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Everything posted by thatblindgeye

  1. If it does take a whole year for a new season to come out, I really wont be upset about it. Not to say the show has been bad, but I haven't found it to be all that good, nor did I find myself getting excited for new episodes each week. I think the thing that hooked me in at first, outside it being a show about zombies, was how much detail and how little censorship went into the design of some of the zombies in the pilot. After that and probably the next one or two episodes, the feeling has been lost. The only character I can say that I like would be Dale (the old guy I believe) and maybe Glen as a close second. It does make me want to read the graphic novels the show was based on, though.
  2. I have to say, if it wasn't for the dancing number during Santana's solo, I really would have said The Warblers should have come in first place. Wasn't that wowed by New Directions' performance at all. The first number sounded a lot better once the entire group got into it, but Quinn and Sam alone I just didn't think was that good at all. Also hoping the big chick gets booted out of the club ASAP. I dont see her being of much interest other than the "lol shes fat and wrestles" stuff. Tina and Mercedes, however, need more songs together. That final song in the episode was great.
  3. Considering I dont exactly play a lot of games (I really only play Reach now, and only have that and SD 2011 for games), I dont really tend to get all that upset. If I get killed in Reach, I'll say "fuck!" I never really play in matches where I just get flatout annoyed with the types of people in the game (the only types I get annoyed with are those that spam hammers and swords), or annoyed/upset with losing. I have that competitive type of anger with playing, but I never cross the line with it, especially to the point where I feel the need to throw or break something. I play games to give me something fun to do, and even when I lose (which happens 90% of the time since I suck), I still have fun. It is also something that pulls me away from reality. I just dont understand why people do that. I have a friend who tends to get really upset, and one time threw his controller to the ground just because he didnt win a friendly game of Grifball in Reach that was just between him, two other friends there, and I (meaning we were not playing online with strangers), and he sulked about it for a good amount of time. It sucks playing with people like that, because if I start beating them and I can tell they are getting annoyed, I just let them win to shut them up and prevent them from throwing a hissy fit.
  4. Yeah, the online seems to suck ass. I actually think Im just going to trade the game in. As hyped as I was for it, it isnt as good as I thought it would be. I quickly was reminded of the SD games gameplay and it hasnt really changed all that much for me, other than some things like the new struggle submission stuff and whatnot. Online just sucks, it seems impossible for me to find a match that is anything BUT 1 bar signal strength. The RTWM was fun, and it was nice while it lasted. Maybe in another few years.
  5. Id echo the "alright" comment. As stoked as I was for the game, having not played wrestling games in a few years, it quickly lost much value to me with the online being as shit as it has been for me. Universe is a good building block, they just need to expand more on it, and trying to find a good balance for AI reversals is a pain since leaving it default is just reversalfest
  6. Try whipping them hard enough and close enough to the ropes where they end up laying on the apron, then you can do a minigame to try and press A in the blue section as a cursor goes back forth. Or save up a finisher and get them caught in the ropes in any way and do the finisher.
  7. Rather disappointing then. I dislike the way they have the whole choosing a match laid out, as I was hoping for something more along the lines of getting paired up with random people and voting on a match or something, but it wouldnt matter with the online being laggy. That was something I was really looking forward to.
  8. Has anyone had any positive experience with playing online with others? It seems anytime I try to play online I either cant find a match, get stuck sitting around waiting for other spots to fill up, the match is beyond laggy, or other people leave midmatch.
  9. LOVED last nights episode, mainly for the Kurt stuff. I've always felt bad for him in other episodes, but last night it was ten times worse. Actually seeing his response and feelings to all the shit he has to go through rather than him just brushing it off made for great scenes. Echo on not seeing that kiss coming. My jaw dropped and I had to let out a big 'holy shit'. I found it kind of funny with the whole "why isn't Rachel talking" thing, because I had actually forgotten she was even in the episode. It's nice to have the show focus on the other characters instead of making it about one main person/couple. Reason I love this show is that it can be quirky when it needs to be, it can be music dedicated when it needs, but it can also deliver some emotional and great serious scenes to further the development.
  10. i dont mind seeing zombies do basic things such as using a brick to break a window or climbing a fence or remembering where their husband when they were alive lives. Things like that seem simple to me, things that even an undead could know without really knowing or thinking. For me, either they can comprehend simple things such as brick = heavy = breaks glass, or they see someone climb a fence in front of them and recognize it as something they can do. They recognize that they eat things that are alive rather than trying to eat one another, and they seem to know that staying in a group is better than being on their own (though that could just be zombies going to the same area looking for people that are alive more than them staying in a group) so simples things like what they did in the second episode doesnt bother me. As long as we dont get zombies without any legs outrunning a human on their hands or a zombie inventing a death ray, Im good.
