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Everything posted by Reddaye

  1. I agree with you Gabriel in the fact that it sucks seeing teams tank on purpose in order to rebuild but I don't think your suggestion really helps the situation. The current draft system is far from perfect but it's much better than what you're suggesting. I go to Chicago as an example. Here's an original six team that was struggling in the standings and having a hard time drawing fans for quite a while as a result. I don't believe they "tanked" on purpose but they ended up getting good draft positions. They used the picks to collect together an exciting young team and the entire franchise is on a big up swing because of it. The draft system let a team rebuild itself and turned it around from a franchise that was having some really poor years into one of the big franchises in terms of popularity and talent. The same thing goes for Washington. They were doing poorly and getting that early pick netted them a superstar that has helped turn the entire franchise around. Later picks like Semin, Green, and Backstrom have helped turn them turn into a serious contender. Right now you've got teams like Atlanta, Long Island, and Tampa Bay that are in need of a boost. In the case of Tampa and Atlanta they need to not only get better teams but they need to get people into their building. The best way to do it is to make a vibrant and successful team. Usually the best way to do it is by getting good picks. If everything was random teams like San Jose, and Detroit could just as easily get the first pick in the next draft. Do San Jose or Detroit need a player like say Tavares, or Hedman? IMO they don't. Could a struggling team like the Thrashers, Islanders, or Lightning use a player like that to make them competitive again and help draw people to their games? I'd say so. The system as it is now helps give struggling teams a boost when they need it.
  2. I know we can rebuild and still be competitive, I'd just rather see us get a better chance at a nice draft pick. Not that it'll happen but Tavares in Toronto would be huge (if he lived up to expectations). I like it when the team wins games, but it doesn't really piss me off when they lose either. Kind of a double edged sword I guess. As far as assets go I always kind of thought Kaberle was at the top of the heap. Of course his play this season hasn't been too stellar so that might hurt. There's also the no trade clause which makes moving him around a bit tough. Aside from that you'd think he'd be our best ace since defensemen of his caliber are usually quite sought after. Not saying Antropov isn't a good asset. He's been having a great season.
  3. I'd be surprised to see them take Leclaire too. I'm personally with the camp right now that would just rather see them drop like a rock down the standings. Maybe that means I'm not a "true fan" but in my opinion the best way to rebuild is just like you said: stockpile picks and suck bad enough to get you a good first round pick. It sucks to see the team lose but look what it did for Washington. Their entire youth core was built through the draft. I'd love to see the Leafs do the same.
  4. Did you find these sliders online? I'm having the same problem myself with the opposition teams not getting any decent offense at all. When the Leafs are beating the Red Wings 4-0 and leading in shots with 42-12...there's something wrong.
  5. Supposedly Columbus sent some scouts to watch the Leafs/Sabers game last night. They're interested in (from what was said) getting Antropov and either Kubina or Kaberlie. The push is on for the Jackets to make the playoffs since they're only a point back from being in the fold. Pascal Leclaire's name has been thrown around a bit as someone Columbus is looking to unload. Of course no one knows what's going on after the horrible game the Leafs played last night.
  6. Once you figure out the trick to each level they're pretty easy. Use Bounce/Break for your EX weapons, charge them up and direct them towards the enemies and you'll tear through 90% of the levels without much trouble. I use the Sword/Shield for my regular weapons but rarely use them. Half the fun is creating your own levels and sending them out over the internet and shit. I wish Treasure would do some more DS games. Another Gunstar or Guardian Heroes would rock.
  7. A few suggestions with no particular theme: - Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (Adventure) - Trace Memory (Adventure) - Mario Kart DS (Racing) - Yoshi's Island DS (Platformer) - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Platformer) - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (Platformer) - Meteos (Puzzle) - Contra 4 (Action) - Space Invaders Extreme (Action) - Tetris DS (Puzzle) - Locke's Quest (Strategy) - Clubhouse Games (Parlor Games) - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (RPG) - The World Ends With You (RPG) - Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Puzzle Adventure) - Bangi-O Spirits (Action) I could keep going for days but you get the idea. The DS doesn't lack quality games.
