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Everything posted by Hewey

  1. Will anything happen to Lucic, like a fine or something? I mean, for a league that fines coaches a ton of money for way less, and fines players for squirting each other, it seems like Lucic should lose some cash over this. Telling a guy he was going to kill him is a bit much.
  2. I always felt bad for the guy when he went to Pittsburgh expecting a cup and then they went and got swept for the team he turned down, on a goal that was deflected off his stick, too boot. Not to mention, Bylsma playing him in the wrong position. Hey, at least Briere might get a cup this year, right?
  3. So nhl.com has a article on the Bruins/Canadiens game and Lucic apparently threatened some of the Montreal players in the handshake line.
  4. Whoa, lets not be over dramatic, we all know Philly is the true embodiment of evil. So anyone predicting who's going to take it all this year? I really think we're getting Montreal/Chicago in the finals with Chicago repeating. I think LA ends up beating Anaheim, but Chicago will beat them again. I just don't see these remaining teams beating the Blackhawks this year. You don't see how a team that dropped two to Minnesota is beatable? I think Chicago is the best team left, but I wouldn't be more than 60% confident in any series. Minnesota were superhuman at home this postseason. Not to mention, Chicago came back from their losses and put them away. I'm not saying it's a guarantee that Chicago will easily put away the remaining teams, but I'd definitely pick them over the ones that are left.
  5. Whoa, lets not be over dramatic, we all know Philly is the true embodiment of evil. So anyone predicting who's going to take it all this year? I really think we're getting Montreal/Chicago in the finals with Chicago repeating. I think LA ends up beating Anaheim, but Chicago will beat them again. I just don't see these remaining teams beating the Blackhawks this year.
  6. Swept the Pens. No, I just don't care too much for the Bruins and a lot of their guys, and Montreal's never bothered me. I'm also a fan of Price.
  7. Nash will come out of his slump, I bet he'll get a bunch of goals in the conference finals. In order, I see Bylsma, Shero, Neal, Letang and Fleury all possibly being gone. I can really see them giving Fleury one more shot because there's no other replacements out there, and he isn't really to blame this time for their loss. He wasn't great, but it could have been worse than it was if it wasn't for him. Maybe in the deadline next year they'll go for another goalie, or a solid back up, but I don't see Fleury being gone yet. Letang and Neal are for cap reasons, but you run the risk of pissing off Malkin by getting rid of Neal. Letang is tricky, he is taking up a lot of cap space, but maybe with a new system in place he'll play better? He's had flashes of greatness under Bylsma, and I don't think he's horrible like most Pittsburgh fans do. Serious question, but who'll be the new coach? Do they just let Martin coach it, or do they go and find someone from outside the organization? Any ideas on a new GM too?
  9. No way is Malkin going anywhere. He had a better playoff than Crosby, and has proved he can carry the team when Crosby goes down with a injury. Bylsma is gone, Shero is very likely, Fleury is tricky, because there's not many options left, but no way are Crosby and Malkin going anywhere. It would be a huge mistake to let Malkin go. The lack of depth and toughness can be blamed on Shero. He got rid of Staal, Talbot, Cooke, Kennedy, etc. If Malkin and Crosby were not producing, you could usually count on Staal's line to get something going. This year we had Sutter playing with about twenty different people. He was great in the playoffs, but imagine how much better the team would be if they didn't have to always count on Crosby and Malkin. I can see them maybe getting rid of Neal or Letang to free up some cap space. If I had to pick any of the "untouchable" players to be gone, I could see them getting rid of Neal. His numbers in the playoffs were bad, he has had a discipline problem as well. But I can see them getting rid of him only if they can get something big in return, because at least in the regular season, Neal could work some magic with Malkin.
  10. Very hard to narrow it down to ten, took me some time. 1. Batman Returns - Not the best Batman movie, but I've loved it since I was a kid. 2. True Romance 3. Die Hard 4. Terminator 2 5. The Thing (original) 6. Halloween (original) 7. Boogie Nights 8. Dirty Harry 9. The Spy Who Loved Me 10. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
  11. This is from a triblive article............. I blame Bylsma for a lot, but if players are bitching about having practices and a "decreasing sense of fun" in the locker room, what does that say about the way the team is being run? Bylsma needs to go for fucking up, but when do they hold players accountable for some of the failures?
  12. Exactly. He seems to get out coached every year, and his only answer seems to be either tossing Crosby and Malkin together or putting different guys in the line up. The fact that he couldn't get his team to run over the Rangers in the first game, when they were suppose to be at their worst, says a lot right there. Yeah, they won three straight, but then they go and lose three straight, including two at home, and got out scored 10-3 in three games. Staal cross checking him over and over in the back of the head wasn't taking a run at him? The only one who did anything was Kunitz. You're suppose to protect your star players, and nobody stepped up, and Bylsma just stood there, arms folded, like a statue. Dubynski and Staal both gave Crosby some rough treatment, some of it crossing the line, but nobody gave them as much as a hit, or anything. Apparently, if the rumors are to be believed, that is the biggest point of anger with ownership. The team letting their star player get brutalized and nobody doing anything about it. That's my point about MAF. He wasn't horrible, he had some good games, but he is not the guy for this team anymore. He can make great saves, but gives up some bad goals. He's not going to steal them huge games anymore. I don't know how they expected to get very far on Fleury's back. And the worse part is that he again, had a great regular season, and they won a lot of games because of him, but what happens when it's playoff times? He can't steal them any games when it counts. But wasn't Miller worse than Fleury in the playoffs? I missed a lot of the Blues series, but I saw the last game, and he looked pretty bad. Not to mention, the Blues have a way better defensive system than Pittsburgh, and he couldn't win it for them. Halak and Niemi would be worse, or about the same for Fleury. Problem is, they're stuck with Fleury for another year. Maybe with a new coach and a new system he'll get better, but I really would not want to go into the playoffs next year with just Fleury in there. I do definitely think some people are overreacting by wanting the team blown up and only keeping Malkin, Crosby and Neal. That's just nonsense. Kunitz, Dupuis, Sutter, Maatta (despite being pretty bad in the playoffs), Letang (I honestly think he would improve under a new system), Niskanen, Engelland, Vitale, Gibbons and a few others are all worth keeping. I'd get rid of Scuderi, Glass, Adams, Orpik and try to find two wingers to play with Sutter. Unfortunately, the cap situation being what it is, I don't know what they're going to be able to do.
