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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. I'm on episode 9 (of Geass Season 1)
  2. I saw it tonight, loved it. I think it's better than the first, mostly due to Del Toro's visual influence. I'm heavily considering picking up a volume or two of the comic. I'm intensely curious to know how anyone could've thought of Pan's Labyrinth as a 'children's' fantasy movie when all of the advertising I saw for it screamed 'twisted and dark' fantasy.
  3. Oh,snap! I downloaded from them last night. I think I pushed them over the bandwidth limit. Sorry And what's worse than anime fanfiction is anime/harry potter/labrynth crossover fanfics. My girlfriend's friend incessantly writes stories that she describes like "...so Snape rapes Jerith, and then Naraku...". And all the other characters are directly based off of her and her friends. And she can't even write a coherent sentence. Thank god she doesn't post them anywhere public.
  4. Speaking of Game Informer... http://rockband.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11340 Rockband 2 is gonna be so amazing. I'm gonna be pissed when Guitar Hero 4 sells better
  5. How the hell are they gonna release a cover of a song, then release a master version? Also, I'm hoping the 'Rock Band' cut of My Generation won't be too edited, and will still have most of the bits from Tommy.
  6. has she said when? 'cuz I mean it's one thing to say you're gonna bring a series to an end, it's another to say you're gonna bring a series to an end in another 200 volumes.
  7. Yeah, what episode is this, with Squidward?
  8. Ok, so, I get most of my pr0n through bittorrent. And I can't help but wonder why, in this day in age, do so many people still post movies in the format of two bigass chunks designed to fit on CDs?
  9. This leads to the question: What will be worse- This, or the American Akira remake?
  10. I'm going to be forced to watch Trinity Blood. Quickly! I need opinions. Should I resist? Should I go along with it? What's the consensus on this show I'm aware of yet know nothing about?
  11. 1. Cowboy Bebop 2. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 3. Excel Saga 4. Full Metal Alchemist 5. Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 6. Deathnote 7. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 8. Akira 9. Gantz 10. Hellsing
  12. For what it's worth, I was the second best Ed there. The best was an asian chick, 'cuz the had a fully accurate wig and she was short. The smell wasn't bad, I mean. It smelled like 4,000 people in a medium-sized hotel floor. Also, thanks to the Jouji Nakata panel, I'm interested in Sgt. Frog. edit: Also, a room full of fangirls and an attractive male voice actor will make your ears bleed.
  13. Ehh. I'm not gonna post the pictures in the picture thread. The people there just wouldn't understand. Sadly, I only have 1 day of pictures, since my camera died saturday. Shame I can't get video from a camera to my PC, I got great footage of the Cosplay Chess. Spoiler: Click here to view One of several outfits I never thought I'd see, Ash from Evil Dead. Another outfit I didn't expect: Buckethead I don't watch Bleach. But I've been told this is a scene of some significance. Chii from Chobits. I'm surprised someone came dressed as Major Raikov from MGS3 I don't know who these two are. I just know I was dragged by my arm halfway across the lobby by my girlfriend to get a picture of them. I believe these are from Disgaea Final Fantasy 9? If one picture could sum nerdness, this'd probably be it. Another picture my girlfriend wanted('cuz I think Naruto sucks) An awesome Gantz chick. And Harlequinn. Haji from Blood+. Shoulda got a picture of the coffin. Haruhi and Mikuru Walter from Hellsing Dunno the girl on the right, the girl on the left is from a show called Ikkitousen. I was surprised how many people were dressed up as Ikkitousen characters, 'cuz I didn't think it was at all popular. Just a goth kid. Kenpachi KON! Kyoraku Shunsui I can't count how many L's there were. At a panel we went to, in a fairly small room, there were 7 L's. This kid was the best, 'cuz he was the creepiest. Lucky Star girls. Super Mario Girls. Nabeshin! No Face Okami I'd say Kingdom Hearts was the third most popular, behind Bleach and Naruto Black Sesshomaru. On saturday, my girlfriend came as Sesshomaru. Her costume was really good and she was constantly besieged by people wanting pictures and hugs. She changed out of it after a few hours 'cuz she was sick of the attention. Sumomo from Chobits Team Fortress 2 folk. There was a pretty good doctor running around, but I couldn't get her picture. Another Naruto picture my girlfriend wanted It's over 9000! It was a weird sight, seeing a bunch of cosplaying nerds playing Red Rover and Duck Duck Goose. This was a girl my girlfriend knew from school as Hinata Me and a girl dressed up as Winry. Say what you want about how I look, the bitches loved me in that outfit. And finally, Mansumoto.
  14. yeah, that's him. He's quite a stylish and impressive individual. They do the good autograph signings way too early. The english voices of Ed and Winry from FMA, and the japanese Sailor Moon and Excel do their autograph things at 10 and 11 am. That's just not cool for us folk that gotta drive an hour and a half to get there. Assides from Jouji Nakata, all we've gotten are some english DBZ/Yu Yu Hakusho actors(one of whom took me and my girlfriends' picture, which I thought was pretty cool). edit: I've wanted to see that Count of Monte Cristo-ish anime for the longest tme. Artistically, it looks amazing.
  15. I got more attention from attractive young women today than any other period of time in my life combined. 13 people asked to take my picture. A cute girl hugged me for no reason other than I was Edward Elric. Vic motherfucking Mignogna said I looked 'wonderful'. I got the autograph of the japanese voice actor for Alucard. All in all a productive day, I'd say.
  16. I thought it was great. I also hated the tarzan scene. I don't get why so many people are griping about the aliens. I mean, on other message boards, people are seething with rage over it. "FUCK GEORGE LUCAS! MY CHILDHOOD HAS BEEN RAPED! FUCKING ALIENS? WHAT THE FUCK?! FLYING SAUCERS HAVE NO PLACE IN A 50'S PULP ADVENTURE! RAWR" And it's like, Indiana Jones movies are based off of 30s and 40s pulp adventures, Nazis, lost magical artifacts, mysterious cannibal cults, all that shit. So with the jump to the 50s, it makes perfect sense that the story would revolve around pinkos and flying saucers.
  17. No clue. I've seen every episode of the anime, plus the movie, and I still have no fucking idea.
  18. Ruki, nothing personal, but if there's one thing the internet doesn't need any more of, it's AMVs. And maybe I'm weird, but, I've been perusing google image search, looking at people cosplaying the character's I'm gonna cosplay this weekend(Ed Elric and Urahara). I suddenly don't feel so bad. I think I can beat 3 of the 4 Eds in this picture.
  19. It's already happened, hasn't it? Don't feel bad, I know how it goes... "Omg! You'd look sooo hot as ______. And I got _____'s outfit right here!" "I dunno..." "Please?' "I don't think I wanna..." "Hey! I do wonderful things to your penis on a regular basis!" "... Dammit! You got me. Help me put the wig on." " I'll go put on my Chun-Li outfit!"
  20. Yeah... I mean, I got the hair going, not quite as long, though. She's already got the jacket, gloves and watch. She's working on the shirt/sub-jacket, and yeah, I'm gonna look terrible. Check the picture thread on monday!
  21. Speaking of anime conventions. My girlfriend said the following two sentences to me today "There's an anime con in Durham(an hour away) this weekend." and "You're going as Edward Elric."
  22. I get most of mine from PureTNA, and some from a message board I stumbled upon called Sharehouse.
  23. I impulse bought a Black Mages CD at a local nerd shop. It's pretty awesome.
  24. Most of my favorite bands: The Who, The Misfits, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix(dead before I was even born!), Black Sabbath, The Ramones, probably a few more I can't think of right now.
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