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Status Replies posted by C-MIL

  1. You're gonna announce that your gonna cash in the Money in the briefcase... bank... Money in the Bank briefcase!

  2. You're gonna announce that your gonna cash in the Money in the briefcase... bank... Money in the Bank briefcase!

  3. I got an email from my boss today which literally said "Chilling Yours, Scott" Is that only an EWB reference?

  4. Is it even still cool to say cool?

  5. I think I may be getting Little Pete from Pete & Pete as a podcast guest, and he's bringing Lisa Foiles with him again. Reddit and Twitter are wonderful things.

  6. I can't wait for the response to this weeks obligatory "is Raw worth watching?" post.

  7. Would anyone be interested if I compile a list of EWB's favorite Monday Night Raw Matches? I know everyone was getting sick of lists so I figured I'll check here first to see if there's interest.

  8. Would anyone be interested if I compile a list of EWB's favorite Monday Night Raw Matches? I know everyone was getting sick of lists so I figured I'll check here first to see if there's interest.

  9. TNA PPV worth watching?

  10. rspw.org/petrie has apparently not paid it's bills. anyone know where else to find the john petrie reports?

  11. rspw.org/petrie has apparently not paid it's bills. anyone know where else to find the john petrie reports?

  12. I thought PAC and Apoc were the same person? I don't know the indies at all...

  13. Nobody doing the UFC chat?

  14. Nobody doing the UFC chat?

  15. House of Leaves. Anyone read it? Thoughts?

  16. You have 48 hours until I release the weirdest signature on EWB…you've been warned…

  17. I literally JUST found out that Luna Vachon died like two years ago. What the shit!?

  18. When does the WWE Network start airing?

  19. dont want to bump a four month dead topic: when does wrp start airing?

  20. dont want to bump a four month dead topic: when does wrp start airing?

  21. The highest paid athlete in the world is currently in prison... Just let that sink in for a minute.

  22. no way out worth watching?

  23. I don't know if they grade sand, but if they do...coarse.

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