  13. I'm not saying a new coach is instantly going to give them a cup, but at this point, Bylsma's got to go. Five straight years of one loss worse than the other. His system doesn't work, he obviously can't control the team, or get them going. They blew a 3-1 lead in a series against a team that was handed a brutal schedule going into this series, and despite fucking up the first game, they came back and had a lead, and then they failed to put away two times before a game seven. I know most people think every Penguin fan is overreacting, but coaches have been fired for less, and Bylsma's been given every chance. By my count, that's four straight years of losing three straight games in a series, two straight years of being down three games to none in a series, two 3-1 series leads blown, and, oh yeah, getting swept for the first time in over 20 years when they had the most loaded roster in years. Is a new coach going to magically make everything better? Of course not, but keeping Bylsma around is just going to lead to more disappointment. He's a great coach in the regular season, and I got nothing against him as a person, but they cannot keep him as a coach anymore. I'm sure there's plenty of teams that would love to have him.
  14. Don't worry, Bylsma will be gone, as will Shero, and hopefully this ends the horrible flameouts in the playoffs. I cannot wait to see what's going to happen in the offseason now that the ownership has apparently had enough of Bylsma and Shero. From what I been reading, one of the breaking points with Mario was the lack of anyone standing up for Crosby/Malkin during the playoffs, especially Crosby, when he had Dubynski and Staal all over him. And the Blackhawks are back in the conference finals. Really don't want Boston/Chicago again, but I got a feeling that's going to happen.
  15. Fleury let in soft goals in the last three games, or goals because he was out of position, etc. Not all on him, but he cannot come through for Pittsburgh anymore. Look at how well Vokoun did for Pittsburgh in the playoffs last year, and he had just as many shots and big time chances against him. Not all on him, our stars, with the exception of Malkin and Jokinen, didn't do shit. Crosby was horrible, where was Neal too? Kunitz was bad. I really, really hope there are major changes coming. The rumor mill has been saying ownership has had enough, but other than Bylsma, what happens? I think the cap situation is pretty bad, since Crosby, Malkin, Letang and Neal are taking up so much of it. Who's going to want Fleury? And how can Pittsburgh get a number one goalie? We're still stuck with Scuderi, who has been god awful. Jokinen, Martin, Niskanen, Orpik and a few others I think are all UFA's and Niskanen, who was our best defensemen through out the year, will probably walk since they can't afford him. I doubt anything happens to Shero, but he should also be held accountable for some of this. No more Staal, Talbot, Cooke, hell, even Kennedy showed more effort than some of these guys.
  16. What a fucking choke job. Blew a 3-1 series lead. I cannot believe this team sucked so badly down the stretch. Three goals in three games............. Time to get rid of Bylsma. I have no idea why they kept him after last year's debacle, but he's proven to be inept at coaching this team. How does he let them get this bad when they're leading the series? And Fleury fucking sucked in the last three games, everyone wanted to give him a chance, and they did, but he can't come through when it counts. Some big saves, but he cannot clutch a game for Pittsburgh anymore. And where the hell was Crosby during the playoffs? Another pathetic flameout for Pittsburgh............ I'm wishing NY well, they earned it.
  17. Fuck, this is not looking good. Lundqvist is playing amazing and MAF lets in a weak goal.
  18. Hey.................................... how bout those Blackhawks? Anyone else feeling another cup run for them this year?
  19. Fuck, I am so not looking forward to game seven. At this point, I'm 50/50 on the Pens winning this, but I can't believe it got to this point, when Pittsburgh was looking excellent in their three wins. But forward to now, Crosby still hasn't come through, Fleury let in some soft ones despite making big saves, the power play has been horrible, and the lack of effort in the past two games has been scary. The Rangers got all the momentum, Lundqvist is excellent in game 7's, and New York seemes hungrier. I'm pulling for Pittsburgh, but they really need to start off hot tomorrow night. It's a shame if Pittsburgh has another meltdown in the playoffs, but at least it seems the ownership has finally got fed up with it, and from what I've been reading, if Pittsburgh loses to NY, or end their season in another humiliating fashion, some big changes are coming. I also agree with Cole, whoever wins the Metro division is a huge underdog against Boston or Montreal. The winner of Boston/Montreal is playing for the cup, imo.
  20. And Pittsburgh blows two chances to put away NY, and now we go to game seven on Tuesday. Jesus Christ, this fucking team.
  21. 1. Die Hard 2. Terminator 2 3. Predator 4. Rambo 4 5. True Lies 6. Sudden Death 7. The Running Man 8. Die Hard 3 9. Commando 10. Timecop 11. Lethal Weapon 2 12. Cobra 13. First Blood 14. Total Recall 15. Lethal Weapon
  22. I'd like for the Wild to win just so we don't possibly end up with the same conference finals as last year. And Bruins need to lose to.
  23. Damn, NY brought it tonight. Pittsburgh needs to finish it on Sunday.
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