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Everything posted by thatblindgeye

  1. If DDP were to be put into the game as a legend, I would think WWE and/or THQ would be smart enough to put in the model of him from the 90's. Unless of course Terry Funk is being put into the game as Chainsaw Charlie.
  2. Not having been a fan of the Halo games before, Im actually really into Reach (and started to read the six books out that I got as a birthday gift). I suck most of the time, but I still have fun (disregarding the normal annoyance or pissed you get from competition; far from some of the nutjobs that go on huge tirades about getting killed once in an entire game). I HATE SWAT, but that is more down to not being able to really handle a DMR (or Sniper) as a primary weapon unless it is Firefight or I can stand still and snipe. Firefight is a HUGE upgrade from the Escalation I saw in Transformers. I love Sniper/Rocketfight, and love Gruntpocalypse. Anybody looking for more people to play with online? My gamertag is Goomaestro005 if so.
  3. That looks... Horrible. I think there is a reason why anime's/animated shows, for the most part, shouldnt be turned into live action movies. That "trailer" is reason enough as to why Pokemon shouldn't be, at least as far as trying to 'adult' the thing goes.
  4. Except that silver wasn't touching his skin, and he had grabbed a pair of gloves at Fangtasia before they left...
  5. A reason I like No Mercy so much is that the gameplay felt more like it connected. When I hit someone with the ring bell it actually felt like it hit the person in the head. With the Smackdown games I never really got that feeling. The Smackdown games blew No Mercy out of the water graphically and with the amount of features and options, but I eventually got bored with basically the same game every year with only an updated roster. Im hoping having stayed away from any wrestling games since the original SDvsRAW that it will be a good enough breath of fresh air. From the looks of it, it seems like they are finally getting some shit right, i.e. fixing the HIAC after how many years. They just need to make a new animation for putting something through the top of the cell now instead of using the one that they made all the way back when the HIAC was introduced. With the CAF and online mode, and the way I HOPE the WWE Universe pans out, I'm leaning towards disappointment not being an option, even if the gameplay hasn't improved since SDvsRAW.
  6. Havent been keeping up with the news on the new games at all the past few months, but looking on Serebii and seeing images of the second evolutionary forms of the starters, if they are indeed real then they look pretty badass, especially the water one which looked like shit in its starter form.
  7. For someone who traded in games to preorder SD 2011 purely on credit, Gamestop is the only place I preorder it. I couldnt give a shit about a code for Bret or Ministry Undertaker when 9 times out of 10 I just use a CAW, so it won't be a big loss to me. Plus, it isn't like I'll be buying Survivor Series or TLC anyway, so the $20 off will go to no use.
  8. I must have had so many orgasms during this movie. Just a great movie to sit down, turn your brain off, and see a bunch of shit explode and people get blown away by guns or stabbed or whatever the fuck else they can think of. I definitely marked out at Terry Crews' gun, as well as Statham manning the gun on the plane and the impending explosion. This is a kind of movie I would want a trilogy to be made out of, assuming the main cast can remain and the content can be up to par.
  9. While he could have moved fast to avoid the stake, Eric can also move fast (faster if he is older). Im really starting to get into this season more now. I enjoyed Bill training Jessica and seeing Sookie throw in some punches. Next weeks episode looks just as good. It is going to suck not seeing it since I won't have access to HBO or a computer.
  10. The majority of the last couple seasons has been better than ones previous, but i still wasn't blown away or anything. Season 9 seemed to drag for me at the beginning and didn't properly pick up until we really got past the whole "oh no Lois is having a vision" crap. I'll agree that getting rid of Lana was a very wise decision, since there is really only so much you can do with her and Clark. I just havent found the show to be all that great as the seasons kept coming, even if the previous two or so seasons (the majority anyway) have been the best/better than previous ones. Like I said, though, judging from the pictures and the videos from that site, this season has potential to be great if they go all out solely because it's the last season. And I dont mind that they havent had the guy fly yet. It's more that they've teased it on more than one occasion and then it ended up just being Clark doing his little super jump.
  11. Rather glad this is the final season. It seems like the show has been phoning it in for a while now with rather weak storylines/storytelling and some rather facepalm moments (one major one was the hype of characters like Cyborg and other heroes returning for an episode, when all they did was appear via a video screen for one short scene). The show started off pretty nice with the freak of the week thing, then matured nicely into something more, but it's been running too long and needed to end, so it ending with this season gets a sigh of relief for me. Hopefully it takes the route of Scrubs and goes all out to being one of the best seasons yet. Judging from the pictures, if it means we get more of
  12. I was hoping Franklin would have turned Tara into a vamp this episode. Sadly, no . I could see them bringing Franklin back, though, with the whole his head wasnt cut off or something shtick. I wouldnt really mind it either if it means him keeping Tara tied up the majority of the time. Most I have ever enjoyed her. Have to admit, on one hand Im disappointed that the werewolves in True Blood are nothing more than lapdogs for the vamps and are coming off as "WE NEED V PLEASE!" rather than any sort of badass characters, but on the other Im glad that it is for a much bigger storyline. We also need more Jessica/Arlene and Jason/Andy interactions.
