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Everything posted by thatblindgeye

  1. I actually wouldnt mind that, but I wouldnt want TOO many movies to be made. I'd probably be happy with a total of 6 movies be made, as long as I get my Futurama fix.
  2. It was a pretty good film. I like that the first movie was pretty much a nice nostalgic trip in that it really went back to the tv series with some things, the second movie I thought was okay as a sequel to the first, and the third is a nice little movie on it's own. I love that it's pretty much just a long episode of Futurama and that it still has got the characters down. Spoiler: Click here to viewIgner being the son of Farnsworth was a shock, though I figured that's the way they were going when he was hiding and overhearing what Mom and the other two were talking about (although, for some reason I DID think of Fry being the father in some way). The scene with Nibbler was great as well. All in all, I think the first movie is best, the third is second, and the second comes in third. I really can't wait for the fourth movie to come out, and even though I REALLY don't want it to happen, at the same time I want Futurama to return for at least one more tv season. Reason I dont want it to happen is because I dont want it to suffer Family Guy syndrome, i.e. love it now but get tired of it with new episodes.
  3. Yeah, but how is that any worse than what Family Guy does? How many times do we see a character in Family Guy make the lame "Not like that one time/remember that time/just like../etc etc" segue way, followed by a Family Guy character taking the role of someone in real life? Stewie Cruise? Quagmire as Bill Clinton with an over use of Quagmires catchphrases? I'd rather The Simpsons create a fictional character. Though to be fair, The Simpsons DO get plenty of celebrities to come onto the show. The fact that not all of them are playing themselves really isnt a problem. I really wouldnt say Family Guy has any randomness factor either. It's easier than counting to ten to call out what Family Guy is going to do. All you have to expect is some sort of plot that takes up 10 or so minutes of the shows timeslot, then expect the rest of the time devoted to useless and irrelevant cutscenes. The Simpsons I feel can be more subtle with things, whereas with Family Guy I feel like they're just going "HEY! LOOK! SOMETHING FUNNY! FUNNY! LOOK! RIGHT THERE! IT'S COMING! RIIIIIIIIIGHT..... NO! NOT YET! OKAY NOW!" I mean, Simpsons seems to actually have a good formula of carrying out with a plot and actually coming up with comedy that way instead of relying on cutscenes of popular culture 20 times per episode. I dunno... I know it's personal opinion and all... But I can't understand, for the life of me, how people love Family Guy so much, even when they explain it. It's just a horrible cutscene show with horrible parodies, it seems like the episodes have a formula of 'think up cutscenes first, then try and work a plot around them later', they tend to take one thing that was humorous the first time and then try and use it again until it becomes tiresome (those two guys that randomly sing out of nowhere and go "play me outta here!" after they take up more time than they should have), the fact that every 5 seconds is a pointless cutscene that isnt even funny one ounce yet they try to stretch the fucker out to take up 5 minutes (more in the case of the god awful singing sequences. seriously. why the fuck do I need to watch Brian and Stewie do some singing number for an ENTIRE song? am I supposed to laugh midway through and go "hahahaha OMG they is singing! A dog and a baby is SINGING! Hahahahaha ROFL ROFL ROFL!"?), and... that's probably it. This is a bit of a rant, but for some reason I just feel the need to bash the fuck out of Family Guy just because it isn't even a good show anymore and it hasn't been since it came back to FOX. Granted, The Simpsons isn't coming out with fresh episodes every week or anything, but at least they can strike with SOMETHING good a few times every season, whereas Family Guy is lucky to pinch out one or two actually good episodes, and not just episodes that have a couple laughs (which in itself is a rare thing). Really, the only redeeming quality of Family Guy I can think of is the fact that they DO tend to keep up with past episodes, i.e. Lois' brother about to kill Peter and Brian throwing a rock at Peter, saying it was for rolling the window up in the General Lee. But the bad FAR outweighs the good of the show. Now, that's not to say that some episodes of Family Guy aren't enjoyable. Some are, as far as the new ones go. The newest one this week wasn't that bad. It was probably okay as far as the 'house' scenes and the opening goes, with the rest being meh; I also found this years Treehouse of Horror to be meh as well. I DO quite enjoy Brian and Stewie in episodes together (Last weeks episode where they go to Germany was pretty good. i actually laughed out loud at the "How many polocks does it take to fix a time machine? yeah let's find out" line). As I said the fact that they keep up with past episodes and tend to mention littles things in newer ones. I have to ask though. How many Back to the Future references has the show made in the past few weeks? I saw one in the new episode (not that great) and last weeks (actually decent) and was wondering if it's a new theme for them
  4. If that is true, and even though the show probably is nearing its final days anyway, what the fuck Fox. Do what you did with Family Guy and cancel the Family Guy Clone instead of keeping it in favor for, personally, one of the most entertaining cartoons out there that actually relies on keeping itself similar to a normal tv show in the sense of reality. If there's one reason why I love KOTH, it's because the show doesn't take the route of Family Guy or Simpsons or South Park in that it uses the advantage of animation to have unrealistic (but good) plots and such. I absolutely love that KOTH is just an animated show and is done to give a sense of realism.