  11. That's one thing I've found to be frustrating. I can deal with reversals, but not when I got literally five minutes in a match without hitting a single strike or grappling move, and I struggle to time the reversal button right. When I get the free time I need to fiddle with the reversal sliders and see what feels best. The default midway point was too much, and all the way down is way too low.
  12. To be fair, after they rubbed the blood and guts and whatever else on the coats they were wearing, they DID pass by only a few zombies. That was pretty much their test run. Had those few zombies not been fooled and tried killing them, they could have just run back inside. It isnt like they plopped down in the middle of the entire horde with no escape route or anything. Havent read the comics or anything, but Im enjoying the show. Anything zombie for the most part is good, and I like how they arent being held back as far as content goes. Seeing some of the way the zombies look is visually great. I like that it is a TV show, something that doesnt end as quickly as a movie. Seeing them deal with the zombie outbreak over a span of however long it lasts should be good, especially if it stays as true to the comics as possible, based on what people are saying about the comics. I must also echo the comment that someone said about Sarah Wayne Callies.
  13. Finished all the RTWM's (only did the CAW for the Taker one). Slight spoilers regarding them: Having some fun in the Highlight Reel thing, creating a few entrance trons for CAWs I have. Limited options, but it is a great feature, especially when it is for something you really won't see all that much during entrances. Going to try downloading some CAWs. Anybody have recommendations as far as CAWs/CAW makers go?
  14. I had my greatest spot in a TLC match and it didnt even show up in the match highlights >_<. Had two tables stacked on top of eachother outside the ring right next to the apron and a ladder in the ring right next to the ropes. Goldust and I are on the ladder and I hit a Killswitch finisher from it to the outside through both tables. And the commentary IS awful. I would hit Masters' signature move and King would always say "The Master Lock locked in!" This is just one thing they need to completely rehaul rather than just building off what they already have.
  15. Has anyone found a good balance for the AI reversal sliders in the options menu? I had them left on the default setting, but any matches against the CPU have had way too many reversals for my tastes, in a not-so-fun kinda way. Moving it all the way down obviously means no reversals, so Im looking for a balance that will have the match go longer than 2 minutes, but not get so frustrating where I would rather quit the match than continue.
  16. Finally got into Universe and RTWM. Finished Jericho's and now on Christian's. Was wondering what point those little challenges were for, but found out through google. Going to go through each RTWM at least once before I actually focus on trying to unlock things. Universe is pretty nice. Actually just trying to unlock the wrestlers you can get through that before I focus on building my CAWs up. It actually isnt anything mind blowing, but it gives me something to do other than RTWM. I don't have to just do random exhibition matches since there are rankings, and I can try having Ryder beat Orton in less than 10 seconds to push him up. It is quite simple yet can go a long way for me. As far as the whole not being able to upload CAWs, it may be due to only having one CAW. I tried this at my friends this weekend, and I was unable to upload a CAW despite having one, but the second I made another CAW the option became available.
  17. Dabbled a bit more in the CAF. Really enjoyed it. Wasnt able to make any of the finishers I had in mind at the time (sad that there isn't a normal diamond cutter animation, but the RKO one works), but did get to make a few including a TKO and a 360 degree side spin into a 450 degree frog splash from the top rope. Looks kind of iffy as far as the animations being pieced together, but Ive enjoyed it. Also didnt know that having Universe on and doing a simpe one on one match would add that match to the card for the show you are doing. Ended up having matches with Santino and JTG added to the card after I beat them. Will have to remember to turn it off when I want to practice with things, but the Universe mode seems pretty nice as well from the few cards I got done with it. One thing I like about the Rumble is that if you get eliminated you get to choose what number you can come back in as if you want to continue as another wrestller.
  18. Yeah, kind of. Im just used to playing Reach, and with that every player selects a different storage device. Once I am able to get back on Xbox later Ill have to check out the save files for the game and see how they are set up. If you can just select the sepcific CAW file and copy/move it to another system and back, then it won't be as big a deal, assuming no data for it gets over written (stats or otherwise). Plus that would allow me to adjust the CAW without having to constantly upload it for my friend to download to their system. It isn't a MAJOR problem, as in it would prevent me from buying the game had I heard about it before getting it, Im just used to the multiple storage selection thing is all.
  19. Wasnt there some message either in game or the manual about moving data from a usb to a hard drive could potentially delete CAWs and such or something? Could have sworn there was something along those lines, which is the reason why the whole not being able to use multiple devices at once (like you can in other games) is such a flaw to me. But if there is a save file in the memory section of the Xbox (something along the lines of "Created Wrestler 2546") along with save data for RTWM, i.e. everything is seperate save files, then my problem with the whole thing isn't as much (though I still think it is silly to only allow one storage device for the game). I havent actually had the chance to check out the save files for the game in the memory section of the Xbox yet, so that would be why I dont know how the save file is set up for the game.