  13. I loved the demo. It reminds me of Braid a bit, as in solving puzzles. But I just refuse to pay 15 euros for not even 4 hours of gameplay. Yet people will pay $60 for 8 hours of gameplay. That is actually the reason I really am trying to stick with games that have a gameplay style where I can go and play it again after beating the story (Red Dead, GTA games, things like that), or a game that has really good online play (WFC, MW2, etc). I don't want to waste money on a game that, after I beat, I won't ever play again. Sadly, Limbo is just that kind of game, as great as it is for its genre.
  14. Sadly I have a friend that has that 'if they cant win they hate the game' attitude. It's very random as to whether he'll be okay playing online with or not. Sometimes he'll let the losses mean nothing, but the other times he'll just get pissed and sarcastically say "oh what a surprise I died AGAIN" or freak out over getting killed and say "I shot you TWICE you were SUPPOSED to die but you didnt." Really can't stand people like that. I can get into a game and be annoyed when I die, but there is a line between getting annoyed in a good way and getting majorly pissed off. And I bought Limbo. Definitely a good game, but I think 1200 MSP was a little much for it considering it seemed so short. Kinda hoping they make a second one, though.
  15. If the whole thing is paying once for some code to play online, then it won't be that bad, assuming it is for a reasonable price. But if companies actually get stupid enough to put out some 'pay per month' deal for games, then they are fucking insane.
  16. I dont mind it taking time. I really only play on weekends since I dont have much time during the week, and if it means keeping the single player going for a while I wont mind. Im actually surprised I am THIS into a Rockstar game, since the GTA games I never really got THAT into outside of just fucking around and killing people.
  17. As long as you complete the game within 24 game hours I don't see why it would matter. I died at Fort Mercer in the middle of it, spawned in Armadillo, and still was able to complete the challenge and get the Marshall outfit. I would just try to do all 5 in one go, though, just in case you end up finishing the other two but not having it count. I was actually kind of pissed with this little challenge. The first time I tried it I did all four and was doing Pikes Basin, but I ended up starting it at the wrong end (didn't go to that guy with the yellow X), so even though I cleared every gang member out, I never got the 'completed' screen. Then I redid it, getting Twin Rocks and Pikes Basin done, and my game glitches (which it seems to do at least once anytime I boot the game up), where I sink into the ground and can't move at all. Thankfully I finally got it done, though. Also glad to say that all I need to do for 100% now is 11 more bounty locations, probably 2-3 more stranger missions including the Funny Man one, the Bandito and Treasure Hunter outfits, and those ambient challenges.
  18. Yeah you do have to do it in public. And I thought you had to do it uninterrupted or something. Awesome that you could die and still do it.
  19. Has anybody done that Blackwater to Escalara achievement yet? I can only imagine how much of a bitch it is going to be with other people gunning you down for the giggles.
  20. Finished the main story. I cant ever remember enjoying a storyline in a game so much, being so glad to accomplish the storyline, and actually feeling towards the main character. I have to echo whoever made the comments about the music playing while on your way back to Marston's Ranch. That was a great touch. Now I get to go ahead and do all the other shit in the game to actually get 100% Jesus, bears are awful. I go on my way back to that stage coach that is near the Aurora Basin location, and a bear comes after me. I shoot it, and another bear comes along and kills my horse. I make it away but eventually another bear kills another horse and me. Doing that 'skin 17 bear' thing is going to be a bitch.
  21. I really love animals respawning. I just got 26 wolves and 34 coyotes just from staying in the same area. I now await to see how much I will get for this haul.
  22. I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes. Maybe it was due to me not going in with expectations due to Family Guy, but I'm just glad the show is back.
  23. I already love my investment into a 360. I spent the 3 hours playing Rocket Bowl and Snoopy Flying Ace with some friends. Anybody here play either of those?
  24. So Ill be getting a 360 off my friend, since he's going to be buying the new model that comes out, and I'm wondering what games you guys might suggest. Overall I enjoy shooting games, but Im mainly looking for something that I can either play solo that won't be a case of "okay, I beat it, nothing else to do" and will be something I can pick up and play despite beating it (games like GTA and Just Cause 2 are ones Im interested in), or games that have good online multiplayer presence.
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