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Everything posted by cmb211087

  1. Aye, it's 3-1 now though :-( we aint good
  2. De Vita is fit, and can play well, and well Derbyshire is on now as well. Even so this was the game to play some youth like we did last year against Everton, not play our 'strong' team and get raped. edit: 3-0
  3. Don't know what the hell Hughes is doing, he has put Berner at right back when he's a left back, got two left midfielders on the pitch in Treacy and Pedersen, and is playing one striker in McCarthy Ah well, alot of the prem sides are losing, could be a good fa cup this year
  4. Man we have been poor recently, we have hit the post twice and crossbar once, and Benni is a greedy fool. Shudda passed it to Treacy who had an open net but instead just shot straight at the keeper. I need to change my sig edit: Coventry penalty.......2-0
  5. Well done.....anyway this Lance Davids we are supposed to be signing looks to be good, I'd rather have him than Sav
  6. Just what we deserve really, Miller dived anyway. We still woulda won if they went 2-0 up, we seem to like our comebacks recently
  7. What a wierd match we just had! 3 goals in the space of 3 first half minutes, then our second goal ruled offside then ruled onside! 2-2 was a good result really
  8. Like Simon didn't know before Rhydian sang the song. Calling him leon, telling him that his mum was proud whatever happened, the lines closing two minutes after Rhydian sang whilst Leon had atleast 10 mins for people to vote for him based on the two songs. Wrong man won imo and Simon knows it, he is losing so much money
  9. Ha, sometimes you just have to laugh
  10. He def deserved that, Mayweather was the better boxer tonight
  11. Llllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeets get ready to suuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Wrong forum?? oh This aint good guys...
  12. Does Manfredo ever win? I mean seriously, every time I've watched him he has lost
  13. I know he was in a fight, but I came in during the de leon escebado fight, man this one sucks know wonder calzaghe killed em both!
  14. This should be a good fight, but Calzaghe has done both over, heh
  15. de leon vs escobedo? yeah, wtf was that all about??
  16. A, watching on espn with some wierd american commentary, kinda sounds mexican, christ
  17. It was never a penalty but the amount of times Carragher should of had a penalty given against him and hasn't this season, it warms me inside, just a little
  18. TBF Summers I did say you guys should have had another penalty in an earlier post. Like I said, the ref and his assistants were appaling all evening, for both teams
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