we gathered around the TV set and laughed away from 8-10 PM watching Simpsons, Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad back to back. I love the part with The Honeymooners, it was so random that it had me in stitches for quite the while.
  2. What is this HOTU? And I'm just gonna ask without negating the fact that I'll get mauled for my "stupidity", but is it free?
  3. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    Alright, DBD. My band is called Raging Bull and I'm gonna apply to your label now.
  4. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    Well, since I signed with Basha as Pants, and am thinking of starting a new band... It's only fair that the new band sign with DBD. Thus, once I establish this new band I'll get back to you DBD.
  5. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    Aren't you supposed to have a max of 2 bands?
  6. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    Basha didn't sign my band. I think I'm gonna sign up with you DBD.
  7. thats my thinking to . the idea sounds good but I just have a feeling they'll use the gameday engine. also I have a feeling they'll focus one one gameplay mode more then the other , for example they could spend most of their time perfecting the football engine and leave the fighting engine being nothing but bare bones again it could work out but we'll have to wait and see ← They ARE using the Gameday engine. I read it over at IGN.com. Both games are confirmed for Fall and Winter. I think it's NBA 06 and Road To Sunday respectively.
  8. They both sound great, first of all. However, I am more interested in Road To Sunday. Football interests me more and concept seems much fresher. The only thing that turns me off is the fact that it's very possible the game will have the Gameday engine which I was never too much of a fan of.
  9. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    Actually, he just shut down the label. Everyone became "unlabeled".
  10. LL!

    Music Maven V3

    I applied to your label. My band is Pants. And yes I did win second place in the Metal Maven contest! WOO HOO!
  11. With all the flack this game deserves, I'll give this to them. The storyline (because there pretty much is only one) is very interesting for what it is. I'm enjoying playing through it. Although there is no branching out or anything to have further storylines, this is pretty fun.
  12. Damnit, now seems to be a good time to have Xbox Live.
  13. Those are my exact feelings on the game. The loading kills the game completely as that's where all the freezing comes in. It has only actually FROZEN my game once, but mini-freezes are all over the place. There was actually a point in a match where I guess I was supposed to be back body dropped, but my guy dove up like a salmon, stayed that way in the air for maybe 2 seconds (while my opponent just stood there), and then he fell down completing the flip. One of the good things is that when moves connect, it looks and feels like they are actually making contact most of the time and that the AI is actually harder. The generic voice given to the superstar is fine and all, but I feel the words are way too scripted. It comes off like they are actually reading from the paper in front of them than actually talking. Oh, and of course tag teams don't come out together anymore. It's like the game is going backwards or something. I don't know what else to cover that Lint hasn't, but I definitely will try and continue playing and try to enjoy the experience as much as possible becasue in the end it can be entertaining to a degree. PS The graphics are some of the best I've ever seen in a WWE game at least.
  14. I love how the Superman punching what looks like Godzilla are obviously toys. Makes you wonder.
  15. Was anyone else scared that they meant the Bedazzled with Elizabeth Hurley?
  16. Mine has a white border as well, and damnit Flowzen how come the LD Invision Board let you upload yours, but not mine?!
  17. I should've made it clearer that on the bottom left there is a girl walking away. The hand represents the male reaching out to the female as she leaves.
  18. I was kind of inspired to do this while listening to The Killers' song, Mr. Brightside. I tried to do something here, but it just didn't want to come out like I wished it did. Might as well put it up anyway for you to evaluate me. Any criticism is accepted and if you tear it up it's fine as I know it's not the best around.
  19. Guess Who - 5/10 - I was going to see Sin City, but got there too late and it was sold out across the board. I guess that's what we get for trying to hit up a new movie theater. Anyway, I saw this little "gem" for three reasons. A. I was already there. B. Melinda and Melinda got some really bad reviews. C. It seemed like a good date flick. So, I came in with low expectiations and the movie delivered a bit better, but it was still not the best. It had some good laughs, but a lot of pedestrian stuff so it really didn't outshine much in it's genre. Road Trip - 7/10 - This is a really fun movie and this is about the fourth time I see it. I also saw this movie years ago with rather low expectations, but was really amused by it. Great for laughs even if you are a stuck up asshole.
  20. Splinter Cell (3): Chaos Theory 10/10 Oh... oh God... I'm just orgasming all over here...
  21. I'll add the most obvious flaw in your graphics right here: Lack of border. Put a border on your graphics and they'll begin to look better.
  22. Might as well rent NFL Street 2 as it's more updated. If I were you, I'd take in consideration the recommendations made by Zero and MP. Get yourself Chaos Theory.
  23. You can go and get it now if you like. It should be released.
  24. I'll have to go with Estevez as well. I think the eye/cheek area really define them as looking most like each other.
  25. GameInformer just gave a 10/10 and Gamespot gave it a 9.3/10.
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