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Xero Gravity

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Everything posted by Xero Gravity

  1. SNOOKER PLAYER: Steve Davis ...I don't have one for any of the others.
  2. Yeah, it's a prequel of sorts to FFVII (obviously) and pretty much tells Zack's story.
  3. That does look pretty damn sexy, but I'm too poor/lazy to get a PSP
  4. I really enjoyed the remake of Dawn, watching it without constantly comparing it to the original. Ving Rhames was badass in it, and probably had the best performance of the entire cast. The 90's NOTLD was the one with Tony Todd in right? If so I've only seen that once, but it wasn't bad from what I remember.
  5. Iron Maiden Death On The Road Dance Of Death The BBC Aechives Best Of The B'Sides Beast Over Hammersmith Edward The Great Rock In Rio Brave New World Ee Hunter Virtula XI BEST OF THE BEAST The X-Factor Live At Donington A Real Live One A Real Dead One Fear Of The Dark No Prayer For The Dying 7th Son Of A 7th Son Somewhere In Time Live After Death Powerslave Piece Of Mind The Number Of The Beast Killers Iron Maiden In Flames Come Clarity Soundtrack To Your Escape Reroute To Remain The Tokyo Showdown Clayman Colony Whoracle Black-Ash Inheritance The Jester Race Subterranean Lunar Strain
  6. Depending on what kind of games you're into, The Underdogs has a great range of games, and most of them aren't very big in filesize. I'm pretty sure this doesn't break the board rules, as most of the games are legal to download and those that aren't supply links to where you can buy them. One game off the top of my head that I can remember, is Beneath A Steel Sky. If you're into the whole point and click puzzle genre, it's definitely one of the best I've ever played and it's filesize is only around 70mb which considering how it looks and plays is pretty impressive.
  7. Is it cock...O'oaka's bother/cousin/whatever just before the fight sells armor with Zombie protection. You just buy several of those and he's a piece of piss. The final string of bosses on FFX was one of the few things I really didn't like about the game. Sin, Seymour Omnis, and then Yu-Yevon were all far too easy. Not to mention Ultima and Omega weapon in the Omega ruins, they were far harder in the previous games and t was disappointing to find that getting to them was tougher than actually killing them. One thing that did help was the monster breeder in the Calm lands. Some of the monsters there were practically impossible yo defeat, which was good.
  8. If you can get hold of it I recommend trying to get hold of the Japanese movie Versus, simply because it's one of those movies that's so bad it becomes amazing.
  9. Go to Imageshack or create an account on Photobucket To put pictures into posts, use the [*img][*/img] (minus the *) tags when posting
  10. PS3 all the way for me. I went the same way as AJ, and transitioned from Sega to Sony and haven't changed my stance since. I've never bothered with all of the "my console's better than yours" bollocks. the X-Box has never appealed to me in the slightest, no matter how much better people say it is. I got a Gamecube not too long ago, but the only game I could be bothered to get was Zelda, and my brother got Pokemon Colosseum. I may at some point check out the Wii, but for now I'm sticking with what I'm comfortable with.
  11. When doing post match team talks, how many people do you usually single out? I've been getting similar greviances from certain players, and I usually try to stick with only praising about 3 players personally per game, as I don't know exactly what the limit is before the overall team talk becomes watered down.
  12. The only times I watch movies on Sky is if there's a Saturday premiere I like, or if I've got nothing else to do. But then I'm pretty picky in what I watch, so I don't bother as much as some. Just ask yourself are you going to watch enough to justify paying for it?
  13. Haha...I bet all those religious nuts are having a collective fit over that.
  14. Nice big hi-res image... http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/1182/48...313080617cz.jpg (Y) or :thumbsdown: ?
  15. Xero Gravity


    I saw this on the BBC News 24 technology show yesterday morning, and for the first time I've heard anything about it I'm really impressed. I can see this as a game that I'd never get tired of thanks to the creature editor.
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