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Olive the other Jiberdeer

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Everything posted by Olive the other Jiberdeer

  1. Hey, look at that. Seann Wiliam Scott's getting work again.
  2. Tell him to follow the trail that the ghost leaves, basically. Divebomb at the dips and pull up for the hills.
  3. Dear Weather, Fuck off. Love TOMK

    1. OctoberRaven


      Floridians like this status.

  4. Yeah, replace that with Anderson and you've got me. Playing as Lesnar will be fun though. Wonder if the Stretch Muffler'll be in the game?
  5. I wish someone would un-clench my anus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobo


      I don't want to know what you're hiding in there.

    3. Olive the other Jiberdeer
    4. ThrillhouseMAX


      I can unclench your anus. I can unclench your anus a whole lot. <_<

  6. Read like Netflix vs. Showtime to me. I'd sooner have the latter because after the blunders Netflix has made within the last month re: trying to kill off their DVD service/price hikes I'd rather have a premium cable network that I can trust to be consistent. Yeah, it was, but the reference was way easier to make with HBO
  7. Netflix is competing with the Home Builders' Organization for the rights to show the new season.
  8. ....I don't care for GOB.

    1. S.V. Ellis

      S.V. Ellis

      I love all of my children equally.

  9. Oh shit, you plus one'd his posts? I guess that shuts up everyone raising legitimate concerns. I just +1'd you, Sham-Sham, so it's legit to raise concerns again.
  10. Granted, it wasn't a question about gameplay or...I don't know...soundtracks, (largely in part because I don't anticipate this game will ever, y'know, see the light of day, but that's a different argument for a different time) but it was a legitimate question. You keep on mentioning the "legal team" - do you actually have one, and if so, why haven't they warned you about the potential ramifications of your (pretty flagrant) misunderstanding of what constitutes a parody? If such a legal team exists, why haven't you gotten them to this thread to answer the questions that we're all posing? If you feel that you're honestly ready to face any legal challenges on the matter, why can't you explain, in plain terms, what argument you have against claims that you're breaching copyright? Why haven't you cracked open a dictionary, let alone a legal text, and figured out what the term parody means? Like I said, I'm not going to ever give a shit about the game unless I believe that it's ever bound to get out of the starting blocks. You're not doing a great job proving that it will, and that's without dealing with any of the actual gameplay or programming. If you have a legal team (or, hell, a friend going to law school), I'd like to hear from them.
  11. EWR didn't because it wasn't sold - broadly speaking, it's not really relevant if it's not a commercial product. It's a grey area, but as Ryland wasn't actively profiting from it, the law would generally be in his favour, I assume. TEW didn't use any copyrighted likenesses etc. for that reason - it's a commercial product. I'm not a football fan, so I don't know a whole lot about this, but at some point during the series didn't the unlicensed names change to become less obvious? "Aragon" and things like that, instead of the more obvious "Manchester Red"? I'd assumed that was after some kind of legal pressure but, as I say, I don't know enough about the specifics. As I said, we'll let the legal team focus on that. If anyone has actual questions about the game I'd be happy to answer them. Two questions, then: 1. Is said legal team fictional? 2. If the answer to number 1 is no, then why haven't you hired a better legal team?
  12. I can't believe that Poison keeps getting snubbed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  13. Should I watch Fringe? Recommend or talk me out of it, EWB.
  14. This seems like two contradictory points to me. Yes, the Doctor wasn't there, but the people who were there instantly "knew" that Daleks, something they had never seen before, couldn't climb stairs. They just jumped to that conclusion, and were shocked when it turned out they were wrong. It was there to play on a pop culture perception of Daleks, and made little sense in the context of the story itself. New Who didn't get good until Tennant's run, and even then it was horribly patchy. I don't recall a single episode with Eccleston that I'd want to watch again, and there's not a single other Doctor that I'd give that distinction. Doesn't help that I find Rose unbearable. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, surely. That was the bright spot of 9th's run.
  15. And if you still don't like the episode, it was Rose's fault.
  16. When it comes to the 9th Doctor, it's not so much the doctor I had problems with as it was Rose. Fuck Rose.
  17. I'll be watching House, Dexter, Doctor Who (in progress already), and Community. I can't decide if I wanna catch up on the Office or not yet, and I've recently started watching the back catalogue of Chuck (in the second season now and am really glad to hear it's been picked up for a fifth) and I'm considering checking out Pan Am and Fringe this season.
  18. I was hoping it'd be Zack Ryder.
  19. I voted 9. Quentin Tarantino creates a certain kind of film, there's no doubt. He has a certain formula - well, maybe not even a formula...I'd suggest a set of ingredients, if you'll allow the awful metaphor - that he sticks to for his films. Obviously, he relies on homage, pithy, profanity-laden dialogue and violence in order to make his films, but for me it's always worked. Furthermore, the number of references to Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs in every-day pop culture is staggering, and I think that level of resonance proves a good director. Pulp Fiction was my favourite, but like others, I've not seen a Tarrantino flick that I didn't, at the very least, like. I think I enjoyed the Kill Bill films more than others here. Jackie Brown grew on me over time, and I even managed to like Death Proof, which was probably the reason he got a 9 rather than a 10. I honestly only recently saw Reservoir Dogs for the first time, and I loved it, but it'll never take Pulp Fiction's place in my mind. That movie was, and still is, the ultimate in cool.
  20. Sounds interesting to me. Rockstar has proven, mostly with LA Noire, that an interesting narative can be woven with facts to produce an entertaining game.
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