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Everything posted by thatblindgeye

  1. That's not the point. The Steve Rogers Captain America was put forth as the face of the US at the height of WWII; in Marvel continuity he was the biggest hero of that period. There's no way the US government would have put a black man in that position, which is why if you want to properly portray that Captain America it has to be a white guy. Now, if you want to have an actor portray Isaiah Bradley, the Cap who in Marvel canon was a product of the kind of experiments you're referencing, then I'd agree with you (... with the postscript, though, that if I'm paying to see a Cap movie I'm damn well wanting to pay to see Steve Rogers). See, that is a case where the persons ethnicity would actually come into play with the character, since times were different back then. But Spiderman isn't in the same boat. He's just a nerdy kid that gets bit by a spider. He isn't from a time where only crazy white kids were allowed to be bit by radioactive spiders. Spiderman wasn't signed up for some experiment where only white people were allowed by the government or something. While changing Captain America from white to black might require some changes to his character/backstory due to the time his backstory is set in, the only thing that would change with Peter Parker is that he would just have different skin color.
  2. So more pokemon have been revealed, plus the B/W legendary types. One legendary is Dragon/Electric and the other is Dragon/Fire, which is a pretty nice combination. The pokemon revealed are a normal chinchilla, a psychic pig-like pokemon (looks more like a ball of pink with flowers), a steel gear pokemon (which seems like it will be the plusle and minun of Gen 5), a normal/flying bird (they seriously need to stop making more Pidgey's and come up with more original ideas), a fire ape (a beefed up version of a chimchar more or less), an electric zebra, and a ground/dark crocodile. Pics are here: http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml
  3. The models still look shitty and disgusting. Im glad Im not the only one to dislike the new table mechanics. I prefer the static animation rather than the table breaking into pieces from that video. Hopefully it's just a case of it being an early build, but I wouldnt be surprised if that is how it is in the final game. The new ladder stuff looks/sounds pretty sweet, though.
  4. This is very much true. But what characteristic differences would there be in Peter Parker - White Man and Peter Parker - Black Man? Yeah, the culture history behind the two races is obvious, but does that history REALLY come into play for Peter Parker? I really don't read comics so I am genuinely asking, or is it just a nerd bitten by a spider now fights evil villains and no real ties to what race he is other than the color the people who made the comic decided to use for his skin?
  5. Nope. `Twas meant as a joke. (And someone at the other board I posted it at actually got that real quick) I just don't think there are certain characters that would work if you changed their race, because you'd have to change other things as well. On the other hand, people are upset over the live action Avatar The Last Airbender movie, because it has a mostly caucasian, instead of Asian cast. And even though I don't give a shit about that series, I can see why the people are upset and actually agree with them about the casting. (If I read right, what makes it even worse is that all or most of the non-caucasian actors in it play badguys) I can understand people not wanting the character changed since it's been the same thing for so very long. People who are really into things like comics will be upset or have something to say if the character they read about gets changed in some way, whether it be a small personality trait to their skin color. But that bolded part... I can not get my head around, mostly because, what the hell is so 'white' about Peter Parker that if a black actor portrayed him, the character would need a complete overhaul to make it work?