  20. So I actually got some matches done with some friends yesterday. Had a blast for the most part. The only gripes I have are during a tag team backstage match, me and a friend were only able to hit chops when we tried doing a grapple move, and it started getting annoying during a 4 way TLC when I would try getting around to climb a ladder I wouldnt be able to because of someone being down in my way, and trying to pick one thing up and grabbing something else, or trying to climb the ladder and instead picking up something that was near me. I need to go through against the CPU some time, adjust the reversal rate (because I found the reversals with my friends happened far too often), practice timing the reversals right and get used to the controls more. Few questions. In Rumble matches, when you are being eliminated by another human player, do you both have to press the buttons that appear on the screen to try to prevent elimination/eliminate someone, or is that just for the person trying to eliminate you? Another thing is, will you be able to use multiple storage devices when you play the game? Like, would player 1 be able to use their usb drive to use their CAW, player 2 use their usb for their CAW, and player 3 use the xbox hard drive for their CAW? Because last night player 1 pressed start at the beginning and I dont believe I saw my CAW available anywhere, and only saw it when we went back and I pressed start. If you're only able to use one storage device then that seems like a huge flaw for me, since it would mean having to upload CAWs (any custom entrance and move set if they dont automatically get uploaded with it) and have them be downloaded, and repeat the process if you ever want to make any changes.
  21. Not having played a SD!, or any wrestling, game for a few years, 2011 seems pretty good visually. I really enjoyed that instead of getting some intro video or anything, you get the practice arena thing to appear as a screen where you press start for the main menu. It allowed me to actually pick up and play the game. I didnt do too much as far as matches go as I was more interested in the create modes, but the 360 version seems nice as far as hitting moves and whatnot goes. The CAW doesnt seem all that different from what I remember, though I do like the layout they have for choosing the different menus in CAW and such. I need to actually take a good chunk of a day to use it correctly, since I made a CAW in like 15 minutes. The CAF, even though I didnt really make one yet, seems nice and is a great addition to the series. Hopefully they will impement more holds as the years go on. The Create an Entrance seemed damned good, and reminded me of the old RAW/RAW 2 CAE, which is a good thing. Splitting it up into 5 different parts, allowing you to choose camera angles and when they cut to a different angle, allowing you to pick when pyro goes off, the different lighting. All very, very good. Really cant wait to get into actual RTWM and Universe stuff. The gameplay didnt seem bad from the practice arena, just going to take some getting used to the 360 controls since Ive always played the SD games on the Playstation consoles.
  22. So the second season of Community started a few weeks ago, and thus far the episodes have been as good as the first season. The first episode was a good way of continuing from the finale last season, but also setting up this season. Plus Betty White as a teacher for the episode was great. The one thing that was the best, though, was Annie using Chloroform on a janitor not once, but twice, then getting ready to use it again towards the end of the second episode before having it snatched away by Troy. Anybody else watching this season?
  23. Googling 'smackdown vs raw 2011 dlc', a site listing the DLC packs says this about the whole attribute editing: So if it is the way I read it, then you pay a buck to be able to edit ALL attributes for ALL WWE wrestlers, so not as bad as it sounded when people were discussing it, though it didnt matter to me either way since I couldnt care about editing the attributes.
  24. The season thus far has been nice, with a couple episodes being really good to me. In particular, the Grilled Cheesus episode was great I think. I dont believe in God or anything, but what really made the episode for me (outside of the funnier moments) was the scene of Sue being with her sister and the final minutes of the episode with Will asking if Sue was going to report him, with her replying, "no." I love that they have this character that is such a bitch (though it comes off in a good way as a character), but also has this other side to her where you feel bad for her/don't hate her or anything. Other than that, the Brittany centered episode was great. It was nice seeing her being given more time and show how good of a voice she actually has. I couldnt care that it didnt further any plots or anything. It gave us Spears, some great Brittany lines, and Stamos. Oh, and Brittany looking hot as fuck . The most recent episode was pretty nice as well. Brittany further shows how great of a character she is, and I liked the scene with her and Artie in the hallway. Tina and Mike Cheng as a couple works a lot better than Tina/Artie, and Im glad they are focusing on more than the 'main stars' of the Glee Club. If there is one episode that Im not looking forward to, it is the Rocky Horror one in a couple weeks, but that's more down to me not liking the movie at all. Hoping it isn't TOO Rocky Horror centered and will have more of a plot/good songs being sung rather than trying to recreate scenes from the movie.
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