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Everything posted by Jook

  1. Is it just me or does EVERY Chelsea fan want Ranieri to stay? I haven't heard anyone say they wanted Mourinho. I hope Ranieri stays in Britain, he's a ruddy nice bloke.
  2. Santy's right, This Charming Man is a great song, one of my all time favourites infact. Also, if you want a good Morrissey solo album, then the best are 'Vauxhall and I' and 'Your Arsenal'.
  3. Yeah he is good enough, he's a great player. He holds the ball well, he's a great passer, and he's intelligent. Scotland don't have that many players like that.
  4. Jim Carrey (serious role) Uma Thurman Samuel L. Jackson Kirsten Dunst Kate Winslet John Travolta. Eternal Pulp of a Fictional Mind Mmmmm.....
  5. If you thought his latest album was good, then you're gonna fucking love the Smiths. This Charming Man, How Soon Is Now, and Panic are some of their best songs IMO. Best album is either Hatful of Hollow or The Queen Is Dead.
  6. Cha Cha Slide Barbie Girl In the Fucking Shadows
  7. I dunno, I just couldn't get into it. I appreciated it, I just didn't enjoy watching it. It might've been because I wasn't paying full attention to it....I might re-watch soon.
  8. The Last Samuri - 6/10 Scooby Doo - 1/10
  9. The Coral - The Coral Thought it was shit when I first listened to it, but I love it now.
  10. But it won't come through....Spurs continuosly (sp?) link themselves with big players just to keep the fans happy, but they never buy anyone good.
  11. FFVII: Advent Children Also, when's the Family Guy movie out, if it's out at all?
  12. Stuck on You - 0/10 Fucking horrible, horrible film. In my worst 10 movies of all time. Battle Royale - 8/10 Very enjoyable film.
  13. Jook

    Would anyone like

    I'll go for Celtic, depending on how this'll work.
  14. Every big tournament, my family have a gambling thing..... everyone puts £4 in and you get two teams. If one of your team then wins the tournament, then you get all of the money people put in, so you'd get £28. My two teams are Spain and England :/ The 'almost' teams.
  15. I prefered Rude. Hell, I loved all of the turks. I loved fighting them too, the funnest bosses in the whole of FFVII.
  16. Looks awesome. Another good site is http://www.adventchildren.net I can't wait for this. Should be out by the end of the year
  17. He's overrated IMO, plus he's getting on a bit. To be honest I'd rather Bridge in my first team than Carlos.
  18. Duality is the first Slipknot song I've actually half-liked....so it must be bringing in a new fan base.
  19. Why have I not seen Fight Club. What Pixies track is it Squancho? For me, Donnie Darko, Pulp Fiction or possibly Eternal Sunshine
  20. Out with Winter, in with Collina. Sounds fucking fair to me.
  21. Don't talk about my best friends cousin like that! But yeah, he is a dickhead. My friend thinks so too. Apparently he thinks he's gods gift. Wanker.
  22. Pulp Fiction - 10/10 Kill Bill Vol.1 - 9/10 True Romance - 8/10 TARINTINO FEST~!
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