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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. Fucking Cartoon Network! I bet by the time the last episode of Death Note rolls around, they're going to be airing the show at 2 am.
  2. I bet a group of sea-faring obsessive otaku seized the boat shipping new manga to england.
  3. Screw Xenosaga, get Xenogears for PS1. It's my favorite non-Chrono Trigger RPG.
  4. And "I'm not your friend, buddy!" "I'm not your buddy, guy!" "I'm not your guy, friend!" That's going to be re-enacted among my circle of friends for at least a week and a half.
  5. This may be one of the best episodes of the season just for Butters doing "What What In The Butt".
  6. Now more than ever, I hate Kiss. Not 'cuz of how hard the song is, just that I had to hear it 7 times in a row to get this score.
  7. Um. No. The movie was good, but the book was better. They changed things and left things out, such as Dizzy being a guy and no freakin' powered battlesuits. And if you ask me, the way it was done in the movie Rico's thing for Denise Richards' character was total bull. She was a hot piece of ass, but that was about it. Without Michael Ironside as Razchek and Neil Patrick Harris as the psychic and the propaganda bits the movie would have been lame. Incidentally, the military uniforms and helmets (and I think maybe the guns, too) were re-used in the first few episodes of one of the Power Rangers series. Lost Galaxy, I think. Yeah, they changed things and left things out, and thank God they did because most of what they cut out was the heaping mounds of asinine pro-military, pro-corporal punishment rhetoric and "Rawr! I like girls and killin' shit! I'm a Real man!" bullshit that populated about 75% the book. I agree, though, they shoulda kept the power armor in.
  8. I thought Starship Troopers was better than the book. The movie was a cheesy but entertaining sci-fi action thing, but the book was just bad. I dunno, maybe I was missing something, but between the teacher's "We have no crime in our society because we publicly beat criminals and everyone is too ashamed to be beaten in public so no one ever commits a crime, despite the fact that public punishment has never been a deterrent for crime in any other period of human history." and the main characters "Gee golly I sure do love women. I've never kissed one or even had sexual thoughts about one, but they sure are the best thing ever. Yep, the most important thing for a man going into combat is hearing a woman's voice before he's dropped from a space ship." and then his dad being all "Y'see son, when I was a wealthy self-made business man, I pansy faggot with a tiny dick. Now that I've joined the military, I'm a Real Man." I didn't even want to finish it. Yeah, fuck that book.
  9. Has anyone seen a series called Inukami? Would anyone who's seen it be willing to share their opinion on it?
  10. ... If Axl Rose releases Chinese Democracy this year.* http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....0429&EDATE= * Buckethead and Slash are not eligible for a free Dr. Pepper.
  11. I played Final Fight again a couple years ago, and thought it still held up pretty well. Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries was and remains the best mech combat game ever. Most of the NES/SNES platform games are still fun, particularly Super Mario World and Link to the Past. In my opinion, most PS1 games looked god-awful, even most of the better looking ones, when compared to the n64 or PC graphics. Now they look even worse.
  12. Earth Defense Forces 2017. It's cheap, it's old, it doesn't have Xbox live support, and it's a lot of fun.
  13. I don't think that's comedy, I think that's just bad directing. "Fuck planning things out, man. What do I look like, a legitimate artist? I don't care, you guys figure out who goes first." A 2:1 guy-to-girl ratio is my limit in porn scenes Any more than that, and the men seem to smother the women and block the view of her from the camera, so you end up seeing more man back and man ass than anything else.
  14. I think Lucky Star is pretty funny, especially if you like nerd/geek humor/references. The Lucky Channel parts at the end are best though. Then again, I don't see what's so great about Azumanga Daioh, so my opinion may be invalid.
  15. I started playing Saint's Row recently, I know I'm like, the last person on EWB to play it, but I have to say I really like the whole 'inventory full of health restoring items' thing. Not just from a design standpoint, but the principle of squatting down behind a box during a shootout and eating a hamburger is, I think, quite funny. Kraig: If you got an e-mail when the repair center recieved your e-mail, the amount of days it took for the xbox to reach the repair center should be about the same amount of days it'll take to reach you.
  16. Back in Grand Theft Auto 3, my friends and I used to try to make it around the city, punching and fighting as many citizens as I could. We called it Russel Crowe mode, due to the episode of South Park that had just aired.
  17. It'll probably be out tuesday, since tuesday seems to be the official 'new rock band stuff for 360' day. From what I understand, all updates to the playstation network are done on thursday.
  18. Awesome. All of those issues effect me except the 5th and 6th one. The song previews are a great idea, the increased fan caps are great because my Band World Tour partner can't play well on hard yet, the repetitiveness of 'random' songs has made me loathe random songs in BWT, AND Blitzkrieg Bop kicks my ass every time I try to play it.
  19. I use Vegas most often. I like the ability to shuffle my blocks when I'm about to overload a column.
  20. The Street Fighter movie was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. No matter how good this new one is, it won't top the old animated Street Fighter movie.
  21. I got my Xbox back. Well, I got a new Xbox at least, and it was manufactured either in january or march, so I don't have to worry so much about it RRoDing on me again.
  22. is it at all possible to move the time back, say, an hour, or an hour or a half? 10pm, cst is my bed time.
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