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Status Replies posted by C-MIL

  1. Which WWE or TNA PPV to watch ??? any sugestions???

  2. Why is it that when I go on HybridEnt.tv it only has CZW Wired from last August?

  3. Maybe Mr. Boddy killed the cook!

  4. Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence.

  5. Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence.

  6. Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence.

  7. Those turtles that were climbing turtles couldn't climb over the turtle fence.

  8. The male delegate from Chicago calls for a moratorium on loving songs in statuses.

  9. I think I'll start liking Brodus Clay again if they do an angle where they find a female Funkasaurus and WWE's top scientists try to get the two to mate. And by "WWE's top scientists" I mean, of course, Damien Sandow.

  10. Back at the helm of the Top 20. Normal service is resumed. Boo-yah!

  11. Back at the helm of the Top 20. Normal service is resumed. Boo-yah!

  12. Think it's settled...Kayfabe Commentaries: Guest Booker with Raven, 1994 Timeline Shane Douglas, 1997 Timeline Sabu, New Jack YouShoot, Shane Douglas YouShoot then RF: New Jack 2012, Konnan 2012, Raven/Dreamer 6 disk on their feud, Raven/Sandman 6 disk on their feud, maybe Lance Storm's Vol. 2 shoot as well

  13. Why can't all wrestling promotions be like Ring Ka King?

  14. Why can't all wrestling promotions be like Ring Ka King?

  15. I'm Spartacus .. what the hell am I doing here?

  16. Going to order some RF and KC shoot interviews soon. Any non-Cornette recommendations?

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