  6. I loved this episode. Will driving in the car and 'Dont Stop' coming on was a nice touch, and it was incredible seeing it being redone with more of the kids having parts in it. I loved all the songs New Directions did, and Id be a damned liar if I said I didn't start to tear up at certain parts. Seeing Sue get a bit of a soul was really nice to see, and Im glad that it (seems like it) will be Sue and Will just going at eachother for some (semi) fun competition. Shelby adopting Quinn's daughter was a nice touch, but it makes me wonder whether she will be appearing in Season 2 at all what with what she said to Rachel. As far as the things that LD mentioned, I really don't mind any of it. Unless you just tuned into the show for the first time last night, you should know that Rachel and Finn had a thing and that Finn still had feelings for her, Emma and Will had a thing and there are still feelings there, and... well, the Quinn's mom thing I don't mind at all. Like Rich said, it felt 'right' that we hadn't seen her mom in so long since Quinn hadn't either. Though it makes me wonder whether her mom wants her back, or just wants someone else to be with her. Small spoilers regarding Emma for Season Two:
  7. From someone who never got into the backstories of the characters/was into the games before backstories were properly introduced, that video looked incredibly good compared to the previous two MK movies. I thought the first MK movie was good, and I can sit through the second one, but that short video looked a lot better to me than the previous two. For people who care a lot about the backstories being done properly and whatnot, if the film were to take the same kind of style as the video shows, they'll be upset/dislike it/whathaveyou. Same as people who are really into comics and the comics being turned into a movie. Since it is ONLY a pitch, though, it could be changed to be more of a supernatural, gritty movie rather than a more realistic, gritty movie, though I really have no problem with them trying to turn the whole thing into a more realistic setting if it turns out good. But again, that's from someone who isn't into the backstories of the characters that much/doesn't mind things being altered for a movie transition.
  8. I wouldnt have minded if they recast the role, because I would have liked to see another take on Joker by someone, but at the same time I'm glad they'll focus on someone else and not let Joker be the center of attention again. EDIT: of course, now people get to wonder whether Harvey Dent is dead or not from that fall at the end of TDK
  9. Misty only came back for a couple episodes I think, but she hasn't been seen in a while. I think she was only around when May and Max were tagging along with Ash.
  10. I hope they do shake things up. I actually caught up on episodes of the anime, and I only watched the episodes that had major events or contest stuff (because some of the stuff they do up for contests is pretty cool). I am interested in seeing any of what Slide said does happen, and what the theme song will be for the new season.
  11. Christ. Even though the stuff done in the episode wasn't anything "oh muh godz call the news," I still felt bad for everyone who got shat on in that episode.
  12. I would actually really like to see this. I love the guys chemistry with the guy who plays Abed on Community, and they're are probably the main reason I like the show so much. It would be different and it would give the guy some more recognition than he may have at the moment. I wouldn't care if they turn Spiderman into a black guy. It's not like Spiderman has had to deal with the horrible, horrible traumas of living in white skin or anything.
  13. Yeah, when the whole Jesse/Rachel thing started, I was expecting it to turn into "lol fooled you." It turning into a way for Shelby to meet her daughter properly was a great turn of events, and I'm hoping we get more Shelby occassionally appearing. I wouldn't really want her to be a full time character, because that would just mean having Rachel take up most of the attention again, and I like that they are finally giving more air time to the people who were usually in the background.
  14. Apparently the show has now been renewed for a THIRD season already, which I think is great. In addition to that, Santana and Brittany being upped to regular cast for season two rather than recurring stars is another piece of good news since they are both a highlight to see. Santana really can sing and Brittany needs more scenes.
  15. I kind of feel the same way, with it not really feeling like a series finale, but at the same time I'm glad it ended the way it did. Instead of getting another Charles Logan thing going on, with someone in power willing to do anything for what they want to achieve, we get someone going down Logan's path, and eventually coming out into the light and realized they majorly fucked up in the greatest sense. It was nice seeing Taylor be such a bitch and so aggressive, because there was really nothing THAT likable about her before this. If they can make a movie out of 24, it could be decent or good. I would have liked to have seen everything come to a close this past Monday, but I am also happy with the way things went down in the final 2 hours. Jack running away isn't anything new with 24, but I like it if only for the emotional moment they did with Jack and Chloe. Plus, it seems like a bigger deal compared to previous 'Run Jack Run' scenarios (however many there may have been). Not to say I wouldn't have been entertained to see things take a different route, such as Taylor sticking to her guns, Jack being killed off (by Logan/Jason maybe), Jack going through with shooting Sukarov. They probably could have gotten away with the emotional Jack/Chloe exchange AND killing Jack off at the same time. If they do plan on making a movie, then more power to them though. I'm sure enough people would go see it/buy the DVD. Coming off Season 7, which I felt was really just the continual downfall of 24 (I dont think season 6 was TOO bad, from what I remember anyway), this season was a great way to bring quality back up. It's similar to Scrubs (pre-med school), where the show started going down hill, but the final season just raised the bar and got shit back on track.