  8. 1. Mega Man 9 (Multi) This game just kicks ass, it's that simple. Although I found it a bit easier than a few of the other titles in the series; MM9 is just a joy to play. I grew up playing Mega Man and after about three minutes playing this game I remembered why I loved them so much. The levels challenge you but the more you play the better you get. Wily's Castle is absolutely brutal to the point of making me cringe just thinking about it. Combine that with the insane achievements and challenges and you've got yourself one hell of a game IMO. 2. NWN2: Storm of Zehir (PC) Branching, non linear adventure?! Full party creation?! Excellent dialog?! Choices/Consequences?! YES PLEASE! Obsidian continue to prove why they house some of the best RPG creating talent alive. Although Storm of Zehir's storyline won't win any awards the unforgiving exploration and ability to totally create your party hearkens back to a time when RPGs were in their prime. The camera is still a whore but I'm willing to overlook that little foible and enjoy an immense experience. Fantastic expansion that probably even tops Mask of the Betrayer in my book. 3. Grand Theft Auto 4 (Multi) Bashing GTA 4 seems to be the hip thing to do in some necks of the woods lately. Although the game got hyped to the high heavens it's one example of a game that I feel lived up to it. I'm slightly bummed by not being able to buy businesses and such but the more down to earth storyline made up for it in many ways. The added realism helped you step into the world of Liberty City in a way I've never seen before and I feel it made the game something special. 4. Fable 2 (X360) I really enjoyed the original Fable when it was released on the XBOX a few years back despite it's flaws. This time around I feel that Lionhead totally nailed that sweet spot they were seemingly going for in the original. The areas are large and filled with lots of secrets; so that you feel like you're actually exploring Albion instead of walking through outdoor corridors. The ability to customize your character has been greatly improved with more clothes, hair, weapons, and plenty of other goodies. Even the dog was a joy to have around which shocked the hell out of me. 5. Bangi-O Spirits! (DS) Treasure kick fucking ass. Everything they make completely and utterly rocks my fucking socks right off my feet. Bangai-O Spirits! is not a game for the casual gaming enthusiast. Don't pick this game up if you like to blow through every level in one try and finish the entire thing in a few hours. At least a quarter of the levels in this game kill me within the first five seconds. FIVE FUCKING SECONDS. That's just enough time for the thirty enemies on screen to launch about a thousand missiles at me, thus reducing my little Bagai-O into a pile of ash. That's not to say it's impossible to beat the game...it just takes the right strategies and weapon load outs. 150 standard levels, a ton of puzzle levels, and a stage creator (which transfers level through the use of sound...it's wild) make this game the best thirty bucks I've spent in a long time. Another winner from Treasure. 6. NHL 09 (Multi) I never put sports games in my lists. It's almost become a sort of unofficial rule with me over the years when this sort of topic comes around. When I was coming up with my top 10 I'd keep coming back to NHL 09 though. The fact is I've never played a sports game as much as this. For the last two months, even with all the great games that have come out, I keep going back to NHL 09. This game has already stolen at least a hundred hours of my life and it's only been out for a few months. Easily the most complete hockey game released, and probably the game that has finally unseated NHL 94 as the best hockey game ever released. Maybe not as fun to play at parties as NHL Hitz, but NHL 09 is just such a well rounded game. 7. Fallout 3 (Multi) For as many issues as I have with this game (and I have many) I still feel it's a great game. Bethesda may have made a lackluster Fallout sequel, but they managed to make a very engaging post apocalyptic action adventure game. At earlier levels wandering the Wastes feels like it should...daunting and almost scary. Practically everything you meet can and probably will harm you given the proper chance. The main storyline is about as crap as they come but Fallout 3 is more than it's storyline. It's mostly about being able to wander and explore a massive landscape finding fun and adventure. The RPG elements are a huge step up from all of Bethesda's previous work so it gives me hope for the future. Here's hoping the expansions will be worth the money. 8. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) I'm torn about this game. Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 are two of my personal favorite games from a storyline perspective. They're a bit off the wall but keep things rather tightly knit so things remain cohesive and comprehensible. Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of the most vile pieces of dog trash I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Well...it's not THAT bad...but it's still a huge letdown. That's where MGS4 kind of tears in two for me. I feel a connection to Solid Snake, EVA, Ocelot, Otacon, and the others. Their appearances in MGS 1/3 made me love them...but 4's connection to the horrible storyline of the second game really makes things strained for me. Most of the nonsensical storyline problems created in the second game are conveniently explained away by nanomachines and many of the deaths just feel tacked on to elicit some kind of emotion of the player. The relationship that Meryl ends up in just seems out of place and the Beauty & The Beast Unit was dire. That said the gameplay is probably the best in the series and the last two-three hours of storyline are some of the most emotionally charged in any form of media. I feel it ranks third overall in the series which is quite a feat considering it's siblings. 9. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Rare seems to be getting back into form. Viva Pinata is a real pleasure (haven't played the sequel yet sadly) and now Banjo-Kazooie can be added back to the list. Instead of trying to fall back on the same tired Rareware collect-a-thons they tried something different. Being able to build your own vehicles and use them to complete challenges in the best way you see fit is surprisingly enjoyable. Running/driving/flying around looking for new parts and other objects helps make the game feel like a classic Banjo title. Since I'm personally getting sick of shooting Mutants, Nazis, Aliens, Terrorists, and Mutant-Nazis from Outer Space in every single game on the shelves; Nuts & Bolts serves as a really refreshing experience. 10. Braid (X360) This game is probably the closest a game has ever come to being art. Jonathan Blow may be a bit of a pretentious asshole but he sure knows how to make a great game. The visuals alone were enough to make me run up more money on my credit card. When I actually got to playing the quality of the music blew me away, and the mind bending puzzles had me throwing my controller against the wall in anger while I smiled and laughed with joy at how devilishly difficult things were getting. Braid even has a quality storyline which subtlety drops hints throughout the duration of the game like little bread crumbs for you to follow. XBOX Live had some great downloadable games this summer...and Braid easily stands above practically all of them. Honorable Mentions: Bionic Commando: ReArmed, Castle Crashers, Dead Space, and Galaga Legions. Dishonorable Mentions: Spore, Iron Man, Mercenaries 2, and Prince of Persia.
  9. A coworker told me about LB USA a few days ago and said it was hilarious. I managed to catch an episode last night and found it amusing at best. A few of the sketches were quite funny but overall I can't say I enjoyed it too much. Probably worth seeing another few episodes before I make a really solid judgement.
  10. I thought I heard something about them actually making a Matt Hazard game for 360 and PS3. All of this fluff was just a form of promotion. Was I lead astray?
  11. Spoiler: Click here to view Wonder how he managed to pile all the bodies? Is there anyway to do that in the 360 version? I know Oblivion had it mapped to one of the bumpers...
  12. I'm just talking about the main quest here. The side quests are fine overall as far as I'm concerned. I meant the same thing when I was talking about Oblivion. Hell...Oblivion didn't even have different endings. Not to derail things but in Oblivion the best examples I have are: you can't join Dagon's cult, can't join the Necromancers, can't join Blackwood company, the situation with LaChance ends the same way no matter what. There's no variation on how these stories play out...no matter what you do it all ends the same. The game FORCES you down one path in the stories and you can't diverge from it at all. Sure you can go fuck around in the woods but I'm talking about making choices in the story quests that actually changes the story to give you many different paths to take; making things more fresh for different playthroughs. You can get sidetracked in these games...fuck knows I've spent hours just wandering around collecting scrap metal and sugar bombs. I'm just saying that the main storyline is the same every time you play...excluding the ending in Fallout 3's case. The way you tackle the main quests can be done in different ways but ultimately none of the decisions you make ie: Spoiler: Click here to view...talking Eden into deactivating itself... ...will make the story any different either way you decide to go. The choice in Megaton is a side quest...not a main quest. The choices made in the MAIN STORY quests do not alter the path of the storyline at all...it's the game story exactly every time you play. Spoiler: Click here to view- Dad dies. - Brotherhood of Steel wins. - Enclave loses. - You join up with the Brotherhood after escaping Raven Rock. - Super Mutants lose. Maybe for the sake of making a cohesive story it's best that none of those particular variables change but it'd be nice if you could have more influence on how the story evolves throughout based on your actions and choices during the main quests.