  5. I saw that episode the other day. Really infuriated me. It just went on...and on...and on. I've never really watched The Simpsons, but South Park is better than Family Guy, which for me relies too much on "This one time.." jokes. It wouldn't be so bad if I was American and properly understood more than 50% of them. No. It really wouldn't help out if you were. Even if you lived in America you'd probably still just sit there going "what the fuck?" While people are entitled to their opinion. I just cant see how people can honestly like Family Guy so much these days.
  6. I love The Simpsons still. I may not laugh out loud every episode, but I enjoy pretty much most of the newer episodes that have come out. I remember going through a phase as a kid where I "didnt like" the show, for whatever reason... But I enjoy the show a lot. Family Guy... I USED to love, back when it was new. Since then, however, I have grown incredibly tired of it. All the show is basically is a loose plot that take up maybe 10 minutes of episode time, with the rest of the time being unfunny, non-clever cut scenes that are about what is going on in American culture or something of the sort. Maybe it's the fact it is played twice a day, back to back, every weekday on FOX now, but I can barely watch the show anymore. I'll leave it on while I'm doing something just because I wait until 7 to switch to something else, but that's about it. Some episodes I enjoy, but most of them I dislike. The only new episodes I can say I enjoyed are the Star Wars one and the Stewie kills Lois one. All in all, fuck Family Guy. It used to be great, but it is now something I wish was never even created. It was great because it was a new cartoon show that rivaled The Simpsons I personally believe, but now.... Ugh. If the show wasnt just one big cut scene trying to mock popular culture and celebrities every 18.4 seconds, I'd probably enjoy it more. But that's all it is: one giant cutscene mocking popular culture in an unfunny and non-clever way. That episode of South Park about the cartoon wars hit the nail on the head when it comes to how the cutscenes are thought up for Family Guy. Are the shows similar? I guess if you stretch it. Both have the obnoxious dad, the sensible wife, the three kids and a dog, and are two comedy cartoons. But I think that's it to be honest. The Simpsons is a much different style than that of Family Guy. The Simpsons usually follows some sort of plot the entire episode, whereas Family Guy has a loose plot outlined with an over abundance of cut scenes. The shows target the same people I'd say. Teens, young adults maybe. Family Guy targets the people who don't like plots maybe. I dont know, though. Im a Simpsons fan rather than a Family Guy fan.
  7. Is it really that big of a deal? If the storymode for CAWs/non RTW wrestlers has a good set of storylines to go through instead of just doing matches, then the game could be taking a big step in the right direction as far as future games go. CAF being added is a HUGE step up, and personally the only things that need improvement would be storymode and CAW.
  8. Leela: What are their names? Bender: Kids have names? Orphan: My name is Nina, this is Albert- Bender: -And from now on you're all named Bender Jr. Gotta love Bender. But I think everyone is great. Oh Morbo. Morbo's wife is adjusting his tie. Morbo: Stop it, stop it. It's fine. I will destroy you!
  9. thatblindgeye


    Ill watch the new season, and episodes of the last 2 seasons I enjoyed more than others. I just dont think it is as good anymore. The thing I really dislike, and maybe this is what the show is going for in the first place, is the fact that JD has STILL yet to grow up and still clings on to people. The whole 'JD/Elliot' thing they did at the end of one season was also something I had to roll my eyes at just because the entire thing between the two needs to end as it's just boring at this point. I wont expect much from the new season, but I'll watch it, andhopefully not expecting much will end up making it seem good to me. I did enjoy the whole Kim faking the miscarriage thing, Kelso actually quitting, etc. as they were unexpected. Laverne dying though... I really didnt see the point in that, especially when they ended up bringing her back in only a different role with the same characteristics. Seemed like a way of killing off Laverne only to bring her back as a new character as a cheap laugh that is really pointless. Dont get me wrong. I enjoyed the Laverne dying episodes. The 'serious' episodes of Scrubs are by far some of the greatest ones. I just dont see the point of killing Laverne off only to bring her back later. I do still enjoy Janitor and Kelso, though. Those two, plus Ted when he appears, are great mostly 95% of the time.
