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Everything posted by cmb211087

  1. If your graphics card is not capable of running the 3d, it will not run the game at all, unless SI have fixed this for the patch on friday.
  2. Loans are great this year to be honest, you can get pretty much anyone, as long as you pay the up front fee his team asks for, got vela on loan for the season for £3.5m upfront, totally worth it as he is tearing other teams apart, and by the end of the season, price money and stuff that he has helped me win, will go towards buying him, as it will be much easier because he has played for me.
  3. Curryman comes out with daniels entrance and moveset. Jesus christ midway
  4. Got the game from thq today (review code for my site), only problem is, I can't play it as they sent me ps3 version and not 360 version
  5. He was, in the center of the pitch, and had no chance of scoring or anything from the resulting handball, which actually hit his shoulder. Watching it in slow mo, as they did on motd highlights, makes it look like he put his hand up on purpose, however watching it in normal pace, he gets pushed and his arms go up, the ball hits it.
  6. Listed twice for me too. Checked them and they are not different, so don't know what the hell is going on.
  7. Feels like 2008 with a crappy 3d engine added on, loads of bugs, pretty poor to be honest. If the patch on the release day (which has been confirmed) fixes and adds more stuff, then I will buy, if not then I will be waiting until next year
  8. No link as you need to download steam to download the demo at superfast speeds, and by superfast I mean downloaded 1gb in ten minutes or less. Or you could wait for the news of the world link and get it at a snails pace.
  9. On one of the past previews, it stated that on the career mode you can have your wrestler as a raw, ecw, legend or another secret brand supersta, which I am guessing is wCw. Hopefully you unlock it in rtw, as an invasion storyline, done proper, would kick ass. Oh and how the hell is Hornswoggle going to work, seeing as the moves will just look silly. Hopefully he is just part of Finlays finisher or something like a cutscene in rtw.
  10. Playing for Hull reserves, first game, ball comes in, player hits it, keeper saves it, rebounds to me and im one on one with the open net. I press circle and the ball goes to the corner flag. Why oh why did I not remember the controls aint the same as fifa
  11. You can't, and ea say they will not put it in any patch either, because they basically can not be assed.
  12. Yes it has, in the article on Ign confirming the new mystery game mode
  13. Its only exhibition v2 really. No storylines, no cut scenes, just matches.
  14. Yeah, the first ep leaked about 3 weeks ago, as it usually does every season.
  15. Thats just the way the game is, if the team has no players, grey players who have stats similar to the positions and levels they would be playing in, will take their place. You can also sign the greys, excellant if you are a lower leage manager with no transfer money and no players wanting to join you, as the greys will join you everytime I think. On one of the past games, they used to be immense and better than the real players.
  16. They say they did not complain, it was the stewards themselves that decided to review the incident.
  17. Well Ferrari have come out and said there was nothing wrong with the pass, so there ya go, even they think the stewards are cunts.
  18. And then he let Kimi get past him straight away, and just before the next turn overtook him again, which is legal, but not according to the stewards apparantly, despite Mclaren being told otherwise.
  19. I once watched the full match, checked afterwards after having one of these matches and the stats said I had around 25 shots on target etc, when I clearly did not
  20. As the famous si forums would tell you, it's your tactics Na that is so annoying, atleast in 09 the ass man will tell you why their keeper is playing like he is superman.
  21. Except it wasn't a dangerous release because how the hell where they to know that they would get wheel spin and no grip, thus slowing them down and putting them in the path of the other car? It was not a fair decision as it was bloody unavoidable, where as Massa's was avoidable and he only got a fine. Also, I am not ignoring the point, that makes mine more valid I think, as without the penalty, Senna would have got points and thus caught up a bit, now he is still 12 points behind (I think? The site has not been updated so yeah...).
  22. Tell that to Bruno Senna yesterday, given a stop and go penalty for doing something similar, but nowhere near as bad, as Massa did last time (he got released, the track was wet, the car had wheel spin and so couldnt pull off properly and he had to tuck in behind the oncoming car instead of going infront of it), and thus meaning he has practically lost the gp2 title. You can't have stewards with double standards. Also, Kimi overtook Lewis under double waved yellows, after Lewis had moved to avoid hitting the stranded car of Rosberg, so yeah, I stick with my point. Stewards are biased for Ferrari.
  23. The fact last time out, Massa nearly caused a major crash in the pit lane and only got fined, and this time out, Hamilton passes at a corner, lets Kimi get back through, and then passes him again and yet still gets a 25 second penalty, just smacks me of Ferrari bias.
  24. First DLC are Curry Man and Maple Leaf Muscle Petey Williams. A screencap of curry man is below in its design stage: Afro Thunder and Suicide will be unlockable characters in the game. A screencap of Afro Thunder is below:
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