  13. Did... did you even play.. Fallout 3? EDIT: I'll make my point more clear now that I read this back to myself... Ultimately what I was trying to say was that no matter what you do in the storyline it doesn't diverge in any way until the very end of the game. In every situation the outcome is always going to be the same, and so you'll continue down the same basic storyline every single time. Instead of offering a few different paths to the final showdown (different alliances, for example) you're basically forced along a linear story progression where your choices in (main) quests have no real bearing on the storyline at all. The particular choice you make during a conversation with Eden is a good example. No matter what you say with him the outcome will have NO effect on how the story moves forward...you're going down the exact same path no matter what. None of your choices in the story before the end of the game have any consequences at all on how the story moves forward. Go play VtM: Bloodlines, or Arcanum (especially Arcanum) and you'll have a better perspective of what I mean. A single choice in either of those games can completely change the entire course of the rest of the main quest. Practically every situation has five different outcomes with equally as many ways to tackle them, never forcing you to pick the same allies every time. EVERY action has a consequence that is felt through the rest of the story. Fallout 3 does a better job of not forcing you along like say Oblivion, but it still missed the boat on a few chances to make multiple playings of the storyline totally different experiences.
  14. Well I'm going to give Bethesda a bit of a break in regards to the Brotherhood of Steel heading to the East Coast. Although it goes against what's been established in previous games Van Buren was going to feature a group of BoS in Arizona who were formed to do some East Coast exploration. Obviously Van Buren doesn't exist so it's not canon; but Black Isle were seemingly thinking along those lines. Fuck, Black Isle planned on merging all the gun skills into one skill...now THAT is a bad idea. My biggest problem is that Bethesda basically reused the storyline from the original two games and mashed them together. This wouldn't be so bad if they didn't rail road you along the main quest with practically no ability to diverge off the beaten path to maybe freshen things up. The whole thing is an improvement over Oblivion and Morrowind, but a far cry from the games that Fallout 3 takes it's name from. Sean D Man nailed it when he said that Bethesda moved the game to the East for a fresh start and then just ended up reusing old Fallout concepts that don't fit overly well. I like Fallout 3 well enough. Easily in my top ten games released this year, but it just sucks to see the canon that Tim Cain and Black Isle labored over so much in the original game (that, according to some was ruined in the second game) have so many holes punched in it because of lazy writing. At least lazy in my opinion, which is far from the gospel. I was looking forward to Emil Pagliarulo heading things up after how good the Dark Brotherhood quest line in Oblivion was, and of course his work on the original Thief games. Fuck knows it's better than Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel though.
  15. So are mole rats but I doubt you'd find their milk laying around in bombed out elementary schools. But that's not really a big deal. It's just the niggling little details that previous Fallouts usually covered that Bethesda didn't. Yeah, it's a pretty small thing to argue about, I'll agree. The game IS good...maybe not as good as the originals, but still good. Here's another less than stellar review (72/100) that I think does a better job of pointing out the flaws of the game IMO. Computer Games.ro Just posting a few of these to get some discussion flowing. Good or bad.
  16. You see that point right there? At the start? That's when I stopped reading. Fucking assholes. Sooooo...basically you didn't read the review at all and suddenly go into a turmoil because they're not automatically sucking Bethesda's cock? I'll admit NMA are pretty hard on Bethesda at times, but the fact is that the review is fairly positive especially towards the end. VD praises a number of the quests for being well thought out, offering multiple paths, etc, etc. Like I said though...they could be a bit nit picky over the little things, but when you see the time and effort Bethesda go to in order to make their worlds feel alive and then you've suddenly got bottles of milk that have been laying around for two hundred years that replenish health it's a bit of a stretch. Not the end of the world obviously, but it's something to question. Good thing you never go to the RPG Codex...you'd have an aneurysm looking at the crap they sling around. And just out of curiosity, what about Van Buren sounded like a 'load of shit?' I thought it sounded pretty promising myself.