  10. thatblindgeye


    Can't say Im at all interested. The last couple of seasons fell in quality, plus most of the characters arent that interesting anymore and seem to be doing the same shtick as from season 1 (JD is number one), though I can forgive some of the characters for that. Plus read on Wikipedia (yes, not the best source for info, blah blah) that they were thinking of doing more Scrubs with a new cast after 2009, which just makes me want to weep at ABC and/or Lawrence thinking itd be a good idea to do.
  11. I dont mind the batman voice Bale uses. At least it is doing something to try and differentiate the voices instead of having Batman and Bruce Wayne use the same voice without anyone ever noticing.
  12. Again, I'm not saying anything about SDvsRAW. Im talking about Impact. Just because Im saying in Impact people dont stay down long after finishers/the finishers have little to no effect doesnt mean Im saying that the SD! games do feature finishers that do significant damage. Though I must ask, do the finishers have any significant value when wrestlers are more in the red/damaged? Because maybe that is why, since I did finishers to rather healthy people.
  13. Im not going to try saying that the TNA season mode is utter shit and the WWE's isnt. That's not what im getting it. I KNOW some of the stuff in the SD!'s season modes has been bad, and its gotten so bad I stopped buying the games after the first SDvsRAW. And I wouldnt know what exactly the season mode is about. I played a little and it just seemed like you were going under a different identity to get revenge after eventually remembering what happened/who you were at some point or something. And to each their own. I prefer open ended to the point where I can play the season mode several times as one character without it being the same, you prefer the opposite Gabe. I dont think that Midway needs to make it open ended to the point where we have Sting and Sabin teaming up against Beer Money (unless it's a choice or something like that), but just allowing for more choices and more replay value instead of having to go through it once with someone and go "okay. I did it with him already and its the same this time around." But I think we're just going in circles about it. Point is that the season mode needs a rewrite for Impact 2 in some way.
  14. They definitely shouldnt make it so that its the same story no matter what. There'd be little replay value. Story mode should really be open ended. Make some specific storylines for certain wrestlers (the bigger ones like Sting, Angle, Joe, Booker, Jarrett, AJ, etc etc), then the others (MCMG, LAX, Shark Boy, CAWs, etc) have a different set. Both, though, should be open ended; be allowed to make decisions that affect your path so that you have to literally play the story mode several times with one character in order to go down every path. Make it so that if you lose, you still progress in the season mode but you are now branched off into a different direction. That is why I LOVE No Mercys and even the early SD!'s story modes. If Impact could do THAT with story mode, and get a great CAW system, id definitely buy the game.
  15. I dont know. When I was playing the AI was really bad. The aforementioned things were what made it bad for me. CAW, I like in depth customization for. I like being able to do a lot both appearance and move set wise. The CAW shouldnt be simple in the first place, though, because you're building a wrestler from scratch. You should be able to have as much customization as the game allows. The storymode is really just way too over the top for a wrestling game, though. Getting beaten up and left for dead, signing back with the company as a 'different' person, and fighting to the top to get revenge or something? Not my cup of tea. I prefer an open ended storymode, like the early SD!'s and No Mercy. Impacts storymode is really only worth one play through it seems and then you're done. Fair dues if you like the game, though. I just dont care for it and feel it's a major let down. Even ignoring that fact the game just isnt that good for my tastes. Impact 2 has the ABILITY to be a much better game now that a base is there, but we have to wait and see. Maybe Midway can/should release Impact 2 in spring 2010 instead of doing what THQ does and doing it a a year or so later. Will give them a few more months to work on it.
  16. Played it at a friends house, and it really isnt that good. Playing against a friend helps matters, but only for so long. Doesnt have any fun factor playing as anyone because everyone is pretty much the same, people get up too quick, finishers dont seem to make a difference, AI being horrible, story mode and CAW are the biggest flaws though. The story mode may have continuity, but you play through it once (it seems at least thus far) and that is it. There's no point in playing it again. I'd rather have SD!'s story mode with at least SOME differences between the first and second time you play than have a story mode that is going to be exactly the same each time around. SD!'s season has gotten worse over the years, yes, but TNA definitley need to fix theirs. At least make it so it isnt some over the top soap opera thing. Make it an actual season/story mode where you get to make decisions and where said decisions affect your path, make it so that if you lose a match you dont have to go back until you win and instead make it so that the loss brings you to a new branch. The CAW needs a MAJOR overhaul. More moves, more customization. Just a really poor CAW, especially when the season is based on only using CAWs. The first game: bad. Really should have been a demo disc to show what point Midway is at with the game so they could continue tweaking it, releasing it in the spring. AI, match structure (come on, no count outs and no DQ EVERY match? no submission finishers from what I saw?), gameplay needs to be worked on... The small stuff like that also needs to be majorly worked on. Making the matches harder to win would be good if the AI was better and you didnt just have people getting up a second after every move and having the AI continually do the same move over and over and over. That's really the only reason it was more difficult to win matches, and while I like a challenge, that was NOT the way to make matches more challenging. It was just annoying as fuck. So Impact 2 (if there is one) needs to REALLY deliver on the stuff that Midway lied about having in this game, and make it seem like an actual wrestling game instead of a demo build of one.
