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Everything posted by cmb211087

  1. Trailer is up: http://www.whysoserious.com/happytrails/trailer.htm
  2. Very good set of results for us today Next week should be fantastic and I can not wait, just wondering where the villa fans sit on things, because if we beat Birmingham we send them down but could take your Euro spot if you draw at West Ham....
  3. Just watched Wednesdays episode on the I player, nice of them all to bully Sara at the end, well except Raef and Lucinda. Can see what's going to happen on the next show from a mile away and it should make for some good viewing!
  4. Someone hasn't kept up with the news That version was won in a raffle by one of the guys who went along to the things on monday. To win, you had to accept that it would get showed to the world (ie on youtube). It's legit (the raffle was done by warner in chicago), but not the trailer that will be coming out on sunday.
  5. Shut the fucker up when we did the same shit back to him in October, with our own bells. Still annoyed the hell out of me mind. All I could hear on sky sports during the match was that fucking bell!! And Santa Cruz, £3.5m and 21 goals, that's just awesome. Just hope next season he doesn't get Benni McCarthy syndrome
  6. Isn't the point that you don't use your own name, and you have to convince them that you are one of the 3 wanted men, so you get the package which was meant for them, and thus find out where they are heading? Least that's how I read it.
  7. I got it and didn't even do the phonecall, was like wtf is this, until I realized its to do with the film
  8. It's part of the sig, easy enough to figure really, but on topic, you gotta remember the mo caps where done by Daniels and Lo Ki so if some don't look right thats why.
  9. My site will have videos and screens from Midways upcoming gamers day, which is held this friday. They are showing off things like Ultimate X, Create a wrestler etc to the press, and we will be there, should be good. Will have the trailer uploaded too when Midway put it up for download in their press area, even though that means little, as you can just look at the link in the post above me, but yeah, thought I'd share that info
  10. Seems like they have put in features for regens that they couldn't put in for real players due to legal reason, one of my youth players missed training because he was in a night club the night before, and another got banned for drug use! First saw this in 2011 hence me thinking it's only for regens, looking forward to getting more like these as I get further into the damn game
  11. What exactly is happening with the Liverpool owners? That Hicks fella seems a bit of a twat,,,,,seen the latest? http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_3407566,00.html
  12. From the looks of the pictures it seems he sliced frim his lip right down to his chin.....which would be pretty nasty
  13. cmb211087

    South Park

    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU The original youtube video of what what in the butt. Not as funny as butters singing it but thought id throw it out here! I'm not your buddy, guy!! Awesome episode
  14. Tugay!! How else do you explain getting booked for shirt pulling then doing it again two minutes later
  15. You should actually try doing it some time, that shit is fun. We did it once at the velodrome in Manchester, used for the commonwealth games, never had so much fun on a bike before, knowing if I stop peddaling, my ass is going over my head and i'm getting hurt, releases a lot of adrenaline! Watching it is good too, especially when it is as close as it has been in these championships, by that I mean Britain winning practically everything in sight.....
  16. There are videos on ign of create a finisher and the new tag matches, they actually seem pretty good, but as always with THQ and Yukes, I'm not holding out for this being a good game
  17. Something I noticed last night, the right wingers dropping way too deep and mostly in the center instead of the wings, the right backs playing where the right wingers should have, and the strikers, well mostly Rooney and Owen, being closer to the corner flag than the penalty spot. It was a bit wierd down that right hand side. And the penalty was not James' fault really, that idiot Terry tried to play the offside trap when the ball and Anelka were already past him, what the hell?
  18. Oh my......just seen it, good god
  19. I'm confused, what's Jewell done :S
  20. Yes I would also like to thank West Ham and Bolton no matter how much that hurts me Everton have the uefa spot in the bag but I just have to feel like 6th is ours. Bloody Fa Cup being great this year didn't help matters though
  21. Oh have I ever said how much I love Sunderland and Tottenham? No? Well as of today I do, back into the Europe hunt we are thanks to them
  22. Hmm, just did this thing........ My hate for Newcastle shows no bounds.....oh and Arsenal as well Although I also have rovers finishing 9th and not getting Europe.....interesting
  23. Other way around, according to Martin Tyler. It's odd, because when the papers corrected Wenger they had United first and Everton second. Arteta, Bentley and Young are the three most fouled players.
  24. "Almost immediately" meaning later on that evening, right? Those comments that were apparantly made in the heat of the moment and yet strangely repeated to two TV stations, radio and the written press? Wenger only retracted them because he realised how big a hole he'd dug for himself, not because he thought he'd overreacted. Same day though. But what was the papers and Sky and BBC's headlines? "Wenger calls for Taylor to be banned for life...oh, yeah and then he retracted them, but he still said he should be banned forever!" was how it was reported for the next week. Straight away when I saw it (and I'd wager the majority of Arsenal fans) I wanted Taylor's head, but after consideration I changed my mind. Now picture Arsene Wenger who works with Eduardo day-in, day-out and on top of that has to do interview, after interview after the game. He was probably seething for a while after it. Also, what is more important; checking up on your player or apologising for a comment?
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