  17. Well No Mutants Allowed finally posted a review of the game, which is surprisingly positive. I'd be wary of possible spoilers for those of you who haven't completed most of the quests. NMA Fallout 3 Review Some people will blow a lot of this off as being nit picky, but the fact of the matter is when you're throwing the number three behind something you should really focus on keeping the setting cohesive and sensible. The originals went into a lot of detail to make things sensible and fairly realistic (for the most part). Anyways it's a good review that I mostly agree with. Much more positive than I ever expected a NMA review of the game to be considering their history.
  18. Plug: Good Old Games carries Fallout 1,2, and Tactics for about six bucks a piece. DRM free and optimized to work with XP and Vista depending on your poison. CD Projekt of The Witcher fame run the place so it's reliable enough for those people who are nervous about that sort of thing. http://www.gog.com/en/frontpage/ Lot's of awesome games on there. Unreal Tournament GOTY, Sacred Gold, Jagged Alliance, Wing Commander... *drools*
  19. I won't mark this as a spoiler since it's pretty vague: in a dumpster behind the diner. Also in something completely unrelated...Fawkes kicks all kinds of ass. That is all. EDIT: That's not all. How the fuck am I able to loot a Power Armor, Power Armor Helmet, Laser Rifle, and Energy Cells from a pile of ashes? That's a bit fucking wacko.
  20. Well I dicked around with the demo and thought it was enjoyable. I'd rather not have the whole "follow the red stuff" thing holding my hand the entire time but that's something I can live with. HOWEVER, isn't radio wave transmission supposed to be monitored by the government or some shit? If so, why in the fuck is Faith getting all her instructions through a fucking radio? Seems kind of counter productive...unless they explained it somewhere in the game.
  21. I'd say The Sopranos Season 1. Honestly pretty well everything from the show up until the last season was fantastic but I feel Season 1 perfectly caught that balance between family life and mafia life. David Chase and company just never seemed to perfectly strike that balance again IMO.
  22. About what I expected. Short game with a linear path and no replay value. Basically not worth spending the sixty bucks. Guess I'll wait for a price drop. Thank God...all I needed was MORE stuff to play right now.
  23. The ability to manipulate time and space isn't Godlike? I've always considered Hiro one giant Deus Ex Machina to be honest. If something bad happens he can just go back in time and fix it. Need to stop something from happening now? Just stop time and fix it. Need to escape from being a captive? Teleport out. About to be shot? Stop time and step out of the way. When he doesn't use his abilities in this situation I'm usually left scratching my head as to why. If someone runs away from him and he loses them, why not just stop time and go find him/her? Someone gets killed...why not go back in time and put a stop to it? Even if he keeps failing he could continue to hit the 'reset button' and continually go back until he gets it right. Honestly I'd be happy if Hiro, by some turn of events, was just able to teleport. Hell if there was some limit to his abilities beyond his own moral sense of duty it would be great. The fact is he's only human, and humans can wander from their own morale codes just as easily as anyone. Season one spoiler... Spoiler: Click here to viewIn season 1 Hiro seemed to be losing his powers and felt he needed to get that Samurai sword in order to regain his powers. How nice would it have been to have his powers tied more directly to the sword? When he has it he can do everything he does now with little problem. Without it he loses those abilities...or at least they weaken the longer he's not near the sword. That would have made things a bit more interesting IMO.
  24. Well then by all means my good man...go enjoy your sweets. I actually need to get some caps together to make Charon my new friend. I need someone with guns to help me out. Dog Meat is nice and all..but if he had a machine gun grafted to his forehead he'd be a lot more helpful.
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