  16. Anyone been watching this lately? Despite going into last nights episode scared shitless of a Lady Gaga song being done, I really loved the episode. Lately it seems that the episodes are focusing a lot more on the other characters, rather than being 'Glee: The Finn and Rachel Power Hour'. It's a great change of pace and I hope they keep it up. Last nights episode just had some great moments, with Puck and the guys singing Beth and the scene with Finn calling the things in the room 'faggy' and Kurt's father just verbally beating him down. Scenes like that are part of why I love this show. The show usually has some great song covers/choices, it's fun and campy and quirky and silly, and when a serious/emotional scene is needed they come off as really, really good. And I didn't actually mind the Lady Gaga songs that were sung in the episode either
  17. I loved the finale. This season is at the top of the list as far as best seasons go. Now Im tempted to rewatch the first season
  18. I thought the gym leaders in Ruby were more of a bitch, but that may have been since I hadn't played a Pokemon game since Gold/Silver came out before getting Ruby last year. Breeding is too much of a bitch in these games . Trying to get a pokemon with a certain nature AND ability, while also trying to breed moves onto it, and also doing battles to EV train. Makes me want to just worry about the moves and not the nature and EVs, but I need something to keep me busy. Thankfully I have Pokerus going around my pokemon with the macho brace.
  19. I didnt really think there was anything wrong with Indy 4, not having seen the first three (which I still need to do). If the other films are as out-there as this one then I don't see WHY people would complain.
  20. Well Im an idiot . Was doing some trades with a friend yesterday, sending him Pikachus I got from the yellow forest on the pokewalker in exchange for the other starters I was missing, and two of the Pikachus I sent him actually knew Surf. The only reason I didnt notice was because I saw that they were Level 14 Pikachu's. So now I have an extra Surf Pika if anyone would like to trade it for a Flying one. EDIT: Meh. Those videos dont really have me pining for the new features announced. I was expecting more from the whole "Pokemon will no longer be static" thing, but all we get is the Pokemon prancing around/air humping? Meh. I could also see the speech balloons popping up all the time in that third video getting annoying after a while.
  21. So it seems the lower camera angle will only really take effect in places like alleys and stuff, rather than an all the time thing. Was hoping the camera angle would be the entire time, even though it'd probably make it harder for certain areas, but meh. There's supposed to be more motion during battles as well, instead of the pokemon just standing there. Hoping this means we'll see a solarbeam gather in the bulb of bulbasaur or something.
  22. I never said it was harming anybody or anything, it's just coming from someone who got into the whole thing when it was originally brought over here. I'm having fun with Heartgold, but I still think the whole thing is getting up there in the 'out of control' range. We're going to be going on possibly over 600 pokemon come Generation 5, and if they go further than that we could potentially reach 1000 Pokemon. It just seems like way too much.
  23. I didnt mean exactly. I know that EVs and IVs affect the number in the end. I meant it more as a rough guideline of what the final stat could be without any EVs and a good enough IV.
  24. Then I'm horribly lost I kinda really hope this is the last generation of games. Theyll still make more if it keeps making them money, but eventually they either need to end it or not worry about reeling in a new group of kiddies and overhaul the entire game system in terms of the same basic storyline. There really can't be many things left to turn into pokemon without them coming off as knock offs as previous pokemon, like Beautifly. I remember reading something about the stats for level 100 pokemon but cant really remember. I think it was a level 100 pokemons non-hp stats would be double their base stats plus 5. Does anyone know if that's correct?
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