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Fanku Kaibutsu

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Everything posted by Fanku Kaibutsu

  1. Game Progress: 13.66% Missions Passed: 16 Missions Failed: 1 Times Busted: 0 Times Died: 1 People Killed: 30 Playing Time: 07:56:35 Longest Non-Stop: 02:29:51 I've spent most of my time aimlessly dicking around.
  2. www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com, For all your hidden pigeon/armor/health/weapon needs.
  3. Well, that was fun for the 5 minutes before i got disconnected.
  4. Multiplayer hates me so much I can't seem to connect to any games.
  5. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a woman with a mosaicked face.
  6. I was browsing around on the in-game internet, it said something about Laslow trying to start up a new station. I can't seem to figure out how to buy alcohol, maybe it's something you gotta unlock like buying clothes. Same with internet dating.
  7. A strange thing happened in line. About 10 minutes until twelve, this fat, burly, ginger man in a baseball coat and cap came up to about mid-line from the front of the line, paced around for a couple seconds, looking at the 200+ people lined up and exclaimed, quite loudly, "I ain't standin' in no fuckin' line!" and then stormed off to his truck.
  8. I'm wondering what kinda line is gonna be at gamestop... There were about 25 people for Guitar Hero 3, and I would imagine there would be more for GTA IV, however Guitar Hero 3 was on a saturday, and it wasn't raining, unlike tonight.
  9. I agree, it is a good idea. I mostly think that because I mentioned the idea a few days ago in the other GTA thread.
  10. This "Negima" sounds a lot like a show called Maburaho that my girlfriend and some of her friends watched, only Maburaho didn't have the upside of a potentially decent story. How is it any different than a real actor playing vastly different characters in films?
  11. I just played Screaming for Vengeance(the song), and I haven't been that thoroughly frightened and confounded by a solo since Jordan.
  12. Goddamn cartoon network. Bad enough they got me staying up 'til 1:30 to see Deathnote, now I gotta stay up 'til 2 for Code Geass.
  13. What about car jousting? Person1 stands on a car while person two drives towards another team. The goal is for the person on the car to kill the other car-rider. Dunno. Just an idea off the top of my head. I don't think the skydiving game'll work, I've heard that parachutes aren't in.
  14. I was looking at a review for The World Ends With You, and it looked pretty cool. That Jump All Stars game looks like a mix of a bunch of stuff I don't like and Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm thinking about getting Metroid Fusion, since I loved the old Metroids.
  15. Oh yeah, those games. Duely noted(In reference to the Phoenix Wright games). I'm not sure about the pokemon games, though. I liked the original blue/red, but for some reason couldn't get into gold/silver. I think what bothered me most was the art style looked more cutesy compared to the original games..
  16. As previously mentioned, I've come into possession of a Nintendo DS. Can anyone recommend particularly good games for the system? I'm heavily considering picking up Advanced Wars(one of them) and Elite Beat Agents. I've already got a few good ones: Mario and Luigi, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Mario DS, but I want more.
  17. I thought it was a great episode. I don't think I've laughed so hard this season as I did during the Randal/ghost bit.
  18. Call me ig'nant, but, aren't these two basically the same genre? And really, does anyone need two 'dance' stations? I'm really looking forward to LPR, since I believe a lot of the content of this station was recored from a special phone number Rockstar set up for people to call into.
  19. Robert Kirkman must have gorilla sized balls. Not balls the size of a gorillas, but each testicle must be the approximate size and mass of an adult primate in order for him to do what he's done in the past few issues of Walking Dead.
  20. Y'know, I didn't really care when the Department of Justice arbitrarily targeted Rob Black for unconstitutional obscenity charges because, well, it's Rob Black, and most of the porn I've seen from his company has been really skeezy, low-rent kinda shit. But now Buttman, owner of Evil Angel and Belladonna's company has been arbitrarily tagged with unconstitutional obscenity charges. Now I'm mildly annoyed that a company I'm mildly a fan of will be inconvenienced with god knows how many court battles and appeals until some circuit court finally says "How many times to we have to explain to you fascists that unless it involves a minor or rape it's not obscene? Case dismissed."
  21. All the time my man...all the time... I also hate when you are searching for a porn star and its as if the video you saw her in is the ONLY thing she seems to have ever done! I think what's worse is when you see a scene with a girl who's really really hot, but then you see other scenes with her, and for some reason she's not nearly as hot in those, either in terms of physical appearance or personality.
  22. Y'ever run across a scene with two of your favorite actresses, and you get all excited, 'cuz you think it's gonna be awesome, like you were before the Marvel/DC crossover, then you see it, and it's poorly directed and kind of a lame scene, and you end up disappointed, like you were after the Marvel/DC crossover?
  23. I'm hoping spike strips make a comeback in this game. They were the best part of police chases in Vice City, it's a shame they were taken out of San Andreas.
  24. It is, actually. I'm awake and lucid at midnight, I'm tired at 12:30, I'm barely awake by 1, which is apparently it's new time slot, and I have a headache by 1:30, which is when it's over.
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