  17. Again, Wikipedia. Was reading something about one of the matches and cage. Either way though, there is no difference in two of those matches when there is only ONE weapon: a chair. Full Metal Mayhem and Monsters Ball will be the same exact match, unless for Monsters Ball they make the wrestlers bodies more vulnerable or something due to the nature of the match.
  18. I dont know. I was looking at it on wikipedia and it said FMM, MB, and UX. Strange that they would have a match with a cage, yet not have Six Sides of Steel, so most likely those other two arent in...
  19. Um.... Full entrances cut in half... are half entrances... You cant take a full glass of water, pour half of it out, and then go "it's still a full glass of water" just because the glass is fully intact. Full entrances are ramp to ring, not just coming out with music, video, pyro, and showing the audience in the shot on the stage. That is HALF an entrance. Not that it's a big deal, though. I couldnt really care if the entrances are full or not since there are bigger things to look at, but that comment was really... Wow. I'll give you that SD!1 didnt have matches like HIAC and whatnot, and Impact has Ultimate X, Monsters Ball, and Full Metal Mayhem (which really isnt that much better when you take into consideration what year THIS is and what year SD! was made in, and the fact that there is only one weapon in the entire game I believe). SD!1 didnt have full/true entrances and Impact is closer to that. And again, it seems like you are saying, "Well SD! 1 a decade ago didnt have much when SD! 2 fixed that problem, so its okay that Impact doesnt have much because the second one will." which is TOTALLY the wrong thing to be thinking. This isn't 1999. It isn't like features are a new thing to wrestling games. SD! 1 also didnt have to live up to another game series expectations or anything like Impact does here. We are in a day and age where SD! has shown what wrestling games are capable of/capable of having in them. Instead of delivering on the first game, Midway didnt put much into it in the end. Whether it was time issues or because they just royally screwed up, who knows. The date could have EASILY been pushed back 6 months for a spring release or something. As far as SD! being THQ's third wrestling game and this being Midways first... Um... So what? SD! was the first wrestling game for the Playstation franchise, so THQ had to start from ground up on that too did they not? If you argue that they had the other two games to go off of, well that is exactly what people have been saying about Midway and having the SD! franchise to look at. EDIT- Wow.... Jay Lethal needs to commentate in this game. That was great.
  20. Dont entirely get your point here. Is your point that since SD1, which was made almost a decade ago, was average/not too good, then it's okay for Impact, a game being made in a day and age where there are huge advancements as far as games go, to be average/not too good as well? If it is, then wow. If not, then please explain the point of all that was.
  21. Delaying by another half year would have been decent. Get people working harder on instilling/taking out a few wrestlers that are/arent with the company anymore, and pack features into the game to make it look sell worthy and replayable.
  22. If that were the case Juno wouldnt be there. Theyre just making fun of popular things, while the "plot" of the movie being that the world is suffering from every disaster known to mankind or something. I think anyway. I cant fucking tell with these piles of shit.
  23. The fact that this is 2008 and they spent 2.5 years on the game makes the 'it is their first game' line no excuse for the lack of features. In addition to the Q and A basically admitting that 'yes. we DID promise stuff, but we didnt have time. Expect it in the next one though! Unless of course we dont have time again...' I was hoping for a good game as an alternative to SD!, but this game is really just falling on its face. The CAW is VERY limited based on that Q and A and the videos, it looks like there is only one build of a wrestler in the game just with different names and outfits thrown on to make a full roster, looks as though there are limited moves for CAW, the inability of layering and proper color placing for outfits while a small thing is still nothing brand new in the wrestling game world, and the story mode looks like it will only be good one play through since there is no branching storylines, meaning itll probably ONLY be 'oh you have to find your attempted murderer now your in TNA now WIN okay you won and the murderer was....'. The only thing worth getting the game for would be the X match and KOTM if it is in, which REALLY isnt something you should base a first game around.
  24. I dont really care for the style of comedy he uses in Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison and the like. He is great when he is doing a different style of comedy, such as Big Daddy and Click. The ony movie (not like he has really tried many times I dont think) that isnt a comedy that he is SUPERB in in Reign Over Me. I can watch Gilmore and Madison, but I prefer not. Waterboy was a good movie I think, Click was great, Spanglish was a decent movie, Big Daddy is a rather good movie, Little Nicky I adore.
  25. Because it wouldnt be a 'Movie' movie if it didnt have pointless, unfunny subpar parodies tossed in like shit tossed at a wall.
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